John stood, slack-jawed, staring at his friend for over a minute. How could this have happened? What was even going on? There was really only one way he could respond. His mouth slowly closed, he blinked rapidly a few times then a quiet noise broke through. A sluggish laugh cracked through the dense air of the flat, growing steadily in volume until John was literally doubled over cackling like a mad-man.

"Now look what you've done!" Sherlock whirled around pinning Loki with an angry look.

Loki tried to look sorry, slinking behind John's chair, peeking out over the back rest so only his eyes and tips of his fingers were visible. It would have been adorable if Sherlock couldn't read the grin in the crinkles next to his eyes.

Sherlock gave him a searing glare before turning back to John who had braced himself on the wall with his arm. His laughing dying down to breathless giggles.

"John? Are you alright?" Sherlock tried to bend down to see his face.

"Sher-sherlock I'm s-so bey-yond not-t alright!" Seeming to get himself a little more under control he stood up as straight as possible and pulled the bottom hem of his jacket down. "Alright then. I'll come back again-" a little hiccup of laughter cut him off "-when you're not so busy." And marched toward the door, pausing to say "Good to finally meet you, Loki."

Loki smirked flirtatiously, wiggling his fingers in a suggestive wave and purring his 'Goodbye, Doctor.'

John practically ran down the stairs and out the door.

"That," Sherlock's tone was measured and quiet "was not ideal."

"But it was fun." Loki said still smiling at the open lounge door.

Sherlock made a noncommittal noise then strode into his bedroom. Shuffling sounds could be heard and Loki was curious, he followed his lover into the room just managing to see Sherlock turn before something cold curled around his wrist. Loki yelped loudly as Sherlock threw him down on the bed so hard he bounced. Loki put up a token fight, assuming that this was all part of his upcoming punishment. A shiver ran down his spine, he couldn't wait for whatever Sherlock had in store for him, his little mortal was always so creative. Sherlock threaded the chain between the cuffs through the wrought iron bars of the head board before wrestling Loki's other wrist into the remaining metal restraint.

Suddenly Loki's limbs felt like lead and movement became laborious and tiring. Loki's heart thudded wildly in his chest, the slight edge of panic clear as he tried to fight. "Sherlock! No! Not these! Please, I'll be good, please!"

He remembered when he'd gifted these cuffs to Sherlock, they were intended for Sherlock's use in apprehending criminals so they would fight less once they were on but he now realized that because of the charm he was unable to use any sort of magic to free himself. For the first time Loki was truly and completely at Sherlock's mercy.

"I have to go out for a bit, pet. Don't run off." Sherlock's smug grin rankled and he bent down to kiss Loki on the tip of his nose.

Loki relaxed down into the mattress, but his mind raced, he couldn't remember the last time he had so few options. Sure, he could think of a few ways to get out but they would be taxing on his magic. Motionless magic was decidedly more difficult and draining than Loki liked to admit (he could do it but he'd have to sleep for the next two days or so) and he was already winded from struggling against the magic of the cuffs.

Now it was time to examine the thing that was making him really anxious, the fact that he wasn't as concerned as he thought he should be. It was the same sort of feeling he got when Sherlock was in charge but it was different, it was amplified. All the other times Loki could have easily removed himself from the situation if he'd wanted, he had allowed Sherlock to think he called the shots when really Loki could leave at any time he wanted. But now, this was a new experience…for the first time in his whole life someone had actually forced him…and he liked it…

Loki's brain began to get a little fuzzy, for once there was no reason for him to try to calculate and scheme, there was nothing he could do and Sherlock wouldn't hurt him…well not in a bad way, Loki was simply along for the ride and how strange it was. Sherlock had managed to accidentally take full control of the God of Mischief and Loki suddenly, had no problems with that, he was free from thinking for the time, free from decisions, free from everything.

Sherlock strode down the street quickly. He'd seen it in a shop just last week. Yes! There it was! A perfect Barrel-top trunk! It was a good replica and he was sure he could find a use for it after Loki left. He strode into the shop, confident as ever.

"The chest in the window. How much?" His clipped tones easily got the attention of the middle aged woman behind the counter. Owner's wife, having an affair with the night time janitor. Really, people were so predictable.

"Oh the chest? Yes, it is lovely isn't it?" Her simpering was already giving Sherlock a headache.

"Yes, now how much is it."

She not-so-subtly looked him up and down. "I'll give you a good deal, love. £ 275."

"Absolutely not. I'll pay £ 75."

"Excuse me sir but that is a genuine-"

"Oh please. Anyone who looks at it can tell it's a fake. The rivets on the side are far to even to be hand crafted as is the leather for that matter. The faux brass handle is terribly telling as well. And if you do not sell it to me for £75 flat I'll tell your husband about the much younger man you're seeing."

The woman looked affronted for a moment before smoothing the front of her dress "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Right. Husband at the pub down the road is he? Don't worry, I'll find my way." Sherlock said briskly, turning to head out the door.

"Wait! No! I'll sell it for £75, just don't tell my husband."

Sherlock smiled, tossing the money down on the counter and heading to the window display to collect his trunk. It was surprisingly light, another tell that it was not and 'antique' as she'd tried to persuade him.

Right as he was leaving Sherlock tossed over his shoulder. "He's cheating on you too, by the way."

"What? My husband would never-"

"Oh no he wouldn't, but you janitorial boyfriend would. Have a nice afternoon."

A/N: OH MY GOD! You guys! I'm SO sorry! Yes, I know this chapter is short but I'm doing my best with school and work so I felt like I had to give you something to go on. PLEASE LOVE ME AGAIN!