Harry Potter Death's Apprentice

Author's notes Edited 8/31/2014

Warnings: Rated M (NC-17?) for a reason. Underage sex (13+), intimacy, bdsm; off-screen character death, language. If these offend you, skip this story.

All H.P. Characters belong to the rich lady in England.

I checked the internet and found " s/5282929/1/Harry-Potter-and-The-Apprentice-of-Death" this is not that story as far as I know, I haven't read it. However there are a lot of ideas taken from other fan fiction stories. Where I remember where the idea came from credit is given, otherwise I'm sorry I did not give appropriate credit. The idea for the relics of fate comes from the book "The Three Fates" by Nora Roberts, the luck of the fates comes from there also, as far as I know the rest of it's mine. Death and the Rite of AshkEnte comes from the Discworld Series by Terry Pratchet, specifically the bits with Rincewind in them.

Idea's swiped from "Partially Kissed Hero."; Luna is related to the Darlings (Peter Pan, Wendy Moira Angela Darling is her great x ? grandmother), the Sands (Babes in toyland, Tommy Sands and Mary Contrary, x? Grandparents, gypsies, elves, etc, Christmas / toy maker fey?), the Liddells (Alice in Wonderland, Alice Pleasance Liddell, and her sister (Luna's aunt / great aunt?) Edith still lives and can travel to wonderland and back, it is a fey realm),

The five horsemen are an out take from Pratchets books also.

Mort is death (Terry Pratchet); Ares is war(greek); Artemis is plague(greek), Erra is famine(mesopotamina), and Eris is chaos(greek).

Thanks go to my new editor JS for some corrections, dialog, descriptions, and ideas on all of those things.

-HP DA- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -HP DA- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Location: Godric's Hollow.

Date: October 31, 1981.

Time: 15 minutes till Midnight.

A hooded female figure stands in the shadows of the Potter cottage at Godric's Hollow. She appears to be holding an odd three sided statue in her hand, the side closest to her is a woman with one eye and a pair of shears. The statue blinks. The figure disappears. The roof of the cottage explodes outwards.


Location: Death's abode. A stone adobe hut, gray on black, with a slate stone roof, sitting in a black field, the grass surrounding it is black on black.

Time: The Space between one blink and the next.

Fate: "Damn it DEATH there were only supposed to be two deaths tonight, not three. What happened?"

Death: "You know Atropos for being in charge of cutting threads in the weave, you should pay more attention to the shears. There were two deaths tonight."

Fate: "Bollocks! I saw the life leave James and Lilly Potter and Tom Riddle turned to ash! It was supposed to be just James and Tom! What happened?"

Death: "You botched your prophecy, it wasn't fulfilled."

The statue turns, a woman with a spinning wheel now faces the one called fate. Fate: "WHAT! I've never botched a prophecy, it's not possible for me to!"

Death: "Take it up with the boss then Clotho, not me. I just do the work. You spin, you measure, you cut, I just collect. No one who's time has come has ever escaped me. You should realize by now though that prophecies are doggy things, even for us, and no one not even you knows what they mean until after they've been fulfilled. Maybe the boss knows but they sure don't share that with me."

Fate: "I'm FATE damn it! Gods tremble before me, mortals bow to my whims in fear, all is within MY domain!" The walls shake, Fate's voice surrounds Death seemingly coming from everywhere, an invisible storm of noise battering against Death's body as she yells.

Death: "Ah ha ha ha. That's rich! Make sure you tell the boss that next time you see them. You know very well that I DO NOT ANSWER TO YOU. Neither does the boss. You were not here before the spark, and will not be after the last light is extinguished. Think what you will, but the truth is."

Fate: "The truth is WHAT?"

Death: "It just is. Nothing more or less."

Fate: "DAMN IT! This gets me no where. How do I fix this catastrophe?"

Death: "Oh, you want advice do you? I can't offer you any, generally speaking you're above my grade, power wise. Besides which, it's your prophecy. If it can be fixed, you have to fix it. That's if it's even broken."

Fate: "What do you mean, not broken?"

Death: "Look, what do I know about prophecies? Go ask the Delphi Oracles or something."

Fate: "You know better then anyone that I can't allow the dead to help the living."

Death: "Well, the last time I helped the living it was a disaster, two out of three of the idiots failed their tests miserably. One didn't even live long enough to have children, which is the basic rule as you know. There must be balance, life leads to death, death feeds life. Botched the plan for the Hallows up but good."

Fate: "So you won't help me?"

Death: "You're not listening. BALANCE! I can't help you! There must be a balance, as you very well know."

Fate: "Then how did you get the relics of death into the mortal world?"

Death: "Murder, suicide, and life. Plus the boss approved it, thought it was a good idea at the time. It didn't hurt that you needed to control all three of them to hear the voices of the dead. Only the master of all three, the master of death, can bridge the veil. Was a good bet that the three brothers wouldn't join the relics together, and they did not. For two of the relics, only their children can master them, any in their line. Antioch Peverell's line died with him, but that relic is passed by conquest, not blood line. Then again, he was murdered. I still don't know if that was the bosses plan all along or if the conquest of Antioch caused that relic to change how it was passed. They won't help you though, they're not your relics and you can't interact with them."

Fate: "You could though."

Death: "What would be the point?"

Fate: "It'd help me fix this mess, you know the bit about three dead people?"

Death: "I told you, there were only two dead people. I only escorted two souls to their earned places."

Fate: "That's not possible, there were three bodies!"

Death: "No, you said two bodies and ash."

Fate: "So? Ash, body? What's the difference?"

Death: "You know the price for my expertise, one act of death for one act of fate. Balance."

Fate: "Fine, I'll owe you. Just tell me so I can try to fix this."

Death: "A mortal realm dweller watching Tom Riddle turn to ash would not be able to see Thestrals still. Contrary to what the mortals might think, it is not the body dying that allows for the sight of my horses, or watching the life leave the eyes. It is actually watching the soul leave their plain of existence."

Fate: "So?"

Death: "Seriously? You can't put it together? What is wrong with you?"

Fate: "Damn you I've never botched a prophecy before and still don't know how I botched this one or what the boss is going to do about it! "

Death: "Fine. Tom Riddle's soul did not leave the mortal plain of existence."

Fate: "Ghost? That shouldn't have botched the prophecy."

Death: "No."

Fate: "Then what blast you!"

Death: "Disembodied spirit."

Fate: "But that means..."

Death: "Yes, he made a horacrux. Well, at least one, anyway. His soul is tied to their plane until it or they are destroyed and the spirit exorcised, he regains a body and dies of old age, or he regains a body, the horacruxes are destroyed and he is killed."

Fate: "So he is outside of your grasp and you allow this?"

Death: "Mortal magic allows this. The Flamels are outside of my grasp as well. One is good and one is evil for mortal values of such things. Balance you see. They will both come to me eventually. The Flamels probably will not be reborn as some are, they have earned their rest. Riddle on the other hand... I doubt he will like were I escort him to eventually."

Fate: "So you will not help me even for his soul which is out of your reach?"

Death: "Why would I? Time means nothing to us. His soul will be processed in due time, even if it waits till the end of the mortal realm, that span of time means nothing to me."

Fate: "I'm desperate for the boss not to find out I botched a prophecy, it'd be the first and I doubt they'd let me allow more out. Oracles and Seers long to be heard, and their souls must be processed the same as any others. I can not allow them not to be, and if they are not it would be my fault for failing them in the weave."

Death: "Still, why ask me to help? What could I possibly do?"

Fate: "Potter is the last heir of the youngest Peverell brother. He has one of your relics. Help him and you could get it back."

Death: "Not worth it, the boss wanted them in the mortal realm, I'm not going to mess with their plans any more then you will."

Fate: "You said the boss wanted there to be a mortal master of death at some point, right? Why not now. He has one of the relics, and may be entitled to another his line if the line of Cadmus Peverell has died off."

Death: "So he'd still be short the third. He'd need to win it from it's current owner, that's typically been done via killing in some fashion. I will not force him to tarnish his soul that way, it is not my place. My place is to escort them where they belong, not entice them to another."

Fate: "I could intervene so he doesn't have to kill the owner."

Death: "I won't use the act of fate you owe me for that. You'd have to address the balance yourself."

Fate: "Fine! What do you want!?"

Death: "One act of fate per Riddle's soul fragment. If he only has one, you'd owe me two. If Riddle has I don't know, four, you'd owe me five, and so on."

Fate: "Do you have any idea what that might do to the balance?!"

Death: "You came to me for help, if you want me to try to get your prophesied one to be the master of death so that he can breach the veil and ask those on our side about the prophecy or prophecies that's the deal. Otherwise take it up with the boss."

Fate: "Fine. What now."

Death: "Now, I need that first act of fate. I need him to become my apprentice."

-HP DA- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -HP DA- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Edited 8/31/2014