Author Notes:

HEEEY GUYS, this is the first chapter! I really wanted to do something that could get close to what the original series were; something that the readers could imagine the actual characters doing. And I really hope I'm able to do that! XD

This first part is really short, but I promise the second is a lot longer! Don't give up too soon :D

Hope you like it



That was the shout they needed. As soon as those words were heard, the four heroes threw themselves at the monster, Plasmus, followed by their leader. Each one took their turn, attacking the enemy in synch, like they used to do all times when there was such a situation.

Starfire, the alien girl, was the first to do her job. Her hands glowed in green before she threw light bolts at Plasmus, at least making it feel annoyed. With a battle cry, Cyborg fired at it, while Beast Boy turned into a dinosaur to attack it.

He didn't have many options when talking about this monster; which was not very easy to defeat, despite of the lack of planning of its attacks. And animals, unfortunately, couldn't do much for them, but distracting it.

Robin threw one of his gadgets, which was attached to a wire, tying the creature up. And at last, Raven joined them.
"Azarath, metrion, zinthos!" She shouted, creating a force field around Plasmus. She moved her hands making the field become smaller and smaller, until it reached the shape of a man. When she let go of it, there he was, the man who gave life to the monster, sleeping on the ground.

"Great job, Titans!" Robin said, standing in front of the sleeping man.

Beast boy smiled and poked Raven with his elbow. "Yeah, that was pretty good, Rae."

"Thanks. Whatever."

"What a glorious victory!" Starfire floated with her usual smile. Her personality was unique; but really different from Robin's, who was more serious, even though he had his moments of fun. People didn't understand how they could be a couple, since so different. But those differences actually made them fall in love; and there they were, a year after the Tokyo mission, together.

She hugged Robin and kissed his cheek, while he blushed. "Now I invite you, friends, to the traditional pizza night!"

"I thought no one was gonna say that! What's up for a great race huh? The last to get there is BB's girlfriend!" Saying so, Cyborg ran, followed by Robin and Starfire. Beast Boy and Raven stayed behind.

He stared at the entrance, blankly. "Dude, I have feelings."

"Yeah. And you show them quite loudly." Raven replied in monotone, turning Beast Boy's eyes into a thin line. But he grew them round again and looked at his friend.

"Better get going." He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Unless you wanna be BB's girl, huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "It's the dream of a lifetime."