Once again, beta'ed by lunarshores!

If Thatch hadn't been tied up, he could have easily taken care of his captors. At least, that's what he tried to tell himself in a lame attempt to soothe his hurt pride.

He was stuck in Oyaji's office. The number one most secure place in the building. Theoretically, he wasn't supposed to be there, but he really wanted to use his lunch break to get Oyaji's office errr… ready for the meeting that would be held later that day.

He hadn't expected to be a hostage in a robbery attempt gone wrong.

He really had no idea how the two people got into the building, but he was pretty much certain that they couldn't have done it without inside help. Someone had to have told them when the office would be one had counted on Thatch's preparations. When he pulled the alarm (Stupid, he knew. He should've just stayed hidden and let them take what they could. At least then he wouldn't be in this mess), he was quickly caught and tied to a chair. He heard the sirens shortly after. When they were contacted to the authorities, the robbers had made demands, but unfortunately for them, it looked like the FBI wouldn't give in to them.

All in all, Thatch was pretty sure that he would be dead soon.

He almost screamed when someone put a hand over his mouth.

"Shhh," the person standing behind him said. Thatch could have sworn that he knew that voice, but he just couldn't place it. He blamed it all on the adrenaline currently in his system. Thatch looked at the robbers, who currently had their backs to him, before carefully turning his head to the side to see if he could get a glance at the person standing behind him. It didn't work, he couldn't turn his head far enough see them. He only caught a glimpse of pink robes before the hand left his mouth, and the person crouched down. He felt them put a blade to the ropes binding him to the chair. They started cutting.

Thatch could only hope that they wouldn't get caught before he got free. Fortunately, the robbers didn't turn to look at him at all, opting to speak to each other in hushed whispers. Of course, it didn't last. Not with Thatch's luck.

"No! This isn't how this was supposed to turn out at all!" one of the men suddenly shouted. They turned to look at their captive. Thatch paled visibly, but almost sighed in relief when they didn't notice anything. The person behind him must've somehow hidden themselves from view in order to avoid getting caught. The other man walked up to him, his face hidden by the mask he wore.

"What will we do with you?" Thatch didn't answer. How could he, when he was still gagged? He looked his captor in the eyes, seeing as they were the only visible part of his face, in an attempt to figure out what he was thinking. It seemed that his eyebrows were drawn together. The man sighed, before taking a step back and taking out a gun.

"I guess we have no other choice." He aimed the weapon at Thatch's head.

"But Sabo…" the other man protested, stepping forward.

"No, Ace. He has to go. He knows too much." Sabo didn't turn his gaze away from Thatch, whose eyes were impossibly wide, heart threatening to burst through his ribcage.

Someone fell from the ceiling, behind them, in a flurry of pink. Sabo didn't notice, busy placing his finger on the trigger. The person knocked Ace out with a strong blow to the nape of his neck. It was only when Ace fell to the floor with a thud that Sabo whirled around to face the person. It was the first time Thatch saw them. They wore a traditional kimono and had their black hair tied back in a… Thatch had no idea what kind of hairstyle that was. His face was covered by a smooth, white porcelain mask with eyeholes.

"What the fuck?! Ace?" There was no answer from the unmoving body on the floor. Sabo scowled and shot the gun. The figure before him jumped to the side to dodge the oncoming bullet, before rushing towards the criminal. He knocked the weapon out of Sabo's hand. It clattered as it hit the marble floor. As the man and woman were preoccupied with each other, Thatch got up from the chair, severed ropes falling to the floor. Sabo delivered a punch to the other person's mask. It cracked. The kimono-clad figure stumbled back and raised a hand to her face. Thatch, thankful for the distraction, grabbed a small potted plant from a nearby shelf and rushed forward. When he was standing behind Sabo, he lifted the item up into the air and brought it down on the man's head. Both Sabo and the remains of the plant crashed to the ground. Thatch raised his head to look at the person who'd just saved his life. The left side of the mask had gotten dislodged, and the woman was holding it in her hand.

Only it wasn't a woman.


Sooo... how about a review? *wiggles eyebrows*