"Oda Nobunga - the second son of Oda Nobuhide, he threw ceremonial incense at the altar during his father's funeral in 1551, causing his mentor Hirate Masahide to commit seppuku, and also alienating many of his father's retainers…" Ami put down her pencil and popped the headphones onto the desk, glancing at the white plastic watch as she stretched. 23:37.
Wow, geez, it's late, Ami thought, and her foot accidentally clunked against the brown box of audio tapes, still heavy with unstudied history material - a gift from Ryuji. "I was just thinking modeling has got to be one of the most hectic jobs out there, so I brought you this," he had said as he dropped the box in front of her that morning. "They're audio recordings from my history cram class, and since the national center test is coming up in January, I thought you could make better use of them than I could. You are going to university, right?"
"Oh...of course." Ami had picked up the cardboard box, her ears a little hot, but the casual wear helped - white short shorts, sky blue tank top, hair tied back into a perfect ponytail, Ami knew she looked good. She returned his split-second glance frankly, then nodded inside, saying, "Come in. It'd be a shame to let you come this far out without giving you something to eat. No arguing." Ami dropped the box inside the door, and dragged him into the spacious living room. "Make yourself at home." she said sweetly before sweeping into the kitchen.
It took only a minute or two before Ami heard the couch creak and Ryuji's tread on the tatami. He brushed into the doorway, and Ami instantly tossed an apple at him. Ryuji blinked once and caught it, then began to turn the orb over and over as if its pale core held a suitable reply. "Look-" he eventually began, "-look, I was -". He stopped, and took a breath. Ami gave him a look. He restarted: "Look, don't ever think that I hate you for what happened. We've always cared for each other, even if we haven't always been the best of friends." Ryuji leaving Taiga and chasing down Ami at the bake stand after she left. Ryuji retrieving her shoe after she refused to advertise for the school. Ami looked up at him. "To be honest...I love Taiga. We both know that. But I can't deny that a small part of me…" Ryuji's voice died in his throat. Ami reached out and took his hand. He tried again. "I can't deny that...maybe...a small part of me loves you too." He turned his face away, ears red. The plates, tiles? Shoes? Ami's gaze flew around the room for something to look at, and eventually settled for left hand. Her right hand was still clasped around Ryuji's.
She gave him a few moments before gently asking: "Takasu?" He glanced back, and she mentally steeled herself before asking "Don't you think I've known that for a while now? I'm not stupid, you know." He looked stunned and let go of her hand. Ami continued "This whole thing is fucked up. You love Taiga more than you love me. Go to her. You can't expect me to get over you if this keeps happening. Any other person, if you had helped me less, I would've called you a rascal just sticking around his besotted prey, looking for sexual favors. Don't make me change that opinion." She leaned against the wall, arms folded. "We're friends now. That's all."
Ryuji was quiet for a moment. "Friends. That's all?" Ami nodded in reply. "That's all?" Ami started to nod, but Ryuji was suddenly beside her, touching her fingers, dizzying her with a light cologne she had never realized he wore but now seemed so familiar to her. She tried punching him with her last vestige of strength, but her fist held no strength behind it and fell lifeless against Ryuji's chest instead. "Ryuji-" she began weakly, but he hushed her with a finger against her lips. "Don't say anything", he whispered. "Otherwise I might regain my senses". Ami's eyes widened.
Sucks to suck, Ami thought ruefully as she popped back her earbuds and stared back at Ryuji, sleeping peacefully on her bed.