Yo! Here you are, more drabbles. I have no idea how many of you like this pairing, but I think it's great!

Beta'ed by lunarshores.

It was almost midnight. Izo said goodbye to his friends, who were going to stay at the club for a little longer, and turned to walk home. His hair was a little disheveled, and, though he would never admit it, his make-up was smudged. The wind was blowing hard, causing his kimono to fly around him in a flurry of bright colors. He didn't live far away from the club. If he did, he definitely wouldn't be leaving it so late, when who-knew-what kind of people were roaming the streets.

Speaking of which, one of them was leaning against the wall of a building in an alley he was passing. Izo paid the man no attention, opting instead to quickly walk as far away as he could.

To his complete and utter horror, the man started following him. After about three minutes of this, shoving away all of his fear, he decided to confront his stalker.

"Why are you following me?!" He yelled at the man. His stalker's hair was styled into a pompadour, and the clothes he was wearing seemed to be from a completely different time period. The man smiled kindly.

"I don't think that someone as beautiful as you should be walking home alone at this time of the night." His smile turned into a predatory grin, and in the scarce light that the streetlamps provided, Izo could see his canines elongate. "After all, someone might eat you up."

As the fear came back full force, Izo started running.