Danny reveled in sitting in the sun. He'd been out of the hospital for just shy of two days, and he swore the antiseptic smell of the hospital still clung to him. He glanced to his right where his partner was leaning against a tree, anxiously waiting for him to finish his mission. Farther back, he could just make out the rest of the team waiting not so unobtrusively by the vehicles. Danny smiled at their hovering, and then turned his attention back to the matter at hand as he heard the gate to the juvenile detention center open and a small knot of people headed his way. Danny smiled and waved off the HPD officer escorting Kevin Reynolds and his parents his way, "Thanks, Al, but I can take it from here. Why don't you keep Steve company for a little while, and keep him calm for me?"

"Sure thing," Officer Robertson veered off and joined Steve in the shade of the tree a few feet away.

"Kevin, this is Detective Williams," Henry Reynolds introduced the two.

Kevin looked down at the ground, refusing to meet Danny's gaze. He nervously sat down across the picnic table from the detective.

"Detective Williams, how are you doing?" Martha Reynolds sweetly inquired. "Are you sure you should be out of the hospital?"

Danny smiled and glanced at his waiting entourage, "I'm fine, Mrs. Reynolds, thank you. I may not be 100 percent yet, but I am 100 percent sure that I do not need to be in the hospital anymore."

"We're glad you're feeling better," Henry Reynolds sat to Kevin's left while Martha sat to his right and they all looked across the table at Danny. "Aren't we, Kevin?"

Kevin hesitantly looked up and nodded. His voice was so quiet Danny almost didn't hear him over the morning breeze, "Yes."

"Kevin," Danny tried to catch the teen's eye while he had the chance, "do you have any idea why I wanted to meet with you today?"

"N...n...nooo, sir," Kevin stammered, eyes flicking up to Danny's face and down again.

"I have a daughter not much younger than you," Danny began, "so I know how easily kids your age can be swayed by other kids and even some adults. From what we've found out in the course of our investigation, John Fagin was quite adept at manipulating teens like you to do what he wanted. I'm not saying that excuses what you and the others did, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe what your parents tell me about you being a good kid."

Kevin's eyes flew to Danny's face and were full of hope despite the situation he was in.

"The lab has confirmed that neither you nor Terrance Walters fired a single shot, and the fact that you're both cooperating with the district attorney's office will help when it comes time for the judge to decide your punishment. I don't expect either one of you will get off scot-free, but I wanted to let you know that I have spoken to the DA on your behalf."

"Why would you do that?" Kevin wondered. "We could have killed you and... and I was going to shoot you there... you know, before you shot me," Kevin gulped and looked guiltily at his parents. "Why would you want to help me? Fagin said no one would help us except him, and that he would take care of us no matter what anyone else said and..."

"And did he?" Danny asked quietly. "Did he really take care of you and look after you?"

Kevin shook his head, wiping away a lone tear that trickled down his cheek.

"You're right, he didn't," Danny confirmed. "He said he'd have your back, but he sent you and other boys to do his dirty work. Do you know what happened when my team showed up to arrest him?"

Kevin shook his head again and buried his face in his hands though Danny could tell he was still listening.

"He ran. He left all the other boys in that warehouse to get arrested, and he ran. He never had any intention of taking the fall or of providing a lawyer for anyone who was caught. He was not a father figure like he tried to claim. Well, not a good one, anyway." Danny reached across the table and tapped the teen's arm to get his attention again, "From what I've seen and heard so far, Kevin, you are a good kid. I don't know what went wrong to get you tangled up with Fagin, but I am hoping you'll put that in the past and turn your life around and become the person your parents know you can be."

Mrs. Reynolds whispered encouragement and affirmation in Kevin's ear in agreement with Danny as she also wiped away a tear escaping down her face. Mr. Reynolds squeezed his son's shoulder in encouragement.

Danny glanced over at his partner and then past him to the rest of the team; his ohana. "Kevin, real family will always have your back even in the tough times. I'm glad you have a family who will do that for you. I really hope your friend, Terrance, can find the same thing."

"Actually," Henry smiled at his wife and again gave Kevin's shoulders a squeeze, "we're talking to our lawyer and CPS about officially adopting Terrance."

Danny blinked in surprise at the revelation. Kevin also looked his his parents in amazement, "You are?"

"We are!" Martha affirmed. "We know that you and Terrance are close, and when we found out about his situation, we thought that maybe we could help him, too. If that's okay with you. We're just starting the process though; there are a lot of hurdles to jump to make this happen."

Kevin nodded, pleased with the possibility of his best friend becoming his brother.

"That's good. I hope that works out for you. Kevin, I hope that's an opportunity you and Terrance both make the most of," Danny smiled and nodded towards his approaching partner who had noticed his slumping posture, indicating growing weariness, "It's good to have friends that are like brothers who you trust to have your back."

"Thank you, Detective," Henry stood and shook Danny's hand as he, too, stood up. Martha followed suit.

Danny nodded at them both, "You're welcome. Good luck with things."

"Detective Williams?" Kevin also stood and finally looked Danny in the eye without wavering. "I'm sorry for what happened to you, and I'm sorry that I took part in it... Thank you for your kind words. I promise that I will try to live up to them, and I will listen to my parents from now on... I swear I will make something of myself."

Danny grinned, "Good. You remember that and make good on your promise."

Kevin nodded and smiled at his parents as Officer Robertson approached, "Sorry, Danny, time's up, and I have to get him back inside. Besides, I think Commander McGarrett is starting to worry about you."

"Thanks for your help, Gup Gup," Danny winked at the HPD officer's blush at the inside joke. "We're done here, anyway. I'll thank Duke and the DA for your time in this."

The Reynolds watched Danny limp away, leaning heavily on his cane as he moved off towards his waiting partner. Steve fell into step beside him and as Danny faltered, he reached over to put his arm around his friend and support him as they walked slowly back to join the rest of their ohana.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Again, thank you to Fifilla and Wenwalke for their assistance in this story. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review - I appreciate them all very much. Have a great weekend.