Hey guys, Amzoka is back with another story! I've been thinking lately. It's been so long since I wrote my last real story! That was what like two months ago? Dunno XD. I think I've written WAY TOO MANY trolly parodies and stuff like that. I'm just so excited to see what I can do with this story. Enjoy my peeps!

Reminder: When you see text in italics like this, it's one of the character's thoughts

"She's waking up"

"I can see that"

Ugh, what happened? Ashley thought. Ashley was a young girl about the age of 10 who loved watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Her life had been a little weird lately, as she was beginning to have dreams that she was really there, fighting the war alongside her heroes.

"Anakin, do be careful"

Ashely opened her eyes and suddenly… "Aah! What the? Who are you?!" she screamed. There were two men standing over her. One of them had brown hair and a beard, the other with dark brown hair. Obviously, he didn't have a beard. Ashley was lying down on the floor of what seemed to be… the entrance of the Jedi Temple?

The older man knelt down next to her. "I am Obiwan Kenobi. This is my former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Are you alright?" Ashley couldn't believe herself. "Obiwan?" she said curiously, "Anakin?". The older men looked at her curiously. "Yes?" "Wait, how am I here? Where am I?" she asked. "Right now you are on Corusant, right at the entrance of the Jedi Temple" Obiwan replied calmly. "Where are you from?"

Ashley thought for a moment. In the beginning of every Star Wars movie, there was a quote saying "Long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away…" Trying to sound cool, she said in a mysterious voice, "I come from far, far into the future, in a galaxy far far away…" The older men didn't react. "OK," she continued. Suddenly, Ashely noticed something, if Anakin was still here, and the Jedi Temple wasn't destroyed, than that meant the Empire hadn't risen!

"The… Clone Wars" she said slowly. Anakin and Obiwan both got up as Obiwan said "Alright child. If you're alright, we're going to head up now and-" "Wait!" Ashley interrupted, "I can help you!" the two Jedi looked at each other with confused expressions. "How?" Anakin asked. "I have studied your future. I know everything you need to know to win the Clone Wars"

"Alright little one, tell us what you know about the Clone Wars" Obiwan began, "And at the same time, how did you get here?". By now they were in Obiwan's quarters. Hardly the best place to talk but it was alright for now. "Isn't it dangerous to know your own future?" Ashley countered, "Then at least tell us how you got here" Anakin said. "I don't know how I got here" Ashley continued, "I was sleeping in my room back home, next thing I know I woke up here" "Look kid, we don't have time for games" Anakin demanded.

"What is your name?" Obiwan asked trying to get her to ignore Anakin. Ashley paused for a moment, she didn't want these people, who were almost strangers to her, to know her name. Anything was possible. "I don't have a name" she said slowly. "So its going to be like that isn't it? Well I'll show you little-" "Anakin!" Obiwan interrupted him. "We must respect this little girl if we want to know more! We can't just threaten her!" Anakin stared at the floor, "Fine".

"Do you mind if we ask you some questions?" Obiwan asked. "I guess it couldn't hurt" Ashley mumbled shyly. "Where exactly do you come from?" "I come from a planet known as 'Earth'. We are all humans there and none of them have set foot on another planet. I guess you could say we are primitive. I think we are anyway" Ashley explained. "On Earth, there is a kids TV series called 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars'. That is how I know about the conflict".

The two Jedi listened closely as Ashley continued, "The original series was the Star Wars series. Episode 4 came out first. The rest of the information is dangerous so I don't think I should tell you more". There was a long, awkward silence. "Well, that was interesting" Anakin finally managed to say. "You're not gonna bring her before the Council are you?" Anakin asked. "Actually I am" Obiwan replied playfully.

"But they can't just discover her!" Anakin objected, "Even if it seems like the right thing to do". "Yes, but like she said, she can be useful, right kid?" Obiwan chuckled, "Well, yes I can be useful. But are you sure it won't have really bad side effects in the future?" Ashley mumbled. She was a quiet person anyway so it didn't seem unusual to for her to mumble.

"No, I'm not sure. But you are very useful. Tell me, do you know more about our universe that we do?" Obiwan asked. "Well, if the Clone Wars is still the conflict going on, then yes" Ashley replied. "Great! We're taking you before the Council" Obiwan said grabbing her wrist. "Wait, what? You can't take me before the Council!" She exclaimed. "She's got a point!" Anakin whisper-screamed.

Obiwan gave Anakin a look commanding him to shut up. "Fine. Take me to the Council, but not the Senate. Not even the Chancellor may know about me" Ashley surrendered. "And, how do you know that we have a Chancellor?" Anakin asked. "Part of my knowledge" Ashley replied, "Hey, the name of your Padawan is Ahsoka right?". "Alright kid, tell us how you know all of this" Anakin growled.

"I already told you" Ashley laughed playfully, "I know more about your universe than you do". Anakin stared at her menacingly. "Kid, run" Obiwan whispered. Ashley lunged at Obiwan's bed trying to avoid being destroyed by Anakin. As fast as she could, she ran out of the room. Oh my Force! Oh my Force! She kept repeating in her head. Anakin was literally chasing her down the halls of the Jedi Temple!

Ashley dared herself to look over her shoulder. Anakin was hot on her tail. Suddenly, BAM! she hit something. Ashley looked up to see what or who it was. The moment she looked up she regretted it immediately. Standing before her was the awesome, famous, and almighty member of the Jedi High Council, Mace Windu.

Amzoka's Corner

Ooh! Cliff hanger! Aren't I so mean? Sadly I can't update this until August or something :/. I wish summer was longer.


I'm planning to do the High Council meeting next chapter. Ahsoka will show up next chapter as well. I might do some hurt/comfort stuff with Ahsoka cause thats my specialty :) Anakin will have mood swings and emotional attacks throughout the story, as he is starting to fall to the Dark Side.


As always, please review, give constructive criticism (if you have any), and no hates! Haters can join the Dark Side!