This an idea I've been toying with for a while now. Tell me in the comments section if you're interested in reading on. Reviews keep me motivated so please leave one if you're interested in this story.

This story takes place in season 6, but JJ is in it instead of Ashley Seaver. Additionally this is not a crossover, there are just a few Homeland characters referenced.

As always I own nothing, I borrow.

"Our unsub is Iranian national Hamid Farhat, fifty-eight year old Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Maryland. He will probably not be armed and should be easy to apprehend. Garcia had pulled up aerial photos of his residence" Hotch said as he nodded to Garcia to begin.

The team was currently in a sleepy Maryland police precinct preparing to apprehend their latest unsub. Hamid Farhat had been killing young blonde college students, first sexual violating them with foreign objects before strangling them to death with neckties. Ultimately it had been Rossi who had broken the case with his hunch about a sexually frustrated local professor.

Garcia nodded back to Hotch, taking the hint and carrying on, "Farhat's Potomoac, Maryland home is at the end of cul-de-sac and the property actually spans four acres and contains three buildings, the main house, the guest house and the office."

"Because of Farhat's patterns he could be in any of the buildings so I want to breach them simultaneously. Team A will be myself and Prentiss and we will be taking the main house. Team B will be Rossi and JJ, you will be taking the office. Team C will consist of Morgan and Reid who will check the guest house and garage for good measure. Does everyone understand their assignments?" The team shook their head in agreement, "Okay let's suit up and go."

The short ride over to the Farhat residence was quiet, and awkward. Hotch and Emily hardly ever rode alone together to begin with, and they did so even less after the Foyet incident. It wasn't unknown, well to Garcia and JJ anyway, that Emily harbored a crush on the team leader. In many ways he was the forbidden fruit, at first he was married and he was always her boss. FBI fraternization was taboo enough without the boss-employee factor. However, after Foyet things changed. At first, after the stabbing, Hotch seemed to open up to Emily, only allowing her into his world of pain. They shared a closeness that made Emily believe that maybe, just maybe, one day they might just end up together. But after Haley died their dynamic shifted again, with Hotch pushing Emily away.

It was almost as if he felt guilty about harboring feelings for someone else, as if he was cheating on his dead wife, the mother of his child. Aaron Hotchner was a good man, that's what drew Emily to him. But his inherit goodness is what motivated him to box her out. That coupled with the fact that Hotch had nothing else but his son and his job made also made him wary of the raven haired profiler. Sure, Strauss was being lenient with him now, but what would she think if she found out he was dating his subordinate? A woman that she didn't much care for anyway. No, any thoughts Aaron Hotchner had about dating Emily Prentiss were pushed aside, which made the car ride so awkward. Well that and how he had asked her to wait for him. He knew it wasn't fair, quite frankly it was a shitty thing to do. Nevertheless, even if Hotch couldn't have Emily he didn't want anyone else to have her either. Was it selfish? Yes. But doesn't everyone have a right to be selfish every once and while?

"No traffic" Emily quietly uttered, trying to break the awkward silence in the car.

"Yeah" was all Hotch replied back. He heard Emily sigh as stared straight ahead through the windshield. She normally preferred to ride with Morgan, or Rossi, or JJ, or even Reid, anyone but him. "You get the door, I'll run point. Be careful" he said efficiently as they exited the car.

They quickly moved to the back door entry point and Hotch radioed in to the rest of the team, "Team A in position. Team B?"

"Ready" JJ replied.


"We're good" Morgan spoke over the mics.

"Okay in 3-2-1" Hotch counted down as Emily kicked in the door and he ran into the kitchen, clearing room by room with Emily right behind him. He liked working with her, he trusted her abilities. Hotch knew she was good. She was as good as Morgan when it came to clearing a room, and if Hotch was being honest with himself he knew she was better than him.

"Clear" JJ radioed in.

"Garage and guest house clear too" Morgan echoed.

Hotch just nodded over to Emily who immediately knew what he was conveying, the unsub was in the main house. After making it through the first floor Emily took the lead up the stairs. Hotch directed her to clear the bedrooms on the north side of the second floor as he checked the master suite and the study. Hotch vigilantly entered into the study, but he must have missed something because he felt someone hit the gun out of his hand.

"Fuck" he murmured as he began to wrestle with the other man, who had the element of surprise on his side. He elbowed the other man in what he assumed to be the nose, but his counterpart used the opportunity to grab his hand and twist him around pining him against the bookcase. A few books crashed down, which caught Emily's attention in the bedroom.

"What do you think you are doing here?" A smooth calm male voice asked Hotch, who struggled against him and was desperately trying to get free.

"I could ask you the same question" Emily replied as she pushed the barrel of her gun against the back of his head. She knew it wasn't the unsub, he was too tall and lean to be the plump middle-aged professor they were looking for. "Step away from Agent Hotchner and put your hands in the air" she commanded in a loud voice.

The man chuckled, "FBI huh? I never was too impressed with the training."

"Yeah and who are you?" Emily demanded in a stern tone as the man lifted his arms in the air and turned around to face her.

"Peter Quinn, CIA. And I believe you are impeding on my investigation."

"Your investigation?" Emily scoffed.

He looked around the room and gave a small smile, "I believe it is above your clearance level Agent."

Emily shook her head, she never was one to back down from a challenge. "Show me your credentials."

"I don't do credentials."

"You don't do credentials? Well do you do handcuffs?" Emily rhetorically asked as she cuffed Quinn.

Hotch didn't know what to think about the banter between the two, but he didn't like it. "You're coming with us until this is sorted out. Where is Farhat?" Hotch sternly inquired of the man in front of him.

"Wouldn't I like to know?" Quinn answered cryptically as Emily led him out of the house and into the Bureau issued black SUV. JJ gave her a questioning look to which Emily just shrugged in reply to. She really had no idea who this guy was, but she didn't trust him. "I think I'd like my phone call now" Quinn quietly said as he intensely gazed out of the car window as the SUV pulled into the empty precinct parking lot.

"And I'd like my unsub" Emily shot back as Hotch glared at her. He knew this was going to be a long night.

If I continue this story there WILL be Prentiss/Hotch flashbacks.

Also, I'm debating what to do next. Tell me in the reviews section which Criminal Minds couple, involving Prentiss, you'd like me to write about. I may end up doing a one-shot about the couple of your choice.