When morning comes
If I'm not there
with eyes of green,
Tis the end
Of what I've come to care.
For I held the heart
And I still do
The heart of my love for you.
But if in the morning
You wake alone
Know that I still love you.
Adventures may end
The memory of it never does.
It is my love for you that I must leave.
If morning comes
And I am gone
A new home I've gone to find.
Perhaps there we will find them
free and safe
Far away from here.
If I wake and you're not there
My time has come and gone.
But what is to happen if morning comes
And both of us are gone?
Another adventure
Perhaps our last
Is where we will have gone.
Over clouds and past the stars
Through wood and stone
Its time to meet again.
Meet again with those we lost
Meet again with those we found.
To rejoin at last
the dragon kyn
on one last flight in the sky.
The roars of those who still live ring out loud.
Forever lost to the world of men
on an island that cannot be found.
The adventure that may be the last
Will be well worth the wait.
If morning comes and we are gone
Look to the north at the fading stars.
You will see the star we followed
That has stayed true through the passing time.
To join the dragons
one last time.