I always thought she was beautiful when she slept. Don't get me wrong, she has always been beautiful to me. But when she sleeps, she looks so peaceful, so untouched by this reality, these horrors.

But at this moment, I have never been so happy to hold her in my arms and gaze at her peaceful expression, it feels like its been a lifetime since I last saw her so incredibly peaceful.

"Is she OK" I look to my side and see prim looking up at me

"Thanks to you" I tell her, smiling my first real smile in so long.

"It was nothing really"

"Not to me" if it wasn't for prim, Annie probably would have died from her wounds, on several occasions.

"Do you have any idea when she might wake up?" I ask, already knowing the answer

"I'm sorry Finnick"

"Its OK, I'm just glad she back and alive"


The days seem to drag on from there, we seem to all fit into a routine. In the morning we hunt while prim and Beetee stay with Annie, who still hasn't woken up and I'm starting to get really worried. But in the afternoon I spend my time with Annie, talking to her, checking her wounds, begging for her to wake up, for me.

It gives me a lot of time to think though. And on most occasions I find myself wondering when Annie became such a huge part of my life, so much that I find life not worth living without her.


"Have dinner with me"

We have been sitting on the victors village dock all day, in silence. But a comfortable silence.

She looks at me, reading my face for any sign of lying.

"But Finnick, you can't cook"

"You have never tasted my cooking"

"No, but I have seen the smoke pouring out your kitchen window every time you decide to make pancakes"

Embarrassed, I look at my feet. The reason I wanted her to come over was because I need to tell her I'm so hopelessly in love with her. I have been trying to tell her for weeks now, but I could never find the words.

I thinks she senses my sudden discomfort.

"How about you come over to my house for dinner, I'll help you cook" she smiles.


And after 3 hours of cooking we at Annie's patio table cautiously approaching a bowl of clam chowder.

"You go first"

"What! No this was your idea, you go first"

"Your the one who wanted to have dinner to begin with"



"Table for 2 please" I tell the restaurant hostess.

"I still can't believe how you managed to get clam chowder to taste like...I honestly don't think there is anything I can use to describe how that tasted" she smiles, laughing at my embarrassment.

"OK, OK I understand it was bad, but let's not dwell on the past and focus on our future"

"Our future?"

Did I really say our future, dammit.

"Finnick, why did you ask me to dinner tonight"

"Ummm, I'll see you tomorrow" I stand from the table and leave, run as far as I can, but when I finally get home. Mags is sat on my door step.

"Who do you think you are Finnick Odair"

"Listen Mags I-"

"No, you listen. You may not like Annie the way she likes you, but that doesn't mean you can lead her on and then run of like that"

I only heard 3 word as of that.

"She likes me?"

"Are you really so clueless not to see it"

"Mags where is she?"

"Well she is asleep on my sofa but-"

I grab her face and kiss her smack on the lips.

"Thanks mags, I owe you one" and take of towards her house


My stomach knots when I walk into the living room to find Annie crying in her sleep.

But I have to do this now.

"Annie, Annie please wake up"

She cracks one eye open and groans, turning over to face the opposite direction.

"Go away Finnick i don't want to talk"

"I'm in love with you"


"I have been trying to tell you all day, but I got so nervous and ran away, when I should have stayed and face my fears. And I completely understand if you never take to me again but-"

She cuts of my ramblings with her lips. The kiss I have been dreaming about for weeks and now its finally happening I can barely contain my tears as they run down my face.

"I love you too"


"Finnick, Finnick, god Finnick have you been ignoring me this entire time, we are supposed to be hunting you know, not day dreaming" typical Johanna.

"Sorry, I have been a bit distracted recently"

"Uggh, now you make me feel bad" she pouts.

We both burst out laughing, it good to know even now Johanna can still cheer me up

"Come on let's get back to camp, then you can stop mopping about being away from Annie"

"FINNICK" A scream rips through the air.

"Was that prim" Johanna asks, I simply nod.

"PRIM" I scream in response.



Thanks so much for the patience, whenever I sat down to write this something else came up. But it is here now and I quite liked this one, so I hope you do too. Let me know what you think?