Hello everyone, Godtaku here! Now I have to apologize for taking so long with this chapter, my house got broken into so that delayed things quite a bit on my end and for that I apologize. But alas! I come bearing chapters. Yes a brand new chapter of the fic... and again I must apologize. There is no lemon this chapter. I promise it will be in the next one. I had actually written this chapter as part of chapter three but when I realized it would be a while before I posted again due to me not having my computer, I got the chapter of my Google drive and split it in half. I figured I would give you something rather than nothing. Now onto other things. First off, holy fucking shit have you guys seen Tokyo Ghoul! That has got to be my favorite new anime this season. Terror in Tokyo is pretty good to but it doesn't have the badass action that Tokyo Ghoul has. It even inspired part of Mirajane's backstory in the fourth or fifth chapter that I'm planning as you read this! (And on a super weird note, another girl who has been inspired by an anime is Levy. I thought of her chapter after watching the first episode of Space Dandy. Cookie to anyone who can guess what her main attraction will be!) Ok last thing before I let you go. I have been have a serious internal debate on if I should put Juvia and Wendy in the harem or not. I really want to, I like Juvia and think that she is a funny character and Wendy is pretty cute but I can't seem to think of a good way to make Juvia fall for Natsu without just having him rape her for the rest of the story, and I don't know if I write about Wendy if some people will be offended. So I decided to make a poll, it's on my profile now and a few of you even voted before this chapter was posted. The poll will decide if I put Juvia or not, same for Wendy, and if I do put Juvia in I am gonna need some help from you guys in the review section or P.M.'s on how I am gonna get her to fall in love with Natsu. So give me idea's! Do it! Now!

Well now I want to tell you guys the setting since many of you have asked about it. This story takes place after the Grand Magic Games with the only change being that none of that Eclipse Gate bullshit happens. I don't like the whole idea behind that arc and I especially don't like Hisui. I was actually considering taking a break from the show that is how much she pisses me off. Seriously, she's the whole reason Ultear's sexy ass transforms into motherfucking Queen Elizebeth. Oh and Happy is not in this he will still have existed in the universe but he will just not be in my story. Why? Because he's annoying. I mean, I like him and all but he would be a total cock-block while Natsu is getting down n' dirty with the those of the fairer sex. There may also be a few other changes plot wise but I will be sure to mention them in the story if they are important.

Well, with that long ass authors note over, lets get started.


Do not read if under age or do not approve of adult themes.


All rights to Fairy Tail go to Hiro Mashima.

The year X791

The city of Magnolia, Fiore

It was a cool summer morning in the city of Magnolia. There was not a single cloud in the sky and a nice soft breeze. This is where we find sixteen year old Lucy Heartfilia walking along the rail of the boardwalk near the city's river. Lucy was, to say the VERY least, a extremely 'voluptuous' woman. She stood at around five foot one with long blond hair and honey-brown eyes. She had what most would call a very cute face with large doe eyes, a small round nose, and soft, delicate features. But that was not what most people noticed about her. No. What most people looked at her for was mostly below the neck.

Lucy had what most people call an 'erotic body' with long legs, when comparing to her rather short stature, and bodacious thighs which led into very wide hips and a huge jiggly ass, which, no matter how much it bounced around, would always return to it's nice bubble-butt shape. She had a smooth stomach that had no fat and very little in the way of muscle, giving it a nice soft and supple feeling. But all of these ridiculously erotic features were only the lead up for the main-attraction. The part of her body that made everyone she walked by gawk in awe. The feature that made many-a-man have wet dreams about her for weeks. The objects that brought on the ire of hundreds of women.

Her enormous jugs.

Yes, Lucy Heartfilia's breasts were in a class of their own. Her giant bust measured out at a ridiculous one hundred and eleven centimeters and were soft as jelly, supple, and did not have even the slightest hint of sag. The massive M cup's had been recorded by Sorcerers Weekly when she had first joined Fairy Tail to be the largest pair of breasts of any female mage in all of Fiore and even upon her return from Tenrou Island seven years later, in which they did a special article on her where they compared her measurements to those of many of the other bodacious female mages with huge tits that had appeared during her absence such as Jenny Relight, Flare Corona, Kagura Mikazuchi, Minerva Orlando, Yukino Aguria, and many others, but in the end none even came close to her ridiculous size. Lucy always came out to be the biggest in all of Fiore. Her humongous breasts started just two inch under her collar bone and hung just a few inches above her belly button and even though they were extremely soft and malleable they always held there round, melon shaped size, no matter how much running, jumping, or sliding she did, not even the many battles she had gotten into with the guild would distort their shape. But what was probably the most shocking aspect of all was that Lucy was only sixteen. She had started her growth that would culminate to the ridiculously sexy body she had today, at the ripe age of eleven. Even now at sixteen she still had around four or five years to go before she reached her peak. This meant that Lucy's colossal tits weren't even half way done with their amazing growth. In the end, Lucy Heartfilia was recognized throughout the country as having the best pair of tits around, It was an indisputable fact.

But that did not mean they were without their own set of problems for the owner.

While Lucy did not have any physical ailments from her enormous rack, other than the fact that she wasn't able to see any part of her body bellow her breasts due to their sheer size, which did tend to be a problem when she was trying to tie her shoes, but it was only a minor inconvenience and nothing that some creative thinking and the use of a mirror couldn't solve. No, physically she had no problems with her breasts. She could sleep just fine, she had never had her bra chafe her chest, and she had never had a back ache in her life. She even found a way to run faster by swinging her boobs left and right while she was in motion to give her extra momentum.

No, one of those things were ever problems she had with her boobs. The problems she had were more with people.

All most ever one that saw her assumed that she was either,

A.- Some ridiculously hot slut.

B.- A call girl from heaven. or

C.- some kind of raging nympho that was willing to go down on anyone who had a penis.

Lucy huffed in aggravation as she was walking. Remembering the incident that had happened less than a week ago.

Five days Previous

As Lucy was walking home to her apartment for the first time in almost a month, she was happier than she could be. Fairy Tail had just won the Grand Magic Games while simultaneously ending their previous seven year long losing streak. The final event had been a battle royal in which a single member from each of the remaining guild's would be chosen to face of in a free-for-all until there was only one opponent remaining. For each person you defeated you would gain ten points for your team and if you were the last man standing your guild would be awarded twenty five points. There would be five matches like this so that every single member of each guilds team had gone. While the matches had many hair raising moments, such as when Minerva took Erza and Kagura's friend Millianna hostage or when Laxus, Jura, and Rufus all faced off against each other, all of the fairy tail mages ended up becoming the last man standing for their particular rounds securing the guilds victory. Lucy even got another surprise when Yukino, an ex-Sabertooth guild member came to the guilds victory party and gave her the final two Golden Celestial Gate Keys, completing her collection and making Lucy the new owner of all twelve Zodiac Keys. When Lucy had asked Yukino why she was giving the keys to her Yukino replied that it was because she "Believed that Lucy was the one that would open the gate of the Heavens" and then left shortly afterwords. When Lucy invited her to join Fairy Tail Yukino was elated but denied her offer stating that she was going to learn a new type of magic first and maybe then she would see about joining.

As Lucy continued walking, lost in the about what Yukino had meant when she said that she believed Lucy would "Open the Gate of the Heavens" she was brought out of her thoughts when she saw and old man who had just fallen down from his walker. Lucy, being the only one on the street at the time, naturally rushed to help the man up.

Once she had gotten the man up she offered him a smile and asked if he was alright. The old man started to dust himself off and replied.

"Ahh no I'm fine, thank you miss." The man said as he finished his little clean up and gazed up at Lucy for the first time.

Lucy was wearing the clothes she had gotten ever since she returned from Tenrou Island after her landlady had stolen all of her clothes. Her outfit consisted of a white and blue cropped halter top that was made in the shape of a heart, a blue and white mini-jacket, a thin black silk micro-skirt and skin tight black silk stockings. While she usually had to get all of her clothes handmade by one of her celestial spirits because her giant breasts and huge ass never fit in any commercially available clothes, she had no time to wait weeks for the spirit to make her a new set of clothes since the guild had to leave for the Grand Magic Games training trip only a few short days after their return from Tenrou Island, so she had to settle with squeezing into commercial clothes. She had gone to many store and finally settled on her current outfit after hours of searching. It was the only outfit in all of Magnolia that had looked stylish and even remotely fit her body. Almost all other clothes were either impossibly tight around her bust and waist or were oversized and made movement difficult. So she was forced to settle with her current clothing which showed a bit more skin than her usual outfits, which, to be fair, showed quite a lot of skin on their own. So, naturally, the old man had seen this during his glance at Lucy's oversized chest almost spilling out from the constrained halter top and her big ass forced up against the tight micro-skirt to the point where you could see the outline of her ass cheeks, made an assumption.

Blushing lightly the old man averted his gaze which puzzled Lucy. He looked down and shuffled his feet somewhat until he finally looked back at Lucy and spoke.

"Umm, Ojou-chan, umm... H- How much is it for your services?"

If Lucy wasn't standing on solid concrete she would have face-faulted.

Here was this little old man. Who looked the definition of innocent. Asking how much he had to pay to fuck her.

Naturally, Lucy gave the mature and womanly response to the situation.


"What? Oh god! I'm so sorry miss. I thought with your clothes and your body tha-"


Then, Lucy, in another show of maturity while handling the situation, proceeded to kick the old man's walker out from under him sending him falling to the ground and stomped off in anger.


Even now Lucy was still pissed about what had happened that day. Seriously, she had been hit on by people from the ages of fourteen to sixty. Hell, plenty of women had tried to pay for her "services" before too. But never had a ninety year old man, who couldn't even walk without support, try to get in her pants before. Really, that had been all kinds of fucked up.

Lucy sighed and looked down at her breasts. She brought her hands under them and hoisted them up, which was actually quite a hard thing to do considering each one of her tits weighed around thirty pounds, and then let them drop, watching as they jiggled and swayed from the fall. Honestly, she liked having her tits. Even though some people thought she was a slut or a prostitute, she really did like her boobs. Who gives a fuck what those people thought anyway. If someone judged her on her body first and personality later than they could go fuck themselves. She was not a slut, prostitute, call girl or otherwise. No man had ever even touched her body, much less had there way her. So she was happy with her boobs and all the benefits that they brought. They were always there to be used as kick-ass pillows whenever she needed to rest her head and, even though she would never admit it, she liked being nationally recognized as the woman with the biggest and best breasts in the country, because no matter what its for, its always nice knowing that everyone nation wide recognize you as being the greatest at something. Though she was still trying to figure out how Sorcerer Weekly had gotten her exact bust and cup size for their article. Really, she had never told a soul, not even any of her friends. The only one who knew her sizes was the celestial spirit she had gotten specifically for the purpose of making her clothes and the spirit wouldn't even be able to speak about her sizes, or anything related to her breasts for that matter, to anyone other than Lucy herself. She had made that especially clear when they formed their contract.

Lucy smiled as she continued walking. Thinking on how almost everyone judged her on her bodies appearance first and not her personality.. That was actually the reason she had fallen in love with Natsu. Ever since she had met him in Hargeon, Natsu always cared about her above all else. Not her jugs. Not her ass. Just her. He cherished her for who she was, nothing more, nothing less. That didn't mean he didn't appreciate her body though. She had caught him staring at her tits once or twice and she could feel his eyes on her ass whenever he was behind her. But that actually made her happy to know that Natsu was aroused by her body, because after the incident on Tenrojima Lucy realized something. She would do anything for Natsu. She loved him so much that she was willing to give up her mind, body, and soul to him if it was for him and him alone, and after all of the times he had risked his life to protect her, she thought that giving herself to him was the very least she could do. While she had never gotten the courage to up and confess to him she knew her feelings would never change, if anything, they would grow stronger the more she was around him, so she could wait as long as she needed.

Little did she know that those feeling would be coming to a head very soon...

As Lucy continued her path along the side of the river, she thought of her destination and the reason she was going to Natsu's house to check up on him. Natsu had gotten a slowly developing fever ever since the guilds return from the Grand Magic Games and it had only gotten worse the days following. It had finally gotten to the point where Wendy had ordered Natsu to stay in bed for a day of two until his fever was relieved. That had been almost a week ago.

Lucy and everyone else had been disheartened that Natsu had gotten sick now of all times because of the fact that this week had been his nineteenth birthday. Everyone had been planning on throwing him a surprise party today at the guild today but due to Natsu's deteriorating condition they were forced to cancel. Since the party had been canceled Lucy had decided that she would go to Natsu's house and take care of him for the day. She planned on cooking him a nice beef stew to help him recover and she had already brought all the ingredients along with her.

As she started to exit the town along the road to Natsu's house she gazed at his home when it came into view. After returning from Tenrou Island it would actually seem that Natsu's house had gotten cleaner, which was actually somewhat true. What had actually happened was that after Lucy had snuck into his house, as revenge for all the times he had done the same to her, she had seen how filthy the house was. All except for one spot.

There, in a small corner of the house, was an area with many papers pinned to a board and what looked like odd trinkets place nearby. It wasn't until she got closer that she could see what they were and the realization almost brought her to tears. There on the board was every single request poster Team Natsu had ever taken and beneath each was a little note detailing things about the mission. There were notes such as, "My first mission with Lucy" for the mission when they had to find the Daybreak book or "My first S-Class mission" from when they journeyed to Galuna Island. There was even a necklace as a souvenir from the S-Class mission on a small pedestal along with other things such as rubble from when Natsu broke into the Magic Council meeting, the fake Salamander signature, and even Lucy's own embarrassing maid outfit with the over-sized chest from when she went to sign up as a maid at the Everlue house.

After finding out about that heartwarming little shrine Lucy had felt all of her thoughts of petty revenge vanish. Looking around at the rest of the house she sighed and decided to clean the place up a little. When Natsu had gotten home that day he had been surprised to have found his house spotless. All of the dirty dishes had been washed and put back, the weights and bar bells were neatly stacked, and even the the floor was polished to a shine. He had been even more shocked to find a sleeping Lucy on his couch with dirt marks on her stocking and sleeves.

Every since that day whenever Lucy had any spare time or was bored she would come over to Natsu's house and tidy up a bit. It had turned into a habit for her to relieve stress or boredom whenever she got back from missions and after the third or fourth time Natsu had even gave her a key to the house. Even after seven years upon the groups return from Tenrou Island she had spent the entire day renovating and cleaning Natsu's house out of sheer habit. Though, much to her embarrassment, sometime during her visits Natsu had convinced her to start wearing the maid outfit whenever she cleaned. He had said it was because she was "like his personal house-maid" and, though Lucy had been embarrassed the first few times, the outfit did do a good job of keeping her everyday clothes clean of dust and grime.

As Lucy continued up the path she finally stopped in front of Natsu's house and knocked on the door.

"Natsu? It's me Lucy. I'm here to check on you."

Lucy listened and frowned when she heard no reply. Natsu's house was not big and the inside wasn't actually a proper house. It was really just one big room with small separate place for the shower and bathroom. But no matter where Natsu was he should have been able to hear her. Her frown deepening Lucy decided to go with option B.

"Natsu? I have some ingredients for beef stew here, I even went out and bought those Hellfire Peppers you like.

Lucy listened once more but heard nothing. Something was wrong. Hellfire Peppers were a special strand of Peppers that only grew near active volcanoes. They were so hot that it was almost guaranteed that normal humans would die trying to eat them an the only know person to have eaten one and lived was still in a coma to this day. They were the hottest peppers in the world and were usually only used as a poison. Though, because Natsu was Natsu, they were his favorite condiment to put in cooked food. They were Natsu's all time favorite thing to eat and no matter if he was on his death bed or had gone six rounds with Acnologia he still would have come running like a bee to honey at the mere mention of the pepper. Yes, this silence was indeed troubling. Lucy needed to find out what was wrong and fast.

"Natsu? Are you alright? I'm coming in." Lucy shouted as she fished around her key pouch for the key to Natsu's home.

As she unlocked the door and walked in Lucy let loose a muffled scream as a large shadow fell over her body and a hand muffled her mouth, and then there was black.

Natsu Dragneel was what most people would call a "good looking guy". Standing at six foot three he was a head above most other grown men and a lot more well built through his many fights and training. He had large lean biceps that weren't to large or too small and felt as if the were made of steel, bigger than average pectorals from his near constant exercise, broad shoulders that looked like they were carved from a boulder, and rock solid abs that were just large enough to support his body for his style of combat.

Nineteen year old Natsu Dragneel was a man many women have lusted after.

But not today he wasn't.

Yes, for the past few days Natsu Dragneel had been going through one of the worst experiences of his life, second only to waking up when he was nine years old and finding that Igneel had vanished into thin air. He had apparently gotten what Wendy had called a "fever". He had not know what that was until she had told him solely because of the fact that he had never gotten sick before. Hell, the only time he had even seen someone get sick had been when Lucy had gotten a cold during the rainbow Sakura festival.

The one thing Natsu did know for sure is that what he had now was definitely not a fever. Unless having a fever made your magic power multiply by a factor of about ten million and made you hornier than a dog in heat surrounded by 600 bitches.

Yes, this was definitely not a fever.

While the power would be a welcome addition to his current magic in almost any other situation there was only one problem. It wouldn't come out. It was like filling water up in the worlds largest balloon and just when it was at the breaking point the damn thing wouldn't pop. He had tried to call upon his magic so that he could release some of it but the damn metaphorical "balloon" always got in his way. It was actually becoming a serious problem. While when he was first sent away to mandatory bed rest by Wendy his power had been completely normal, but after he woke up the first day he had found that his magic had become almost a hundred times stronger and had continued to grow at a ridiculous rate until it was at the current level. The real problem though was that it had not stopped growing. The pressure it was forcing on his body was slowly but surely becoming unbearable and he needed release.

Speaking of release that brought another problem to mind. The massive erection Natsu had been sporting for about a week straight now. It was getting uncomfortable to say the least. While he had thought that the excess power would be his only problem, when he woke up to a never ending boner and thoughts about ever single remotely hot girl he had ever met being his personal sluts, he had to do a major revaluation of his current predicament. He had first tried to relieve "little Natsu" while in the shower, he had always been forced to do his business there due to the sheer amount of semen he produced, but after finding that he hadn't wilted in the slightest and seemed to be even hornier than before he was off to fantasy land thinking of all the beautiful women he had met in his life. Lucy and her ridiculous tits, Erza and her giant jiggly ass, Mirajane and Lisanna with their pale milky skin and erotic bodies. Hell, he had even fantasized of fucking the first master Mavis.

Natsu knew that as he was now he would probably rape any of these women that came anywhere near him so he had locked himself in his house. He had decided that if things got any worse he would go visit Porlysuica and see if she could fix him. After all, no matter how horny he got, he would never try to bed Porlysuica.

He would go to hell first.


He would rip off the diamond stiffy between his legs right now and use it to stab himself to death.

Natsu sighed as he laid in bed, trying to think of a way out of his funk. But as he pondered his current predicament his nose caught a whiff of something. Something that made his already raging hard-on turn into the equivalent of raw diamond. One of the only people that could completely make him blow his fuse and lose all semblance of higher function was walking up the steps right now. Really, of all the times she had to visit why today? Why now?

Why in the hell was Lucy coming?