Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men: Evolution or any of its characters.

Title: Kissing Frogs

Summary: Fed up with Kitty's choices in men, Rogue decides to play matchmaker. The only problem is that she isn't exactly an expert herself. So, she decides to go to the one person who might be able to help. But, she may have just gotten herself into more than she bargained for.

Author's Note: I love X-Men: Evolution. It is perhaps my favorite X-Men cartoon out there. Who am I kidding? Of course it is my favorite X-Men cartoon. I am a very big Kitty/Lance shipper and, like the rest of the population, Rogue/Remy shipper. I usually don't write Rogue too much because I don't know that I can write her very well. However, this idea came into fruition and it just so happened that she is the star of it. Therefore, I really hope you enjoy. I do appreciate any feedback or ideas that you would like to contribute. I will certainly try to take all into consideration. So please enjoy!

Chapter 1 – Ready to Fold

She's crying again, Rogue thought to herself, rolling her eyes. Why does she always have to cry?

Across the room, curled up in a little ball atop her bed, Kitty Pryde sobbed into one of her fluffy beige pillows. Rogue knew better than to try to console her. It was best to just let her get it all out then let her vent afterward. If it hadn't been after midnight and if Rogue hadn't been trying to get to sleep, it wouldn't have been as big of an issue.

Rogue rolled over so that her back was to her roommate, thinking that perhaps even the slightest distance would help. When that proved in vain, she tried wrapping one of her pillows around her head, covering both ears and pressing as hard as she could. Though it seemed impossible at the time, she somehow managed to drift off to sleep sometime during the early hours of the morning.

Her slumber didn't last long, though.

"Rogue." A soft voice penetrated through the slumber and the foggy dream world. "Rogue." Perhaps if she just ignored it, she could drift off again. She felt so tired. "Rogue!"

A sharp jab to her rib shocked her awake. "Ow!" she exclaimed, sitting up and rubbing the sore spot. She wiped the sleep from her eyes to identify her attacker. Kitty was seated on the bed next to her, staring intently, her face only inches away. "Kitty, what gives?"

Kitty sat back, giving Rogue her much needed personal space. "You're awake!" she said perky-like.

Rogue groaned and rolled over, covering herself with her blanket again. "No I'm not."

The blanket was wrenched away and she shivered slightly before turning back around. It was obvious she wasn't going to be allowed to go back to sleep. "Come on," Kitty even urged. "I need someone to talk to."

"Go bother Jean. I've had enough of Lance issues for one day."

"I can't, like, talk to Jean," Kitty explained, hopping off the bed and walking toward her wardrobe. "She's always sunshine and rainbows. I need to talk to someone who will, like, wear a storm cloud with me."

Rogue sighed in exasperation and sat up again. "Ok, I'm awake. What did he do now?"

"I suppose it really isn't, like, that big of a deal." Kitty shrugged, somewhat embarrassed.

"It didn't sound that way last night." Rogue pointed an accusatory finger at her. "Your crying kept me up all night."

Kitty jumped back onto the bed, her pink duster gripped in one hand. "Oh, Rogue, I'm so sorry," she apologized. "I really didn't mean to, and I really wish you hadn't heard me crying."

Rogue sighed. "It's ok, really," she insisted.

"It's, like, totally embarrassing." Kitty scoffed awkwardly and brushed some of her chocolate locks behind one ear.

"Well, go on. It was only a matter of time before Lance screwed up again," she urged softly, feeling for her friend.

Kitty whirled to her feet, frustrated. One minute she could be at a loss, sad, regretful, and then she could just turn around and be in a fit of anger. "I was telling him how excited I was for our plans for today, which we had made, like, a week ago. Then he suddenly remembers that he, like, promised the guys that they would, like, throw rocks at an abandoned building or something. I don't remember exactly what his excuse for blowing me off was, but it was definitely something dumb like that." She finished pulling a yellow shirt over her head then twirled around to get some sort of agreement from her roommate. "That's, like, total bullshit, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Rogue confirmed. She swung her legs over the side of the mattress, let her feet rest comfortably on the carpeting for a moment, and stood.

Kitty punched one arm through her duster then another and proceeded to button it. "I mean, what was he, like, thinking? He pulled the same thing last month and received the same reaction. You think he would, like, learn." She dropped her pink pajama shorts and ripped a pair of capri jeans from the drawer.

Rogue nodded distractedly. She was searching for the whereabouts of her leather skirt. "Yeah, but I'm sure it would be different if you two were actually officially dating." It was partially from lack of sleep and partially from the difficulty in freeing her favorite skirt from the bowels of the black hole that resided beneath her bed that prevented her better judgment from stopping her before she had said that. Yet, immediately upon uttering those words, she realized her error.

Rogue knocked her head against the bed frame in her haste to remove herself from underneath it, managing to extract the skirt along the way too. Kitty's angry expression was the first thing she saw when she emerged. She bit her lower lip, regretful.

Kitty shook her head and released a noise of disgust, buttoning her jeans in the process. She was well aware, as much as everyone else, Lance's refusal to make anything between them official. It was really Kitty who suffered; and so, it was made a point to never be mentioned. Rogue messed up, though. She hadn't meant to bring it to the surface, but it had happened nonetheless.

"I'm sorry," Rogue put whole-heartedly.

"No," Kitty told her. "No, you're right." She snagged her brown sandals and purse, ready to charge to the communal bathroom to finish getting ready for the day. "Why do I, like, even try with him? He's never going to change!" She stomped toward the bedroom door, her sandals flying in one swaying hand and her purse in the other. "Thank you, Rogue."

"For what?" she asked in passing, perplexed.

Kitty threw open the door, which banged loudly against the adjoining wall. She spun in the doorway. "You made me realize how, like, utterly useless my efforts with Lance are. Well, I'm done!"

"You're done?"

"That's right! I'm done! No more boys, you hear me?" She was screaming, so obviously everyone could hear her. She exited into the hall. "I'm done!"

Rogue sat perfectly still on the ground and listened to the heavy, angry footsteps travel down the hall. She heard a muffled scream then a door crash open.

"Kitty!" Kurt's scream could be heard echoing throughout the entire mansion. "What are you-WAAAAH!"

She heard the door slam shut and less hurried footsteps approach the room. Kurt, in all of his blue fuzziness, stuck his head inside of the bedroom. A foamy toothbrush was held in his hand and he wore only his sleepwear.

"Rogue," he exclaimed, confused and alarmed, "Kitty just phased into the boys' restroom and kicked me out!"

Rogue stood and stepped tiredly to the bedroom door. "Sorry, Kurt. She's having a tough day."

He was about to respond, but only managed to say, "But-" before the door was shut in his face, cutting him short.

She felt terrible. She certainly wanted the midnight crying to stop, but she definitely didn't want to turn Kitty off to all romance in the process. If there was one thing Rogue really appreciated in her roommate, it was her optimism. Her positive outlook on love and life. She felt as if she had just broken that. Yet, she decided, as she pulled her black leather skirt up over her tights, she could have told Kitty before she had even started in her pursuits that Lance would disappoint her.

"It's just her taste in guys that is questionable," Rogue said to herself. "But I could fix that."

"Are you sure?" a voice asked from behind her.

Rogue screamed and backed into her armoire. Kurt screamed as well, falling off of the miniature chandelier that lit up the room. "Kurt!" she yelled accusingly. Her hands balled into fists. "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to find out what was going on with Kitty," he explained, rubbing his rump, which he had fallen so heavily on.

"How long have you been there?"

"I just popped in," he said with a shrug. She appeared to relax a little. "By the way, you have a tear in your stockings on the back of your thigh."

"Kurt!" she screamed again.

He held up his hands defensively. "Kidding, kidding. I saw nothing."

Rogue spun away from him, sifting messily through her drawers for her tank and netted shirt. "Get out of here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" she yelled over her shoulder.

"No, are you sure you can help Kitty?" he inquired.

Rogue softened and glanced over at him. "I can certainly try. I know I can't do anything about her taste, but maybe I can help her find the right guy." That was when the idea struck her. It was perfect. "I can find her the right guy, Kurt."

"Like play matchmaker?" he clarified, rubbing his hand through his hair.

"Sure." She shrugged. "How hard can it be?"

Kurt smiled playfully. "I think you are forgetting one thing: You don't know anything about love."

At first Rogue got angry. She was about to attack Kurt, but then it dawned on her that he was absolutely correct. She was no expert in that department. In fact, she was probably the farthest thing from expert. That would certainly put a hitch in her plans.

"It looks like we lost this hand to Kitty. We might as well fold," Kurt mused.

"What?" Rogue shook her head, confused.

Kurt shrugged. "I was trying to make a reference to an American game of poker—compare dealing with Kitty's emotions and outbursts to a hand of cards. I suppose it wasn't very good." He chuckled half-heartedly and gave up with a shrug.

"A hand of cards?" Rogue repeated. A spark of an idea came to her. Slowly, it began to form the more she dwelled on it. "A hand of cards."

"Rogue, are you ok?"

She smiled broadly. "Don't give up on me just yet, Kurt. I think I may know someone who can help—a love expert in his own right."