The game ends

Note: this story is set at an undetermined time in the future, possibly halfway through The Winds of Winter if not further.


Moat Cailin was cold and damp, though not so much as Skagos, but the snow was slightly deeper here, being this far inland.

Wild and untamed Rickon Stark, who had not even seen six namedays, was the lord of Winterfell. Stannis had set the gateway to the North as his rally point for a march on the Twins.

Rickon Stark had had spent nearly two years on the island of Skagos, where the local inhabitants had hidden him from all curious eyes, including an expedition that had been sent from the Dreadfort to kill Rickon Stark upon hearing rumors of his existence, and cement the rule of the Boltons. They had outnumbered the force that Davos had brought to Skagos on the Laughing Merman four to one.

Davos and his men had raided the camp for supplies when their own were running low, and in doing so had earned the respect of Lord Magnar and his Skagosi, or Stoneborn as they called themselves in the old tongue.

The stoneborn overwhelmed the Bolton force that had been led by a captain named Steelshank Walton, in a brutal battle with an aftermath still more grisly. A great feast was held on the flesh of the dead Boltons. It was during the feast that he met Shaggydog, a black Direwolf who was about a big as a pony. Shortly after Rickon Stark as well as Osha, his caretaker. The Skagosi would only let them leave, if some of them could accompany him.

He had received a hero's welcome upon entering White Harbor with Wywan Manderly's liege lord, not to mention a feast hosted by Ser Marlon, that was much more tasteful than the one in Skagos.

Davos had entered the camp with Lord Rickon, his Direwolf, Osha, and a small Complement of Manderly guardsman, and a larger complement of Skagosi. The looks that the underfed cannibals gave the fatter Manderlys was enough for Davos to sleep with a lit candle nearby, and a hand on his sword. A loud ragged cheer broke the silence of the morning as the Direwolf of Stark approached the ancient fortress.

The tattered banners of the Umbers, Ryswells, Tallhearts and Mormonts were among the banners he saw as he rode through the camp.

Davos looked at the men who observed his entrance. He saw men of all ages. Old men and green boys. The war had made its presence known; he could see it on their faces. Though they guant, he could not fail to see the determination on their faces. Lean and hungry like wolves.

At least they're not cannibals thought Davos.

He felt a surge of pride wash over him, as he neared the king's pavillion in the center of the camp. The Onion Knight had not failed his King.

Ser Richard Horpe greeted Davos as he dismounted from his horse. It felt good to see familiar faces, even those of the Queen's men. He entered the tent, with Rickon in tow. Lord Rickon reluctantly agreed to leave Shaggydog outside with Osha and Ser Richard.

"It seems that you're a hard one to kill Lord Davos." Stannis Baratheon had a face that looked nearly as guant as Northmen levies he had seen in the camp. Davos could have sworn he saw real emotions in Stannis Baratheon's eyes in that moment. Stannis glanced at him briefly before contemplating Lord Rickon. "Is this the new lord of Winterfell?" Stannis asked with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Yes, your grace." Davos said curtly.

"The Northmen keep telling me that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I'm sending him to Winterfell, Lord Reed and Galbart Glover have already offered to escort him there."

"They are to come back south with Lord Eddard's Bastard."

"I don't understand your grace; Jon Snow is sworn to the Night's Watch." The king handed him a message.

King Stannis

I write to you from Last Hearth. My vows to the Night's Watch have ended with my betrayal and apparent death. The chaos that followed claimed the lives of many including Queen Selyse. The red priest returned me from the dead, but sacrificed Shireen Baratheon to do so. I am coming south to Winterfell with an army of free-folk. I will help you restore order to the North.

If Stannis grieved the loss of his wife and daughter, it must have been long before he returned.

The King seemed to be reading his thoughts. "Now, I have no heirs." His voice was stoic. "But I need a man who will put the realm before his own desires, honor and even family."


The bastard daughter of Lord Petyr Baelish boarded the Merling King, the flagship of her father's transport fleet.

She was still Alayne, the pretty baseborn maid now five and ten. Sansa Stark would have to hide for longer than Alayne's father hoped. Queen Cersei had regained power in King's Landing when Petyr was certain that she was finished only to grow weaker by the day.

In the North, Stannis Baratheon took Winterfell from the Boltons and Freys. Afterwards, the entire North had declared for King Stannis. Last she heard, Stannis would be marching on the Twins.

She heard that Arya had married Ramsay Bolton, but Littlefinger had told her that the girl was an imposter that happened to be the same age as Sansa. Word came that her little brother Rickon emerged from hiding in White Harbor. He told her that Rickon was also an imposter but somehow he did not have the same assurance when he said it.

Most recently, sad news came from the Wall of Jon's Snow's murder. Her brother was going to march south and save Arya from Ramsay Bolton. Poor Jon, you would have done anything for Arya. At least Jon was avenged when Stannis took Winterfell and extinguished House Bolton.

In the Stormlands, a boy who called himself Aegon VI Targaryen had the full support of Dorne and was marching on the capitol. Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled daughter of the Aerys II himself was preparing to invade Westeros with a great army, three dragons … and the imp.

She remembered how her face must have betrayed her fears when Randa told her about Tyrion's role in the sack of Volantis. It was nearly as horrifying as the glance Randa gave. She knows who I am, how did she figure it out?

Alayne wondered if Sansa would ever be widowed. The lords of the Vale would object to her marrying Harold Hardyng as long as her dwarf husband lived and Petyr knew it, especially when her husband was leading an army with dragons.

Tyrion just refused to die. Despite being the ugliest man she knew and a subject of ridicule, she had never seen someone more determined to live. Littlefinger did not act concerned when she mentioned her husband's favor with the Targaryen queen, but she could see annoyance flickering in his green gray eyes.

The port of Gulltown was very busy today; tomorrow the armies of the Vale would set sail for Maidenpool and from there, they would march to Harrenhal. The Bloody Gate was often closed in times of winter making Gulltown the best way to leave the Vale. She looked over the railing and took a moment to ponder the port lighthouse, which could easily be seen in today's tranquil skies.

As Queen Cersei's hold on King's Landing slipped, Baelish wrote to the queen telling her that her supporters could be rallied at Harrenhal.

At Harrenhal, They would meet Queen Cersei and her few remaining supporters from King's Landing and the Crownlands. A combined force of Lannisters and Freys would soon be joining her under the command of Devan Lannister, the new lord of Casterly Rock, following his marriage to a Frey at Riverrun. The thought of Lannisters and Freys in her mother's home made her bitter. Baelish told her not to expect many Tyrells to come. Sansa did not understand how the queen could trust Littlefinger, but not the Tyrells.

When Alayne asked Petyr about his true intentions he had told her that he intended to claim Kingship of Westeros at Harrenhal. The lords of the Vale and a few in the Riverlands were in his pocket and ready for war. He planned to take the Riverlands and the Westerlands and possibly the Reach before Stannis, Aegon or her husband snatched the pieces of Cersei's doomed rule. Littlefinger would have to move fast.

Jon Snow

The march down the Kingsroad was slow and difficult. Of the nearly five thousand wildlings that had joined him to march south, four thousand remained.

Jon Snow was back in Winterfell. As warm as it was during the winter, Winterfell held countless ghosts for Jon. Winterfell itself was a ghost despite the fact that much of the damage from the sack of Winterfell had been repaired. He walked across the yard where he practiced everyday fighting with Robb, to enter the great keep. Jon felt another pang of sadness as he glanced at the rebuilt bridge from the armory where Arya would watch him whenever he sparred with his brother. Jon could sense to sadness that Ghost, his faithful Direwolf, also felt passing through this place.

The free folk were delighted to stay in a real southron castle almost as much as they were delighted to eat from the generous stores of food left behind by the Manderlys.

He had sent a raven to Moat Cailin where King Stannis was camped from Last Hearth, informing his grace of his apparent death and rebirth as Azor Ahai as well as his new intentions. He wondered how Stannis would react to the news. That was one thing Jon did not tell Stannis. When the red star bleeds and darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born amidst smoke and salt. First, the red woman had told him that Arya was coming to Castle Black and now he was the Lord of Light's chosen, due to some powerful king's blood. Jon wondered who his mother truly was and not for the first time. As far as he knew, there were no Targaryen or even Baratheon women within his father's reach. And she says that I know nothing. Still, Melisandre had not been completely wrong. She had been right about the attempt on his life, and did see a girl on a dying horse.

The chaos that ensued following his betrayal had resulted in the deaths of many free-folk as well as his former brothers. His resurrection had stopped further bloodshed, but had not prevented the death of Queen Selyse or Princess Shireen, whose fleeting life Melisandre used as a sacrifice to bring him back to life. In the aftermath, of the confusion Melisandre had informed him that his vows to the Night's Watch ended with his death. Jon wanted to argue, and the free-folk would have slaughtered his murderers, but it would only weaken the Night's Watch and he still intended to rescue Arya from Ramsay Snow.

Not long before he reached Last Hearth, He met Ser Justin Massey who claimed he was bringing his little sister to safety. Instead of Arya, however it was Jeyne Poole, one of Sansa's childhood friends.

He had heard from Jeyne that Arya had evaded her captors and disappeared. Jon found himself grateful that Arya did not have to endure such a man. He hoped she was alive and free wherever she was.

He wondered where Sansa was. The last he heard, she was wanted for the death of King Joffrey. It seemed strange to him, he last remembered that she was very much smitten with that girly blond haired little shit. He had also heard that she had disappeared leaving her husband to face the wrath of his own family.

He remembered Tyrion Lannister, the little man who went north with him to Castle Black. He could never have imagined that he would one day marry one of his siblings. Better him than Ramsay Snow. The imp had apparently cheated death and was rumored to have slain both his nephew and his father. Somehow, he was not very surprised. Especially in the face of every strange tiding he had recently received. The lord of Thenn had much respect for Jon, and Ghost and had little ill will left considering that Ghost did not growl after sniffing him, Jon had learned since his betrayal from Bowen Marsh, that Ghost could sense malice, or any will to harm Jon.

"My Lord," the Magnar of Thenn turned to face to face him. Sigorn Thenn had joined his strength with Jon's at Last Hearth. Stannis was already preparing to strike south for the Twins. "Stannis expects you as well as me to join his army he wants you to take command of the Karstark men." Jon was relieved when he learned of Arnof Karstark's execution for treason following the Baratheon victory at Winterfell.

Stannis wanted Jon to join his army to the king's before marching on the Twins. He would also need to understand the situation at the wall.

There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. King Stannis sent a raven shortly after his arrival concerning Rickon. His youngest brother was alive, he was not sure if it was Rickon until the letter mentioned his brother's direwolf Shaggydog. I should be seeing him any day now Jon mused. Rickon would be six years old now. The letter explained that Theon Greyjoy had not killed Bran or Rickon in the sack of Winterfell. Still Jon felt that Theon deserved his fate all the same. Rickon had been hiding on the island of Skagos for the last two years, no mention was made of Bran besides his apparent survival and disappearance, but Jon had a faint idea of what became of him.

That night, Jon dreamt that he was praying in the godswood of Winterfell. A woman approached him furtively. Her figure was slim, her features were mostly concealed. His heart raced as she came closer, "Ayra?" The girl certainly reminded him of Arya, even more so than any girl he had met claiming to be her.

"She's not here, Jon." He saw her steel gray eyes, Stark eyes; her long face and her brown hair made her look even more like a Stark than any of his siblings.

"Where is she?" Jon asked.

"Far away," the girl spoke sadly.

"Who are you," he had seen her face before, but he could not remember where.

The girl, who appeared to be his age, began to cry.

"You never knew me, no more than you knew your father. He wanted a son who would be a great king."

"Robb was a King." Jon felt solemn at the mention of Robb.

She turned to leave, clearly not wanting to him to see her tears as she faded into shadow.

Up next: Cersei, Tyrion, and Arya

BTW: Let me know in the reviews, how you think the game will end (don't hesitate to go into detail.)

Pre-story Obituaries (Those who have fallen):

Theon Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Jorah Mormont, Roose Bolton, Ramsay Bolton, Lancel Lannister, Myrcella Baratheon, Balon Swann, Aurane Waters, Paxter Redwyne, Lem Lemoncloak, Shireen Baratheon, Selyse Florent, Hosteen Frey, Aenys Frey, Arnoff Karstark, Kevan Lannister, Pycelle.

Characters that have been featured in the story (up to ch 19) ...

Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Jon Connington, Aegon "Targaryen", Samwell Tarly, Randyll Tarly, Varys, Arianne Martell, Asha (Yara) Greyjoy, Aeron "Damphair" Greyjoy, Rodrick Harlaw, Davos Seaworth, Stannis Baratheon, Sigorn Thenn, Lawrence Snow, Devan Seaworth, Godry Farring, Duncan Liddle, Tormund Giantsbane, Qarl the Maid, Tristifer "the friendzoned" Botley, Petyr Baelish, Robert Arryn, Lothor Brune, Bennard Brune, Myranda Royce, Lanna "Hill", Robert "Strong", Harrold "the heir" Hardying, Ser Shadrich, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, Margaery Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Hyle Hunt, Meryn "fucking" Trant, Daven Lannister, Genna Lannister, Lyle Crakehall, Ilyn Payne, Emmon Frey, Alyx Frey, Edwyn Frey, Walder "Black" Frey, Melisandre ,Bowen Marsh, Alliser Thorne, Tysha (Lannister), Barristan Selmy, Tumco Lho, Bronn (Stokeworth), Hoster Blackwood, Alleras, "Pate", Lazy Leo, Mollander, Urswych the Faithful, Edric Dayne, Howland Reed, Galbart Glover, Osha, Jon "the Greatjon" Umber, Edmure Tully, Lady Stoneheart, Tom o Sevens, Jack be Lucky, Anguy, Lewys Piper, Marq Piper, Clement Piper, Tytos Blackwood, Hoster Blackwood, Gendry, Sandor Clegane, Mace Tyrell. Bryden "Bloodraven" Rivers, Maekar Targaryen

There are so many characters that need to be featured in this story. If you are chomping at the bit to see a character not on the featured list, or if I left out somebody in any of the lists, please let me know via review or PM.