Word Count: 555

Pairings: PruHun, former AusHun

Warnings: none

Notes: Inspired by Derrick. You'll probably never read this, but you have no idea how much you inspired this fic or how much this song describes our relationship. When we first met (officially) I was broken, and you were there for me. It has been unbelievably long since I enjoyed life or laughed as much as I do with you. You made me believe in love and happiness again. I don't know what the future brings, but I am so happy to begin again with you.

Begin Again

What am I even doing here? Elizabeta wondered, heels clicking as she walked into the scarcely populated café.

It had taken everything in her, and a pressuring call from her friend Felix to get this far. The breakup had been hard. It had been months now, but the feelings were fresh. The pain still panged her heart whenever something reminded her of him. But part of her knew that this little date was a step in the right direction. After all, Gilbert had been interested in her for some time now.

So Elizabeta had dressed up, wearing her favorite heels, the ones Roderich hated. She'd worn them out of spite many times, sometimes just to see if she could catch his attention, even for just a moment. It had never worked, he always ignored her, as if he had better things to do than spend a moment with his lover.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind, Eliza looked around, suddenly surprised when she saw him sitting in a booth in the corner. He grinned when he saw her, a wide grin that lit up his eyes. She was unable to stop herself from smiling as she walked over.

Gilbert was an old friend, one of many she'd lost touch with during her former relationship.

"It's great to see you, Liz."

"Gilbert, it's been so long." Elizabeta wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.

Pulling her chair out, Gilbert waited for her to sit before returning to his own seat. The conversation was awkward at first. It was nothing more than small talk, until Elizabeta accidentally knocked over her coffee, causing Gilbert to jump from his seat just in time to avoid the rush of coffee spilling to the floor.

Rushing to apologize, Elizabeta grabbed napkins and started clearing up the mess. She avoided his gaze and repeated her words over and over until she realized Gilbert was chuckling.

"You haven't changed a bit, still a klutz," Gilbert laughed.

"I am not!" Elizabeta argued.

The tension instantly broke and the two fell into easy conversation and banter.

Time was lost on the two as they sat conversing, lightly laughing in the quiet café. As the café closed, Gilbert led Elizabeta outside, walking towards her car. Christmas lights and music were lit all around. Elizabeta's eyes darted around, knowing that this year she could celebrate the holiday, a day Roderich had hated and often ignored.

Before she could dwell on those thoughts, Gilbert pulled her to a stop. She looked at him in confusion for a moment before he glanced up. Elizabeta glanced up, just in time to see the small piece of mistletoe in the store window before Gilbert pulled her in for a kiss. When he pulled back his expression was similar to that of a schoolboy kissing his crush. Elizabeta hesitated only a moment before leaning up to kiss him again.

As they broke apart, Gilbert hesitated. "Hey…you know how Ludwig and I always had our Christmas movie marathons on Christmas eve? Why don't you come join us this year? He's bringing his boyfriend

With a smile, and a kiss to his cheek Elizabeta got in her car and drove away. For the first time in months her heart was light and the smile was genuine. It was time to begin again.