Hello all readers! This is my first fan fiction, and I hope you all enjoy reading it! I'll do my best writing this story and I think I'll have a lot of fun writing it. I'll try to update as much as I can, so enjoy! Also, I'm Canadian, so words like 'colour' are going to be Canadian spelling instead of American. :-)

Chapter 1: This is Me

"Now, for our top story: the MRD, Mutant Response Division, have been capturing any mutant found and placing them in their mutant prison in their facility, but they have admitted that they are not as successful as they have hoped to. Senator Robert Kelly has listened to this complaint, and just yesterday, revealed what appears to be some sort of robot which Trask Enterprises had constructed."

The TV screen showed Senator Kelly standing behind a podium outside of Town Hall, proudly pointing at the new robot creation standing beside him. It was a very tall and giant robot, kind of resembling a human with its two arms and legs. Its eyes were dark since it was deactivated and it was a metallic purple and grey colour.

"This is a sentinel." Kelly explained to the hundreds of people watching him on TV. "It is designed to locate any mutant in an area and to either capture it or end it. Therefore, helping the human race be safer by ridding the world of those dangerous mutants." He nodded towards an MRD soldier, and he pressed a button on a remote, activating the sentinel. It sprang to life as its eyes suddenly glowed yellow and the circular objects on its chest and palms glowed red, as it started to scan the crowd of people in front of it for mutants, though there were none in the crowd.

The screen went back to the news anchor lady. "We were able to get more info on these 'sentinels' from Senator Kelly's scientists, and they explained that these robots can gather info about a mutant it has fought, and feed it to every other sentinel, so any sentinel can be ready to fight that same mutant next time, having knowledge of what it can do. Also, these sentinels have a large arsenal of weapons, from missiles, to lasers, to repulsor ray, as well as very thick armour. So, will sentinels do their job successfully and stop the mutant race? Or will they just be another failed invention? Only time will tell. And now, for the weather forecast…"

"That's great!" Dad exclaimed, who had been watching the same news program with me. "That'll finally get rid of those mutant freaks."

"Dad, why do you hate mutants so much?" I asked him curiously. "They're basically just people with special powers, from what I've seen."

"Yes, but it is because of those special abilities that they are plaguing society! With abilities like those muties on the X-men and Brotherhood, do you know what they can do to us humans?"

"Yeah, but that's only if you decide to use those abilities for evil, like those super villains in movies and comic books. What if you're like the X-men, who are using their powers to protect us humans?"

"They are not protecting humans; they are trying to win over our trust so that we can stop believing what we are believing, but it won't work!" He explained. "Besides, they're freaks."

Wow. Just wow. I've never known my dad could be so full of prejudice. He's sounding just like Senator Kelly!

"Freaks?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Having cool powers and abilities make you a freak? Well, I'm not an ordinary girl. I hate shopping for clothes, make-up irritates my skin, I couldn't care less about how dazzling my hair or shoes look, and I love comic books and basketball. So in this case, I guess that means I'm a freak too, right?"

Dad just sat there, speechless, staring at me like he couldn't believe that I had just said that to him. "She's got you there, honey!" my mom laughed. Dad turned and gave her a death stare. Mom cleared her throat. "Trinity, dear, you shouldn't talk to your father that way." She scolded me a little nervously, trying to sound serious.

"Sorry." I apologized bitterly. "I just hate it when people are so prejudice." I glanced at the clock. It was exactly 8:19 AM. School started in eleven minutes. "I better got going." I grabbed my filled lunch bag off of the kitchen counter and stuffed it in my backpack, then zipped it up. I swung my backpack over my shoulder, put my arms in the straps, and walked over to the front door to exit the house. "Bye Mom, bye Dad! Don't forget, I have basketball practice after school, so I'll be home around four-ish." I called. Just then, my brown Cockapoo dog Buddy came rushing over to say goodbye. He's a smart and loving dog, and he knows that whenever I say 'Bye', I'm leaving the house.

I kneeled down and let him lick my face. "I'm just going to school, Bud. I'll be back later to walk you." I patted him on the head, said "Bye" one last time, then opened the door, walked out of the house, and closed it behind me so I could head over to school.

Just in case you're wondering; no, I am not a mutant. I know it may seem like that because of the way I was ripping on my dad for hating mutants, but like I said back there, I hate it when people are prejudice or racist, plus, I don't think mutants are that bad. I've always known that my dad hated 'muties', and it wasn't until that moment when he made that snarky comment until I decided to tell him how I really feel.

Anyway, it would be cool to be a mutant, for the obvious reason being having a superpower. But I don't think I ever could, and there are three main reasons why.

My dad hates mutants, so I would be someone he hated.

The power would probably be hard to control.

I'd be even more disliked and hated than I already am.

Then, as if on cue, I arrive at school.

Well, at school, I wouldn't say that I'm hated. I'm more like unpopular. I don't really see why. I'm athletic, decently friendly, can maintain an A average, and at least not hideous. So why am I not in the popular group? One word: Tomboy. All the populars are girly girls and are all prissy, which disgusts me. I'm just your average tomboyish 13-year-old girl, but I honestly don't care what those prissy ponies think of me. I only care about my parents' and my buddies' opinions.

When I got to school, I noticed my three best friends Emily, May and Nikki were waiting for me. "Hey guys!" I called over to them, waving. "Hey Trin!" May replied on behalf of all three of them. She is the friendliest of our bunch and is always the first to talk. "Hey, did you hear about the new sentinel program the Senator is releasing?" Nikki asked. "Yeah, I did!" Emily exclaimed. "Man, they are really taking this mutant business seriously, aren't they?"

"Yeah. I heard they even designed these special darts made especially to surpass a mutant's abilities." May added.

We kept on chatting about mutants and all the prejudice in our city until the bell rang for us to get to class. Nikki and I walked to class together while Emily and May walked to theirs. I probably wouldn't see them again until recess.


I sat in my math class, where we were working on calculating the surface area and volume of specific objects. I was working right through all the questions on the worksheet, taking no time at all on each question.

So, a rectangular prism is 20 centimeters long, 6 centimeters wide and 5 cm. tall. 2x(20x6)+(5x6)+(20x5) =500 cm.2 is the surface area. 20x6x5 =600 cm.3 is the volume.

Pretty simple stuff. For me, anyway.

I continued answering and breezing through questions like that until I finished early with ten minutes left of class. I took out my doodle book and started to doodle randomly all over the page, drawing things like lightning bolts random superheroes and basketballs. I would have been reading a comic book right now, but I forgot to bring one today. I was getting in a really doodley mood, when - I'm not exaggerating – everything in the room started moving in slow motion. Our teacher, the busy students-everything.

Everything except me.

At that same moment, I had this weird, tingly feeling – like a sense – and I actually sensed something small and round coming up behind me. It was such a weird feeling.

I turned around, everything but me still in slow motion, and I saw a tiny spitball coming towards me. To stop it, I grabbed it between my index finger and thumb, so now I had it expertly, as if placed, between my two fingers.

As soon as I successfully stopped the spitball, the world suddenly went back to normal speed, and I saw Nathan, who was sitting in the back, holding a spitball tube, his jaw dropped open in shock. Figures. I should've known it'd be a jerk like Nathan who'd shoot a spitball at me. Don't try this with me I mouthed fiercely to the still surprised Nathan before tossing the disgusting spitball on the ground and turning around to get back to my doodles.


School was over in about two minutes now, and all the kids were flooding the hallways waiting for the bell to ring to dismiss us all to go home. I stood in the middle of the hallway, chatting with Emily, May and Nikki, just like everyone else was doing with their friends.

"So anyway, our entire class got into this huge discussion about sentinels and mutants…" May started.

"…and even Ms. Key got into the conversation!" Emily added excitedly.

"I wish our teacher wasted time by having huge class discussions." Nikki complained.

"Hey, Mrs. Jenkins is a good teacher!" I protested.

"Well, I despise her." Nikki folded her arms.

"Anyway," Emily continued, "Ms. Key said that they are releasing the sentinels out into the public today!"

"She said they're going to be pretty much like robo-mutant police, looking around for any mutant it can find!" May added.

"Yeah. Michael told everyone that he and Liam saw one from about a mile away during recess." I chimed into the conversation.

"Hey, do you guys want to hang out?" asked Nikki.

"Sorry, I got basketball practice, remember?" I replied.

Nikki looked disappointed. "Why must you be the most athletic girl in out grade?"

" 'cause I'm just that awesome!" I said jokingly sarcastic.

The dismissal bell rang suddenly before we could continue our conversation further. I waved goodbye to my three 'besties', then headed over to the gym to start b-ball practice.

Next chapter coming soon…