Hello, and welcome to my first ever Jasico fic. Let me start by saying that I have loved this ship ever since HoH, and I need it to be canon. And to those that read my other fics: have no fear, this will be no longer than 5 chapters. And the chapters will be pretty short. But I actually dreamed about this fic, at least this chapter. I may have woken up very upset by it, so be warned now that this first chapter is possibly very depressing. I say "possibly" because I never really know how sensitive or emotionless my readers may be. Love you! But I can't say anything, as I'm very sadistic(Go read Children of Loss and find out).
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic. It does start out as Percico, but it is a Jasico fic.
Song inspiration and what you should listen to: Never Let Me Go by Florence and the Machine
Warning: Character death. Violence. Maybe mild language.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to Uncle Rick.
There was something very therapeutic about sketching in the library during his off period, Nico found. His dark brown eyes kept looking between a short girl in the corner, who was too busy reading a book to notice him, and the sketchpad currently sitting in his lap. Though, he was also too consumed with his work to notice the approaching figure behind him.
Nico nearly jumped out of his seat when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and fastened a necklace behind his back. The boy frowned and turned his head away from his work, his lips instantly being met by a chapped set of lips. He wrinkled his nose.
"You stink."
Percy pulled back and pouted, glancing down at himself. "I just got out of gym, thought I'd come see you. I see how it is." He smiled when Nico rolled his eyes, resting his chin on the younger boy's shoulders and sliding his arms around Nico again. "What'cha drawing, baby?"
"Nothing," Nico mumbled, closing his sketchbook. He glanced down at the necklace that his boyfriend had put on him, his fingers reaching up to touch the silver ring with a green stone in it. Percy's class ring. "I think we're a little too young to get married."
Percy chuckled and slid into the chair next to Nico. "I know. But I can't really afford a promise ring, so I thought this would work until we graduated."
"You graduate," Nico reminded him. "I still have another year after you finish this year."
The green-eyed boy smiled before leaning in to press his lips to Nico's soft, paler ones. The librarian cleared her throat and Percy smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry," he whispered over to her. Nico smirked as Percy pulled back before they got yelled at. "But, I mean, it doesn't change anything."
Nico shrugged. He smiled as his fingers fiddled with the silver band. "Annabeth and Piper gave you the idea, didn't they?"
"No." But Percy's pink cheeks said otherwise. Nico arched a brow at him. "Okay, perhaps, but as long as you like it, what does it matter?"
"Thank you," Nico said before pecking Percy on the cheek. The taller boy grinned.
Nico looked down when Percy put a hand on his thigh. "So, Mom was wondering if you'd come over for dinner tonight?"
Nico took in a deep breath. "Yeah, sounds good. I just need to get some homework done before then."
"You could do it at our place."
The pale boy narrowed his eyes. "I doubt that would be very productive."
Percy held up his hands in defense. "I can be patient and let you finish," he assured his boyfriend. Nico did not look convinced. "I promise!"
"Quiet," the librarian hissed at them.
Nico was staring down at his new necklace when Percy looked back at him. The brown-eyed boy let out a sigh. "Why are you so perfect?" Percy couldn't help but grin at that. "How did I ever get lucky enough for you to want to date me?"
"Well," Percy began, placing his arm behind Nico, "I have known you since we were little kids. But, if you must know, it's your butt."
Nico rolled his eyes and playfully shoved Percy. "Leave it to you to ruin a moment. See if you get any tonight."
Percy instantly took on the image of a kicked baby seal. "You wouldn't be so cruel, would you?"
It was Nico's turn to grin. "We'll have to see, now won't we?" He sighed when Percy continued to pout. "Oh calm down, like you never get what you want anyways."
Percy smiled and stuck his tongue out. "Not like you don't enjoy it."
Nico hummed and tapped his lips, bringing his knees up to rest against the surface of the table. "Well, I suppose there's no denying that." He closed his eyes as Percy leaned in for a quick kiss. "I love you," Nico whispered.
Percy kissed him again. "Love you, too."
Nico started to go back to his drawing, when a gunshot went off from the hallway. The younger boy was startled, hand frozen, as his eyes widened at the door. Another gunshot went off, followed by screaming.
When the door jerked open, Percy clamped his hand over Nico's mouth and pulled the boy out of his chair. They slid behind some bookshelves, Percy peering around the corner. Nico pressed himself against the floor to peek over a row of books.
A set of combat boots trudged into the library and Nico heard the librarian's chair squeak as it rolled across the floor. "Please," the woman attempted to plead before there was another gunshot. Nico had to cover his mouth to muffle a scream that nearly escaped his mouth as he witnessed their librarian fall to the floor with a bullet hole in the middle of her forehead.
Percy grabbed the back of Nico's shirt and urged the boy to get onto his feet. Without taking his eyes off of the intruder, Percy pushed his boyfriend forward, attempting to make an escape through the side door. Nico covered his head when another gunshot went off nearby as a girl's scream pierced through the air. Nico wondered if it was the girl he had been sketching. Another gunshot silenced her screaming.
It was at this point that Nico found something warm sliding down his cheeks. He reached a shaky hand up to find out that he was crying. His breathing became ragged at the sound of a shot from the halls. They weren't going to be safe going out there. But one look at Percy's eyes told Nico that they had to try. It was better than staying trapped in this room.
The second the door opened, the two heard an angry voice from behind them. Percy slammed the door shut just as a bullet came flying through it. Nico let out a scream and crouched down in front of the wall. Percy instantly yanked him back to his feet.
"You need to stay with me, Nico," Percy whispered, brushing some of Nico's hair out of his eyes. "I'm going to get you out of here."
Nico nodded as Percy took a firm hold on his hand and led them towards one of the back stairs. Percy poked his head inside the stairwell and let out a curse. He shoved Nico inside and moved to crouch down beside a blond head of hair, who was cradling a familiar body.
"Jason, what happened?" Percy whispered. Nico could only stand there, shaking violently.
Jason looked up, tears streaming down his cheeks. "It was Kronos and his friends. They...they shot Piper." He wiped at his nose as Percy squeezed his shoulder. "I tried to...I tried to help her, but there was so much blood."
Nico flinched at a nearby gunshot. Piper was dead, and who knew how many of their other friends might be dead as well. What if they didn't make it? Percy cursed as he stumbled back to his feet. He peered over the railing of the stairs before grabbing Nico's arm. He then leaned in and whispered something to Jason, pulling the blond to his feet. Shaking Jason, Percy urged the blond towards the stairs as well.
With one final look back at Piper's body, the three hurried down the flight of stairs. Jason slowly opened the door, making sure to be as quiet as possible. It sounded quieter down here, but Nico wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign. From the pale look on Jason's face, Nico was going to assume the latter.
"I don't see anyone walking the halls," Jason whispered.
Percy gave a nod. "We can make for the exit just down the hall and to the left."
"That's still a long ways."
Percy sighed. "I know," he whispered, "but it's better than attempting to run for the front of the school."
Jason gave a nod of agreement. The blond slid out into the hall and Percy pushed Nico out behind Jason, making sure to keep Nico in between the two taller boys. Nico opened his mouth to sob, but Percy covered it with his hand. There were so many bodies littering the hallway. Nico felt lightheaded.
Nico nearly stumbled over one of the fallen bodies as they moved along the edge of the wall. Percy grabbed his wrist and tilted the boy's face around to look at him. "I need you to stay with me, okay?" Nico gave a small nod. "I don't want to lose you."
The boy bit down on his lip to attempt to muffle any further cries as he followed closely behind Jason. All three ducked down when a nearby gunshot startled them. One of the teachers slid along the floor from one of the side hallways in front of them. Nico swallowed a lump in his throat. There was a shooter blocking the path they needed to take for the exit.
Percy hissed at them to stop. "Maybe we can try another way," the green-eyed whispered. However, some laughter coming from the stairwell that they had just come from said otherwise. The boy cursed under his breath. "Okay, forward then."
"You can't be serious," Jason hissed.
"Do you have a better idea?"
The two stared each other down for a moment before Jason slumped his shoulders and shook his head. Percy urged them on. Nico was startled when Percy reached out and took his hand, giving it a warm squeeze.
They came to a stop at the corner, allowing Jason to peer around the edge. When he found nothing, the blond motioned for them to continue. Nico quickly followed after the blond. The doorway was in sight and relief began to flood through his chest. They were almost out of the school, just a few more steps.
Percy jerked Nico back when five shot rang out from the classroom to their left. Nico's breath hitched as the doorknob began to turn. Jason motioned for them to duck into the nearest classroom. So close to the exit, only to be shot down. Nico sat frozen on the floor as Percy closed the door, keeping it open just a crack to look out into the hall. There was no hope for them, was there?
Jason paced the classroom, wiping a hand down his face as he probably tried to weigh their options. Nico could hear sirens outside. Jason moved over to the windows and tried to pry them open, but they wouldn't budge.
"We could smash them," Jason recommended.
"It would be too loud," Nico hissed at him. "One of the shooters is right outside, he'd hear it and be in here before we could get out."
The blond groaned and covered his mouth, breathing in deeply. He looked on the verge of a panic attack. Nico turned back to Percy, who was still looking out the crack in the door. As if he knew Nico was looking at him, Percy glanced over his shoulder and smiled. But Nico saw it, that look in Percy's eyes. Nico felt the blood drain from his face. He knew what Percy was thinking.
"No," Nico whispered.
Percy got up, ignoring Nico. He grabbed Jason and took him off to the side. "I need you to make sure Nico gets out of here."
Jason furrowed his brow at his friend. Nico was on his feet now, grabbing his boyfriend by the wrist. "You can't," he whispered. Percy pursed his lips and turned back to Jason. "Percy."
"Promise me, Jason," Percy said.
Slowly, Jason nodded his head. The blond moved over to the door. Nico looked down, shaking his head. Percy pulled him to his chest. He was shaking, Nico could feel it.
Jason motioned over to them. "Hey, I think we're clear," he hissed.
Percy kept Nico pulled tightly to him as he moved them over to the door. Sure enough, there was no one to be seen. Jason slowly opened the door and stepped out into the hall. Nico half expected to hear a gunshot and see Jason slump to the floor, but the hall was silent. Percy led Nico out into the hall, where he slowly pushed Nico towards the exit.
But they were not so fortunate.
A loud gunshot behind them alerted them that the shooter was still nearby. Percy spun Nico around. "Go," he urged the shorter boy.
Nico shook his head, fighting back tears. "Not without you."
Percy looked over his shoulder when he heard footsteps. "I don't have time to argue. Go!" Nico shook his head again. He needed Percy to come with him, not be the hero. "I'm not going to let them kill you."
"And I don't need a hero right now," Nico sobbed. "Please!"
Percy gripped Nico's shoulders tightly and pulled him in for a kiss, smashing their lips together. Nico sobbed into the kiss, his fingers winding tightly into the fabric of Percy's shirt. But he was soon ripped away and pushed towards Jason. "Get him out of here," Percy said in a commanding voice, a dead serious look in his eyes as he stared at Jason. As Nico was pulled away, Percy smiled at him like he always would when he saw Nico in the mornings. "I love you."
Nico struggled to grab at Percy, but Jason refused to let go of him. Nico let out a loud cry when none other than one of Kronos's latest additions to his group, Luke, stepped around the corner. He smirked when he saw Percy standing there in the middle of the hallway.
"Well, well," Luke chuckled, "if it isn't the fag. Protecting your fag boyfriend, eh? Gonna play the hero, while your buddy gets poor little Nico to safety?" Luke narrowed his eyes and pointed the gun over Percy's shoulder, aimed right at Nico. "Don't think so."
Percy stepped in front of Nico, holding up his hands defensively. "Luke, you don't have to do this."
Luke slowly nodded. "Always the hero, aren't you, Percy?" He wave the gun around slightly, as if he was contemplating what Percy had just said. "But I have to disagree with you."
Nico sobbed again. Without looking behind him, Percy growled, "Get him out of here, Jason."
Jason nodded, even though he knew Percy wouldn't see it. Gripping Nico around his stomach, Jason tugged the struggling boy backwards. But they had to stop in front of the exit when Luke shot a bullet through the glass window on the door.
Jason pulled Nico against his chest and pushed the door open in a hurry. "No!" Nico screamed, struggling to look at his boyfriend. He felt the heat from the sun hit his face and the sirens were now blaring in his ears. Jason's breath hitched and he attempted to cover Nico the best he could.
"Luke, don't!" Percy yelled out. Nico froze as he heard a final shot. "No!" Nico heard Percy's sneakers scuff against the tiled floor.
"Percy!" Nico screamed into Jason's chest as he heard something hit the floor. The door slammed shut and Jason quickly ran with Nico's wrist tightly in his grasp. Tears streamed down Nico's cheeks as he turned to look back at the school.
Once they were behind the police barricade, Jason let go of Nico's wrist. For a moment, Nico just stood there, hoping that he would see Percy walk out of that building. But when it became obvious that Percy would not be coming out, Nico fell to his knees and cried. Jason crouched down beside him, pulling his friend to his chest.
"Nico!" Jason yelled as the boy attempted to run towards the school. The blond held onto Nico's waist and pulled him back into the grass, letting the boy cry some more.
Nico clutched the grass, his heart felt like it was being torn in half. He screamed at the top of his lungs as hot streams of tears poured down his cheeks. Jason held onto Nico, but kept his eyes on the school as the order was given for the police to move in.
There was a scream from the crowd outside as a few last gunshots were heard from within the school building. Nico pushed himself up and scrambled away from Jason. "I hate you!" He screamed at the blond. "How could you let him do that? Why didn't you stop him?" Tears now blurred Nico's vision as he stumbled around on the grass, his legs feeling weak. "He's dead!"
"Nico," Jason whispered, trying to hold himself together.
Nico smacked the blond's hand away from him. "I hate you!" He screamed as a female paramedic caught him and helped guide him over to an ambulance.
Jason closed his eyes and fell back on the grass, pulling his legs up and burying his face into them, his fingers gripping tightly at his short, blond hair.
Three days later, Nico stood beside Percy's casket, staring down at his boyfriend's peaceful face. Closing his eyes, he let his tears flow freely. The rain beat down on top of the tent that had been set up around Percy's grave. He didn't even notice anyone approach until a warm hand squeezed his shoulder.
Sally Jackson pulled the weeping boy to her. Nico clung to her back and the two cried together. "I'm so sorry," Nico sobbed.
Sally stroked his wet hair. "I know, sweetie." She wiped at her own eyes with the back of her hand. "I miss him, too. So much." Nico's fingers curled tighter in her dress. "Don't blame yourself, dear, he wouldn't want you to do that."
Nico's chest heaved violently as he opened his eyes and spotted Jason standing over at a fresh grave, the one they had buried Piper in just the day before. Jason's eyes found Nico's in the rain and the brown-eyed boy sobbed again. He would have never said such harsh things to Jason before. No, Jason was one of his best friends. Nico knew he would apologize, but not right now. Right now, he just wanted to be with Percy as much as he could. Before Percy was taken from him forever.
Nico pulled himself from Sally's hold and walked over to put his hands on the side of the casket. His chest heaved again as he brought the rose he had been at the start of the service up to his chest. Nico closed his eyes and placed the red rose on top of Percy's chest before leaning down and pressing his lips to Percy's temple.
His heart broke when Percy didn't smile back at him. Nico would never see that smile again, never see those sea-green eyes sparkle back at him. Nico reached up and wiped the tears from his eyes, his lips trembling as a whole new set of tears came forth. He covered his mouth and sobbed, Sally rubbing soft circles into his back.
Nico looked back at the woman and nodded, letting her know he would be okay. Sally nodded back and wiped at her eyes with the tissue she had been clinging to all during the service. Her mascara had long since left a black trail from her eyes.
The boy wiped at his face again as he gripped the side of the casket. "I miss you," Nico whispered. He couldn't help it, he cried again. "I miss you so much," he sobbed. With a shaky hand, Nico reached out and gripped Percy's cold and lifeless hand. The warmth and assurance that usually came with it was no longer there. A tear fell from Nico's cheek and hit the shirt that Percy was being buried in. "Why'd you have to be such a hero?"
Leaning forward, Nico rested his head against Percy's forehead. He wasn't ready for this, not that he probably ever would be. This wasn't supposed to happen. Nico looked down at Percy's peaceful face. He could no longer keep his eyes closed for very long, knowing he would only see Percy's happy face in his head.
"I love..." Nico sobbed again, his legs giving out on him as he fell to his knees beside the coffin. "I love you so much, Percy Jackson." He wiped at his face again, though the tears kept coming. "Why'd you have to leave me alone? I don't know what I'm going to do without you."
So, um, yeah, that was my dream brought to life. Um, I have noticed that things go much better in my head. I don't know, the school part didn't really turn out like I had originally planned, but I suppose it works. And if there is any confusion about that part where Percy got shot: Luke was going to try shooting Nico and Percy jumped in the way and protected Nico. So, yeah, let me know what you thought. And while this fic isn't over yet, I do plan on writing more Jasico in the future as well. I mean, if things go over well.