The Stick Game

Hey guys, its Zadel. So this game actually came to me in a dream, so I decided to turn it into a story. My dreams are weird though, I only get small bits of information from them so most of it is going to be my own words. Anyway, I'm hoping to get that second chapter of Luna's Isolates out soon maybe tomorrow. Until then please enjoy this short story! Chow!

The Stick Game

The Natsu team (Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza,Wendy,and Happy. And sometimes Juvia when she tagged along) had just finished a mission. They had to arrest some thug for stealing cake from a local bakery. The mission however was located next to a beach, so they had decided to spend at least one night there.

"Okay there is two rooms, one with a queen size bed, that will be Natsu's and Grays. then the large room, with two beds in a bedroom and a fold out couch that fits two, that will be me, Lucy, Juvia, and Wendy's room. Lucy and Wendy will share the fold out couch, Me and Juvia, will share the room beds. Happy, you will sleep on a bed I prepared for you in the bed room by me and Juvia. Is that okay with everyone?" Erza said standing in front of two hotel doors.

"Aye" Happy said excitedly.

"Yeah im fine with sharing a bed with you Lucy-San."

"Wait, I have to sleep in the same bed as Ice-Princess!" Natsu said angrily.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" Erza said giving Natsu and Gray a death stare.

"Nope nothing at all just checking!" Natsu said throwing an arm around Grays shoulder and faking a smile.

"Juvia would like to sleep with Gray-Sama!" Juvia said, upset with the sleeping arrangements.

"Then its settled, boys in one room girls in the other." Erza said ignoring Juvia's comment. "Now," she said as she requiped into her pajamas, "shall we all play a game?" She said looking maniacally at the group.

"What game?" Wendy asked not picking up on the evilness in Erza's eyes.

"The Stick Game," she said pulling out a bag of small sticks, "I herd that this game was very fun and that it helps friends trust their friends more!"

Alow me to explain how the stick game works. (Its a game I made up aka the dream) Each person draws a stick. One of the sticks is enchanted though, giving the person that drew that stick complete control of the people around them. However, each person has one guess to guess who it is that has the power. If they guess correctly, then they get the power and the guesses respawn. You never know if the person has changed or not, making it so you don't want to guess too hastily and no one knows who you guess. After it changes, what the person before did remains until someone either changes it or the game is over. The game ends when someone gives up, and then they have to be given a punishment selected by the rest of the group.

Everyone looked shocked. "Sure why not?" Natsu said with one of his famous smiles, "I ain't gonna be the one to quit though!"

"Sounds like fun." Wendy said, with everyone nodding in agreement.

"Okay lets play!" Erza said and headed to the bigger room. She layed the sticks out along the ground and said, "Alright, everyone pick a stick!" She said as she scooped up a stick letting the others pick there's.

"Let the game begin!" They all said in unison and Juvia felt the power flow through her.

'Yes!' Juvia thought and thought her first command. 'Gray-sama kiss me' she thought and he did as instructed, sadly Juvia had not thought this through and Lucy guessed it right after she saw gray look at Juvia and lean in.

'Alright so I got the power now' Lucy thought as she began to think what she could do to make it so it wasn't obvious but possible to guess. 'Erza, put Wendy on your shoulders and act like she's a prince and your her trusty stead!' Lucy thought and immediately afterwards Erza picked up Wendy and began to gallop around the room, neayhing every once in a while, while Wendy screamed and asked to be put down.

'Now... Gray-' Erza had guessed it, she knew the knight in shining armor trick would be Lucy. That girl read way to many fantasy books.

'Okay, ummm Natsu, pet Happy the wrong way.' Erza thought, still galloping around the room, knowing that if she ordered herself to stop everyone would know it was her. She quickly glanced over and realized that Gray was about to suffocate. 'Gray stop kissing Juvia!' She thought and he came up for breath and began to breath heavily. 'Juvia, become a water hat for Gray' she said almost laughing. Lucy was now the only one not doing anything, she immediately thought 'Lucy go hug Natsu' in order to get her to move. She realized that Wendy was still on her back and had a new idea. 'Natsu, become Lucy's knight in shining armour, and Lucy, be a damsel in distress.' Lucy hopped up on the table and started to gaze off into the distance, tears rolling down her cheeks and frowning. Natsu then came up to Lucy and screamed "Don't worry! Your knight in shining armor is here to save you!"

Lucy looked off the table at Natsu and fell into his arms, him holding her princess style and carrying her around the room randomly. Gray struggled to get the water hat off, with no avail. 'Gray, act like your the coolest dude in the-' Natsu guessed it! He knew it was Erza cause she was still galloping around the room and hadn't stopped to do anything else. Still carrying Lucy he thought 'Erza, start hallucinating and seeing Jellal and no one else around you, then confess your feelings to him!' Erza immediately dropped to the ground and began to cry, Wendy falling and landing on her butt.

"Wendy are you okay?" Happy flew over to her to check. Happy and Wendy had been the only ones who hadn't gotten effected by the game too much... Yet. Natsu soon realized this and changed it, 'Happy, pretend your a dragon, and Wendy pretend Happy is Grandine

Happy got up and pretended to breath fire, while Wendy chased him around the room screaming "Grandine! Don't leave me!" Natsu felt slightly bad but knew it was all in good fun. He slowly felt the power drain from him.

Erza had guessed it again, not being able to see anything but she could still hear. 'Erza, you can't see Jellal anymore but keep doing what your doing' she thought now able to see what was happening around her. 'Natsu, set Lucy down on the couch aaaaaand... Pretend you are about to take off her clothes! Also Juvia, go back to normal form and Gray, hold her hand and snuggle up to her' all at once, all of the orders happened, gray began snuggling up to Juvia like she was a warm pillow that he didn't want to let go of. Natsu put Lucy down and was about to juke his hands coming down on her to take her clothes off when all the sudden, "I GIVE UP!" Lucy screamed, realizing what was about to happen. Everyone came too, Gray shot up with an evil grimance, along with everyone else besides Wendy who smiled politely at her.

"Group huddle!" Erza shouted and everyone huddled around her.

"What should we do to her?" Happy said maniacally.

"I vote we make her have a terrible hairdo for the next month!" Gray said, thinking that that would actually affect her.

Erza looked at him then moved on, "Didn't you notice how flustered she got when Natsu got that last order? I say we make it so she has to sleep in the same bed with him for the next month!" She said and everyone agreed, except Natsu who went to the bathroom cause of all the food he ate earlier. As soon as he came out everyone chuckled and giggled and then Erza said it.

"Your punishment will be," She said adding a slight pause for effect, "you have to share a bed with Natsu for the next month!" She said and as soon as she did, Lucy became as red as Erza's hair.

"Wait, what?!" Lucy said flustered, she couldn't imagine that her friends would turn on her like that!

"You have to hehe its the rules." Wendy said still giggling.

"Ugh fine if I have to." She thought about it and became even redder than Erza's hair.

"So Lucy, you'll swap with gray." She said sounding satisfied.

"Then can Juvia swap with Wendy!" Juvia said desperately.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Erza replied.

In There Rooms

Juvia and Gray

"Juvia is so happy that she gets to sleep with Gray-Sama!" Juvia said, blushing at the thought.

"Yeah whatever, lets just get some sleep." Gray said turning a slight shade of red.

Erza and Wendy

"Don't you think we went a bit overboard with Lucy's punishment?" Wendy said to Erza, while climbing into bed.

Erza laughed, "Why would you say that? Those two have liked each other for months now, were just helping with the process." She said with a slight smile.

Natsu and Lucy

"I-Im so sorry this happened." Lucy said while looking at the ground.

"What? Why are you so upset? We sleep together all the time, whats different from sleeping together now?" Natsu said with an actually concerned look on his face.

'Sleep together? More like you come into my house in the middle of the night and snuggle into bed with me!' She thought, still bright red.

"Thats optional though, now were stuck together for a month..." Lucy said still unable to get the redness to go away.

"Thats better in my opinion," Natsu said pulling Lucy close to him and leaning down to whisper in her ear, "then I don't have to sneak in anymore." He said being able to feel the heat coming off of Lucy's face. She leaned in and rested her head against his chest.

"Im still sorry," she said in a quiet voice that she knew he'd still be able to hear.

"Its okay, don't worry about it."

He picked her up princess style and layed her down on the bed. He then hopped over her and snuggled up next to her under the covers, holding her close like a teddy bear. She hugged him back and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Okay, my imagination got the better of me again and I forgot that I wanted to make this short. So you guys got an extra long short story that I might make a sequel to... Just depends on the reviews I get. Speaking of reviews, please leave one, it helps out a ton. Thanks and Chow!