A.N.: Like the summary says, this is how I'D like to picture the Dean and Cas reunion. Leave a review telling me what you think. Thanks for reading! Enjoy! ~12HockeyChick21

Castiel had spend several Earth months fixing Heaven from Metatron's rampage. After much work and angel gathering, the place he'd once called home was seeming to shape up to fit it's name again. Cas had repaired the angel caste system and had set new leaders of groups in search for their father, but even Castiel was beginning to lose faith in his own father.

Nevertheless, Castiel was finally ready to return to his home away from home and face the truth. Dean Winchester was dead... But Cas had to still make sure Sam was doing well. He wouldn't let any Winchester suffer. He flew down to Earth fast and located Sam, surprised he sensed him in the bunker. Castiel had always expected Sam to give up hunting when Dean died. But then again, the younger Winchester had never fully accepted death, whether it was his brother's or his own.

But when Cas arrived, the bunker seemed empty and the voice that greeted him was not the one he'd expected.

"Cas?" The angel spun around.

"Dean?! How... are you-" Cas was cut off as Dean's eyes flashed black. Cas flew forward and grabbed the demon and held his hand to the demon's forehead, ready to smite it.

"You aren't Dean. What do you think you're doing?" Castiel growled. The demon began to laugh.

"Cas... buddy. It's me. Crowley did this to me. It was his way of resucing me from death, I guess."

"Dean... this is a fate worse than death..." Cas said, letting him go.

"Ah, I could think of a few worse things." Dean replied in all seriousness. "What are you doing here? I thought now that the heavenly home is open again, I wouldn't see your feathery ass around anymore."

"Well, it has been months, Dean. I just returned to check on Sam. Where is he? Does he know about you?"

"He just went out to get some of that rabbit food of his. And of course he does. Loves using devil's traps and holy water in a squirt gun to get me to do things. I've kind of turned into his pet instead of his brother. He keeps saying we'll find a way to get me back to normal, though I don't think that will be possible."

"Maybe it is, but I'm not certain..." Both creatures were silent for a moment.

"My apologies, Dean. For... almost smiting you."

"Don't sweat it, Cas. If I were you I would have smited me too. I'm a freak." Cas shrugged at this.

"I'd rather have you. Cursed or not, right?" When Cas said this, Dean's green eyes glimmered ever so slightly.

"Hey, you do listen when I talk."

"Of course I do, Dean... You are very important to me."

"Really...? Even like this?"

"I don't care what you are. You are still Dean. The man I gripped tightly and raised from perdition. The man who accepted me when I changed as well... many times. What are those words a human says to another human in times like this?"

"Well... neither of us are really human, Cas."

"I don't care, Dean. I want to remember the words..."

"I love you."

"Yeah those words..." Cas looked up at Dean and the two stared at each other in silence again. Finally Dean tentatively leaned in, closing the rest of the space between their already very close faces. Their lips met softly and lovingly. When they broke apart Dean pulled Cas into a hug.

"I need you." he whispered.

"I love you too." Cas whispered back.