Out of the Darkness Cometh the Light by soldierofonebattleson

Chapter Six

Maura had been reliving the whole thing in horrendously stark detail, everything including the heart shattering screams with had tore from her throat were etched into her memory… But something was tugging at her consciousness though, hints of tenderness and love seemed to be creeping in through the terror. Just as the BRIC's monitors had displayed HIS wretched leering face and about to inflict what could have been the final blow, she felt a soft pressure against her temple… slightly moist, warm and tender, a whisper of hot breath caressing her fevered skin.

A small sigh escaped her lips as her body automatically pressed back into the delightful warmth of her saviour's body, her hands without thought pulling the one resting just beneath her breasts in closer to her even tighter. The nightmare began to dissipate and was immediately replaced by a feeling of love and security, her mind relaxing back into a deeply peaceful slumber.

Hours later Jane began to stir once more, but as her consciousness began to de-fog a delicious pressure was beginning to thrum between her thighs and a heavy warmth had begun to tingle through her fingers. Her hand appeared to be cupping something, something deliciously full and firm.

Cautiously easing one eye open Jane quickly stifled a gasp as she realised exactly why her body suddenly felt so unexpectedly aroused and alive in the morning, especially as everyone who knew Jane Rizzoli definitely knew she wasn't a morning person. Somehow after easing Maura's nightmare away and falling back to sleep her body had completely betrayed her and decided to do what she wouldn't consciously allow it do whilst awake, wrap itself possessively around Maura.

Maura, who's thigh she was now straddling and whose breast her hand was now cupping through the heavenly soft and thin silk of her pyjama top… thin silk which did absolutely nothing to hide the hardened nipple pressing into her palm and in that instant Jane knew she was doomed. There was absolutely no denying or hiding the fact that as she lay there, her hidden emotions betrayed by sleep, she was undeniably sexually attracted to her best friend, her Maura.

Unfortunately for Jane it was in that precise moment, that instant, that Jane's inner-voice decided it would be a really great time to initiate a panicked mini-meltdown! *OH MY GOD! REALLY?! This is SO not good, SOOOO SO not good!*

Maura, damn her, decided that it would be the perfect moment to shift in her sleep, probably thanks to Jane's position. Her chest raised slightly upwards from the mattress and instantly rubbed the hardened nipple against the over-sensitised ridge of the scar on Jane's palm, but then even worse Maura suddenly decided shuffle one of her feet bringing it up slightly closer towards her body, causing the thigh that Jane was currently straddling to push harder against her aching clit. Jane was caught somewhere between heaven and hell, a bolt of pleasure tearing through her nerve endings causing her eyes to scrunch shut as at the same time she felt guilty that Maura was asleep.

*FUCK!* There was absolutely nothing she could do to stop the low growl she tried to stifle escaping her lips this time as she buried her head into Maura's shoulder in a vain attempt to muffle the sound and she bit her lip in desperation. The hot breath tickling Maura's throat as the rumbling growl caressed her ears also brought a sleepy-eyed Maura back into the land of the living.

For her part she felt like she'd just woken up from the most erotic dream she'd ever had in her whole entire life and the aftermath of feelings were running rampant through her overheated body… feelings which strangely seemed to be carrying on after her dream… Looking through squinting eyes, battling against the sunlight trying to break through the rooms heavy silken drapes, she quickly realised that Jane was the exact cause of her all consuming pleasure.

Unconsciously mirroring Jane, Maura bit her lip as she suddenly became very aware of the fact that a certain hand belonging to a certain raven haired and lanky detective was tenderly cupping her breast pressing down on her nipple, causing it to strain almost painfully against the fabric of her pyjama top.

The sole thing running through her mind was how desperately she wanted those finely boned fingers to take it their grasp, to tease it, caress it, pinch it and gently twist it… both nipples now maddeningly aching with want and need as pent up frustration began to course through her as her blood began to pump faster and her body decided it knew what it wanted even if Maura's mind was still being slow on the uptake.

The slight knot of scarring on Jane's palm grazing against the aching tip almost caused Maura to gasp out. She desperately needed to cross her legs to try and relieve her throbbing clit but quickly realised that not only was Jane half on top of her chest but she was straddling one of her thighs too.

*It's only Jane, it's only Jane, only Jane, Jane… JANE! Mother Fooey! There has to be some rational reason for this, I know it really I do, Jane would be rolling her eyes at my explanation by now normally, Jane would be… Dammit!*

"Jaaaane!" Maura pleaded, desperately needing her to move, unable to stay in the position any longer as she felt a slick liquid warmth begin to pool against the thigh pressing into her and her clit still demanding attention as it ached in pleasure, even more desperate for release.

Jane for her part was well aware that Maura had just minutes ago woken up but she had been terrified about being caught in such a compromising position with her best friend she simply pretended to be asleep, even though it did feel like some weird form of gloriously sensual masochistic torture.

Carrying on the pretense, Jane simply grunted in response as if she were only just waking herself up, moving her guilty hand away from the breathtakingly perfect resting place it had found and immediately mourning the loss of contact with Maura's taut nipple. She went to move her legs from their heavenly resting place astride of Maura's thigh but that annoying voice inside her head was still on the rampage.

*FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK! She is SO going to know how turned on I am! How the fuck do I explain that if she says anything?! There's gonna be a very special place reserved in hell for me right now!* Frozen, halfway in the process of moving her body away from Maura's she didn't know what to do, stuck like the proverbial rabbit caught in headlights.

Maura for her part was fairing no better, her eyes were once more squeezed shut, heart still frantically hammering away in her chest as she desperately fought for control of her breathing in an attempt to keep her arousal hidden from Jane. When the body pressing into her had shifted against her leg and attempted to move away, she instantly felt wet heat caress and spread against the inflamed skin of her thigh causing her bite back a shocked gasp.

"Jane-… I-…" Biting her lip she suddenly found herself in a very rare situation, lost for words.

"Ugh… Um, g'morning Maur, I-… I-…. I need the toilet… Yeah, I um need the toilet, sorry." Blatantly lying and blushing crimson at knowing she'd been caught red-handed she tentatively moved herself off the warm and gorgeous body underneath her, gingerly at the same time trying to keep pressure off her casts as best she could.

Immediately conflicted, both mourning and at the same time grateful for the loss of contact Maura slowly pulled her body up into a sitting position and she crossed her legs at her feet, which only served to torture her more as the clenching of her thighs quickly reminded her of her aching clit just begging for release and the silky warm wetness covering her thighs in her own arousal.

Jane struggled to sit herself upright and was getting increasingly frustrated with her situation, in need of release, the desperate want to touch Maura once more and all of the illicit thoughts that went with it, but mixed in with the guilty thought that she shouldn't be thinking of her best friend in that way. Thoughts of just what those illicit ideas might entail only caused frustration and anger to flush through her, she could hardly even move her own body properly, let alone be able to pleasure the most important person in her life… and then there was the frustration of where this line of thinking had even come from in the first place, she shouldn't be thinking about her in this way! It just wasn't right.

Since when had the image of making love to Casey been replaced by the Goddess like image of Maura Doctor Smartypants Isles?! Hell when had she even gone from wanting to be with men to suddenly having the all-consuming need to be with a woman, fuck she didn't even know the first thing about sleeping with one and had never so much as even thought to consider it before!

*It's just weird circumstances, weird, weird, weird… WEEEEEEEIRD! GET A GRIP! C'mon Rizzoli!* Huffing to herself she finally managed to sit upright and shuffled over to the edge of the bed, gingerly setting her feet on the floor, wiggling her toes into the plush carpet in an attempt to distract herself. She couldn't let this happen. She wasn't about to fuck up the most important relationship in her life just because she couldn't control herself in her