"That leaves Brutus, Enobaria and possibly chaff" peeta says

We are on the beach discussing are next plan or action. Attack or wait. I haven't really been listening. Ever since mags died a few days ago I have been a bit lost. It doesn't help that ever time I think of mags a picture of annie appears in my mind.

My thoughts are interrupted by the capitol seal appearing in the sky. Its very odd usually they show the list of the dead at night. Its the middle of the day. It all becomes clear when a face appears. Snow

"Congratulation tributes" he begins. "prepare yourselfs for a treat" this man makes me feel sick. "As of 10 tonight 2 packages will be delivered to the coricupia. Each alliance get one package. Have fun deciding" he smiles then disappears.

"What tthe hell was that" Johanna screams to the sky

"Johanna" I whisper. "its probably that feast thing they do, but with a twist because its the quarter quell" I tell her

"What ever it is we need to be ready. We want the best package" peeta says

We had been planning for hours, but when the time came to leave to go to the coricupia to collect our package, we were ready.

After slowly making our way towards the cornucopia we heard a gong sound and immediately began running towards it. As we got closer in noticed Brutus and Enobaria slip in from behind the cournicopia and straight towards the packages. I heard a slight scream as they entered the cave. It seemed so farmilar.

When we arrived we were only seconds behind tthem, but the cave was empty

"CHEATS" Johanna screamed kicking the side of the cave

"Oh Johanna. I thought we were friends" we heard enobaria's voice coming from the side of the cave.

We had expected to see her walk round the side of cave for us to discuss the deal, but instead the first thing I see is a little girl, probably 13 years old walk out in front of her with a spear point into her back.

"PRIM" Katniss screamed running towards her from where she was sitting at the back to the cave. Fortunately she was stopped by peeta pulling he'd back and holding her against the wall.

"Where is the other package" Johanna asked pointing her Axe at her.

"This is your package, we have ours" she laughed. With that prim ran towards katniss and became engulfed in her arms

"What is your package" I asked

Enobaria smiled then called "Brutus why don't you come show finnick our package" I was so confused. That was until I saw those aurban lock appear from the side of the cournicopia. ANNIE. My Annie. A knife held her throat, tears staining her face and Brutus's smug face looming above her.

"What do you think of our package Odair. she is a pretty little thing isn't she. It would be hard not to crush her. Is it Odair? Can you give me any tips on how to make her scream" I was seeing red. Not only towards Brutus and Enobaria, but to Snow, to the rebels who promised she would be safe.

"Come on finnick we have our package. We need to leave" katniss screeches from behind me, still holding her sister.

"Annie...l" I sob. Tears forming in my ears similar to hers.

"I love you. OK. Now go" she cries. "GO" she screams. Tears still spilling from her eyes

I turn to walk away with tthe rest of my group when I hear her whimper behind me. Its become to much now. So I turn to face her and with one swift movement I glide towards her and smash my lips against hers. At first she recoils. I understand why. After years of having to hide our feelings for each other it has become a reflex to show no passion towards one other. But as the shock wears off she settles into the kiss and the passion begins to build up. That is until she suddenly cries out in pain and I look ups to see Brutus poking his knife into her back.

I realize i am running out of time and my heart seems to have slipped into my throut. "Annie...I love you with all my heart and I know we have been through hell since the day we meet. I was reaped, sold, then you were reaped. But this, now, leaving you is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. And just remember I will come back for you. Because what do I always say..."

She sniffles then breathes out "you will always come back". I smile and she returns it with one of her bright smile that always leave me speechless.

"Its time to go Odair" the sound of Enobaria stern voice brings me back to reality. I look into her beautiful sea green eyes one last time before I turn round and walk back to my group. Looks of confusion and shock have invaded their faces.