I own nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.
Welcome to my newest idea that has been inspired by my love of writing parodies for Agents of SHIELD. (Hail SHIELD) I've got a couple more brewing, including some more Frozen stuff. I also might write an anthem for Philinda (and Skitz!) based on a Disney song, but I need to find the right one first. Future song ideas happily accepted!
Singing along is recommended!
Now to start, how about a little Mulan.
I'll make an agent out of you
[May] Let's get down to business
To defeat Hydra
Did they send me rookies
Look at us, Coulson
This is the most pathetic team I've ever seen
But trust me, before we're through
Rookie, I'll make an agent out of you!
Slip through the shadows
And keep your ICER near.
Trip, make sure your head's down
Skye, lose your tech gear
FitzSimmons, you can't cower in your lab anymore
Why can't this rub off on any of you?
Somehow I'll make agents out of you!
[Fitz] What did I get myself into?
[Simmons] I'm not even sure why I stayed.
[Skye] This sucks, I had only just hit Level One.
[Coulson] You need to earn my trust back!
[Ward] Hope she doesn't see I'm Hydra!
[Fitz] Now I really wish I'd learned kung fu!
[May] (To be an agent) You must have the stealth of Black Widow
(To be an agent) Strike with the strength of Thor too
(To be an agent) Keep your eyes open for any danger
And we can defeat Hydra with help from all of you
Hydra keeps getting stronger
We won't let them thrive
If we can trust each other
We will surely survive.
Phil, I'm sorry I lied, and spied on you
But I did it because I care for you
And I've become an agent because of you.
(To be an agent) You must have the stealth of Black Widow
(To be an agent) Strike with the strength of Thor too
(To be an agent) Keep your eyes open for any danger
And we can defeat Hydra with help from all of you!
(To be an agent) You must have the stealth of Black Widow
(To be an agent) Strike with the strength of Thor too
(To be an agent) Keep your eyes open for any danger
And we can defeat Hydra with help from all of you!
*giggles* Hope you all enjoyed that! I love Mulan, and I could not resist the little Hydra bit. I blame the parallels I started seeing between Philinda and Mulan and Shang for part of this. (Help me, I'm falling hard for Philinda!)The rest is just me being weird. The next chapter might be a double update of Frozen and Pocahontas, because the Frozen piece might anger some people.