
A/N: So... this is an AkaKuro fanfiction and my first KnB fanfic! :D I had a LOT of trouble coming up with a name so in the end I just went for a single word. This is for a friend on Tumblr, kuroko-seijuuro, so enjoy~! A few warnings for this chapter - abuse and swearing.


Oh, God. Not again. My pulse quickens as I hear the door unlock in a struggle. I know what's about to happen. I bolt upstairs as quickly and as quietly as I can and shuffle under the bed Aomine-kun and I share. I hold my breath as the sound of the door slamming sends a rattle throughout the entire house. Loud, heavy footsteps trudge up the stairs and into the room. The light flicks on, illuminating the entire room.

"Tetsu!" Aomine-kun roars. "Where the fuck are you?"

I wince at the tone of his voice as my body begins to tremble with fear. He's still in the doorway, just a few feet away from the bed. A sound above a certain decibel will notify him of my location. I silently shuffle as close to the wall as possible, putting more space between myself and Aomine-kun.

"Tetsu!" Aomine-kun bellows again. I clamp a hand over my mouth to stop myself from whimpering. Unfortunately, Aomine must hear the impact of my hand against my face because clumsy footsteps make their way over to the bed and he crouches on the floor, looking under the bed.

"Found you," Aomine-kun's tone is softer now but I can see a devious smirk on his face and a murderous look in his eyes. Not good.

Before I can reply, Aomine-kun reaches under the bed and grasps my upper arm. He drags me out from under the bed, causing the carpet to scrape against the side of my body, burning it. I move into a sitting position when I'm out from under the bed.

He stands up and I feel Aomine-kun's gaze burn into my sitting figure. It's coming. My body shakes with the knowledge of what the next twenty minutes holds.

"Hiding were we?" Aomine-kun's voice is patronising. "Now, now, Tetsu, we know you shouldn't hide from me. I am your boyfriend, after all," Yeah, right. Some boyfriend.

I look up and meet Aomine-kun's eyes. He pulls me up and holds me at arm's length. I can smell the alcohol in his breath and I gulp.

"Dear, Tetsu, I wish I didn't have to punish you but you didn't greet me at the door today," Aomine-kun says with mock sadness. I greeted him at the door yesterday but didn't make him a coffee to wash down the taste of the alcohol. I still got beaten. I can't please Aomine-kun. Ever.

Then everything happens in a blur.

Aomine-kun's knee jolts upwards and into my stomach. A rush of pain shoots up me as I stumble backwards. I make contact with the wardrobe and fall to the floor. Aomine-kun takes this oppurtunity to land another kick into my thigh. Tears fill my eyes and my vision blurs. I feel a hand on my arm and suddenly, I'm on my feet again. That's going to leave a few bruises.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you," Aomine-kun warns before pushing me into the wardrobe.

My head makes impact with the wood behind me and the world starts spinning. Aomine-kun slaps my right cheek with force and delivers a final kick to my stomach that causes me to double over.

"Now what do you say, Tetsu?" Aomine-kun asks innocently. Oh, God. Please. Don't make me apologise. Please. If I apologise then I've done something wrong. But I haven't.

"I-I..." I stutter.

"Say it, Tetsu," Aomine-kun's tone is dangerous.

I stay silent.

"Say it!" he yells, punching me in the ribs. Hard. A single tear slides down my cheeks as a result. "Just fucking say it!"

I take a sharp breath in and choke out "S-sorry, A-Aomine-k-kun," He turns around, walks over to the bed and throws my pillow at me.

"Sleep in the spare room," he orders.

Obediently, I stand up straight, clutching the pillow tightly. My head is still spinning, making each step a struggle.

"G-good night, Aomine-kun," I whisper, closing the door behind me. I make my way slowly into the guest room, my head whirring wildly, my vision fuzzy.

With the covers wrapped protectively around my body, I try to push thoughts of Aomine-kun away by filling my head with thoughts and memories of Akashi-kun. Images of him come into my mind and I feel like he's there, next to me. His red hair, pale skin, red eye and emperor's eye. All of him physically there.

I never wanted to be with him. I was originally with Akashi-kun before Aomine-kun developed a crush on me and demanded that I be his boyfriend or else bad things would happen to Akashi-kun. I still see Akashi-kun without Aomine-kun knowing. It's wrong and risky, I know, but I can't text or call him either because Aomine-kun checks my phone regularly. Aomine-kun is possessive and forceful but I have no choice. I have to keep Akashi-kun safe or I'll never forgive myself. Ever.

As my eyelids grow heavy, I think of Akashi-kun - and only Akashi-kun.