WR: I know…isn't it exciting well I don't own Weiss Kruez we all know that so enjoy… .
Wiess Assassin Cats
Chapter 12
Brad Crawford sat reading the paper, he had foreseen the whole incident with the yarn weeks ago when he was still a kitten. Adjusting his glasses once more, his memory was trying to forget the horrible two weeks he had then. It started when they frist realized that they had become cats. Honestly, it was like Weiss infected Schwartz with a kitty virus. This in turn led him to coughing up hairballs the entire time. Nice little presents in the bathroom. Only to have Fujimiya Aya come after him cursing and waving his deadly katana since one of the hairballs landed on the hideous orange sweater. Everyone except Fujimiya was thrilled of course. So for several days, he remained in hiding, switching rooms constantly. He didn't want to know what the side effect would have been if one of his parts had been severed off. No, especially since everyday his tail's length decreased, it was just to the point where he could sit comfortably at the table. Unfortunately, his black ears still remained on top of his head and with Halloween long gone and not really celebrated in Japan, well it's a good thing there was a telepath on his team.
A single eyebrow twitched while his frown deepened upon his face. Well, he corrected himself; it was still good to have a telepath on the team. However, it would have been even better, if the telepath was not a whiney loud ass, annoying redhead German. Who was prancing around in front of Kitty in the House like a complete horny asshole.
"No, I will not help you," he responded dryly rereading the same sentence again. He didn't want to face the fact that he knew what was right behind the paper. No, he didn't want to face that dreadful image, not when he was reading about what was happening in the rest of the world. Like his idiotic home government or who was bombing who. No, Schudlich was not as fascinating, not at all. Minus, the way his tail swished as he moved his hip. Or how his smirk could always be seen when his eyes were covered by that ridiculous sad excuse for hair coloring. It was almost bad as Fujimiya's orange sweater. Almost.
Suddenly, there was the slamming from the apartment portion of the store. Yes, Schwartz had been demoted to staying with their eternal rival assassination group, or so Weiss insisted on calling them. Kudou and Hidaka did not understand, not one bit. Especially, since the whole time here either Kudou or Hidaka would find ways of trying to slowly kill the sanity of Schwartz. And it wasn't like they were sane to begin with, Crawford mused. Hidaka was the real trouble child, he had taken torturing Farfello in kitten form to become a past time. From pulling the white cat's tail to almost throwing him off the roof. Naturally, the white fur ball landed on his feet. Kudou only wanted to keep giving Schudlich baths for a having such a dirty mind around the chibis. Luckily, the other two seemed to think the less interaction between the teams the better. Now if only the other two morons would realize that.
"SCHULDICH! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Kudou roared as he stomped down the stairs. "If I hear you whine one more fucking time for Crawford, I'm going to let Aya skin you alive. Then we'll hang it outside of the store and use to keep the damn fan girls at bay." He threw open the door with a loud slam, dressed in a blue bathrobe showing off his skinny hairy legs. Crawford defiantly felt the headache he was dreading for the past two days. And it was starting right…..now. "KAMI-SAMA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?"
"Now, Now, Kudou-san," the German's nasal accent lingered in the air as it approached the wooden table, "I'm just trying to get Bradley's attention, that's all. It's just a dress…nothing that special."
"Yeah…nothing special at all, for a…,"Youji muttered sourly.
The front door bell jingled and Crawford's head throbbed once more.
"Youji-kun! Schudlich!…OMG….what the hell are you wearing?" a familiar voice that belonged to the youngest member of the opposing team. Thus meaning Omi and Nagi were home from school; the two had been getting a little too friendly according to Crawford or Fuijumya. But then again, nobody asked the person who could see all impending doom, nope not a single one.
"Chibi cursed," Youji muttered in shock, "SCHUDLICH STOP POSSESSING THE CHIBI! DAMN IT!"
"It was a gift," the redhead replied in a velvety voice, "Do you like it? Or do I need to"
Brad didn't want to peak over the paper and see how close the two were getting. In opinion of the vision, it was just a little too close for anyone's comfort.
There was a loud thud on the ground. Crawford sighed as he saw from the corner of his eye Kudou jump in shear horror pointing a finger at the location of the "Ah you killed the chibi! Bastard," Youji announced rather loudly.
Then there was a slam to the ceiling causing Crawford to sigh and force himself to turn the page. He would not look up; absolutely not look up, never in a million years look up to the hanging figure directly over head. He forced the memory of the vision from his head…really he did.
"DAMN IT NAGI! PUT ME DOWN!" Schudlich hollered, "If your going to tie me up at least let Bradley have his way with me! BRADLEY TELL HIM TO PUT ME DOWN!"
"Never in the seven levels of hell," the American replied calmly, proud that he could keep his voice in check. "Kill him whenever you feel like it, Naoe, just remember to keep the blood to a minimum and don't let Berserk get a hold of his body. We can't have the police coming here anytime soon. If we're lucky, the fall will kill him this time." With that the hand that was holding Schudlich up on the ceiling disappeared and yip was heard followed by'oof' and 'ow'.
"Is he dead?"
"Nope, guess he lived through it this time too," Nagi replied as he lifted Omi onto his back and carried him up the stairs.
"Pity," Crawford muttered flipping another page.
"I really liked it when he couldn't talk. Then I only thought it was a figment of my imagination. Well, I'm off," Kudou announced with a wave that was seen out of the corner of the American's eye, "If you see Aya-kun…"
"I will tell him how you missed your shift due to your laziness," Crawford finished for him.
"Damn it, I can't wait till you guys leave," Kudou muttered with a shake of his head and a slam of the back door.
From across the
street, through a pair of binoculars, sat several women eating
popcorn and watching the scene. There were three to be precise, two
of them were well known to the group, the other one was their doctor
in this situation.
"So", the woman with brown hair in a
ponytail and dressed in a white lab coat stated, "We're going
thru with this plan right? No last minute chickens right?"
"Absolutely," Manx stated with grinning happily. Birman just nodded while ignoring the drool that was trailing down her chin. "No way in hell we are backing out."
"All right, we shall commence Operation Here Kitty Kitty, in 12 hours," Dr. S smiled and stood up from her chair. "I will meet you back at base."
"Hai!" both women chorused faking a salute that was returned with a wave from the door of the rented apartment across from Kitty in the House.
Omi let Manx in with all smiles, instantly talking about the current situation and the reports of progress for both teams. The genki chibi followed the two as they were lead to the mission room where everyone was congregated.
"So how is everyone?" the redhead woman asked with a smile.
"Can they leave yet?" Youji asked rather to jump Schudlich and kick him out of the complex in a second.
"Not yet," the other woman answered with a shake of her head and a smile on her lips.
"We found the antidote," Manx announced with a smile.
"Really! That's great!" Ken announced, Weiss instantly began bouncing around. Schwartz just sat and glared at the party waiting for the rest of it. Crawford had informed them earlier of what might happen.
Manx coughed covering her mouth, "Unfortunately it was stolen."
There was complete silence throughout the room. An explosion of anger and confusion and lots and lots of questions answered the silence. Mostly, from the loud mouths of both groups: Schudlich, Youji, Ken, and wittle adorable Omi. Omi was more of a pout with a few glances to Nagi, who just blinked and his face was rather paled.
Suddenly, there was a gun shot causing all heads to turn slowly. Crawford pale, he had seen this in his vision but he didn't ever want to see it in real life. Fujimiya Aya had a smoking gun in his hand, pointed straight at the ceiling. "One more word out of anyone and the next bullet will hit," he stated and sat back down calmly waiting for the two women.
"Anyway, um…we know who stole it however; it will take the cooperation of both teams. Also you'll have to leave tonight," Manx continued calmly, eyes glancing over the group, only to keep cautiously falling on Aya. Since when did the redhead learn how to shoot? "But once this is done, you guys won't have to worry about seeing each other every again."
"Fantastic, we'll leave in an hour," Crawford stated dryly, glancing at his team who nodded all too happily, minus Nagi of course.
"Can't wait to get rid of these bastards," Youji stated with a wide grin. Aya and Ken nodded while Omi gave a sigh with a shake of his head.
"Fine, since everyone is in. We'll give the mission brief," Burman stated with a smile and the lights dimmed and the tv screen clicked on.
WR: I know I suck I'm sorry I will finish this by the end of this year….I hope. I do support you all for your reviews and your great amount of patience. I hope I have lived up to your exptectations and everything. I had a great amount of fun writing this over the years and I would like to continue to entertain you. Once again I thank you and hope you all stay well. . (please don't hurt me too badly, hides behind Weiss, while Schwartz is plotting revenge)