Lucy let out a pent up sigh as she laid her head on her arms leaning on the window sill above her bed. She watched the stars and moon quietly for a while "Natsu, I love you, but I wonder what you'd say if I told you the truth? Would you be angry with me for keeping it a secret, would you be sad that I was leaving?" she spoke to the empty air, silence was the only reply to her silent tears "Mom, Dad I'll see you soon" a small smile spread crossed her face, but the action didn't reach her eyes at all. As the last words fell of her lips the silence endured only a moment more before a sharp gasp of pain was ripped from Lucy's mouth as her face contorted in pain. She fell back from the window sill her hands grasping at her chest, her breathing coming only in pained bursts. Her eyes that had shut in pain opened slightly and Lucy looked once more at the night sky "no- not yet- I" she panted out painfully "I – I – still have – time"
Carla bolted up screaming Lucy's name, her dream had shaken her so much she felt as if she could not move, but she had no choice they were running low on time. The white exceed shook the blue haired dragon slayer beside her "Wendy! Wake up child you are needed!" panic caused Carla's voice to tremble, but all the same Wendy woke with a start.
"Carla?" she spoke softly noting her friend shaking "what's the matter Carla?!" Carla was always cool and collected even when Happy was showing affection, seeing her shaken worried the young dragon slayer very much so.
Carla stood, despite her shakiness and grabbed the girl wings sprouting from Carla's back "No time to explain child, we need to hurry and find Tom-cat and his partner!" and with that said Carla took flight leaving out the open window.
Carla tried to fly faster than she ever had before, angling herself towards the wooded edge of town where Natsu and Happy lived. It took Carla only a minute to get there from the girl's dorm rather than the regular two, but every minute mattered. Wendy's feet hadn't even come in contact with the ground before Carla was calling Happy's name. The tom wasted no time climbing up to an open window rubbing sleep from his eyes "Carla? Are you here for a slumber party?" a sigh let loose Carla's lips at the optimistic tone in the tom's voice and shook her head.
"Happy get Natsu, hurry its Lucy!" Carla's words seemed to shock the blue cat to full awareness as he disappeared from the window.
Wendy looked up at Carla worry and curiosity filling her eyes "Carla what's wrong with Lucy?" Wendy asked just as Natsu burst out his from door.
Natsu's face was full of confusion as he woke up; Happy had been saying something about Lucy, Wendy and Carla. When Natsu stepped outside to hear Wendy ask what was wrong with Lucy he was fully awake, he took in the sight of Carla carrying Wendy, the white cat still slightly shaking, but not as much as when she had first awoke. "I'll explain later, Happy grab Natsu we need to get to Lucy's quickly, I don't want to think about if we don't make it in time" Carla shivered as the words left her mouth, but it was true. Happy grabbed Natsu in a hurry flying right out the door to grab him, not stopping to close the door either. The flight to Lucy's apartment passed in silence aside from their breathing.
Wendy's feet touched down on Lucy's roof followed shortly by Natsu's and then the two cats. Natsu opened his mouth to speak, but Carla motioned for them to stay silent. The two dragon slayers and the two exceeds listed as they could hear their blond friend moving around below. A sigh reached their ears and Natsu straightened at hearing his name fall from the blonde's lips, a blushed crept up his face hearing her say she loves him, but his happiness was short lived as he continued listening. Lucy was leaving? Natsu wanted to jump down there and find out why, and if he could go to after all partners stick together, but Carla stopped him. The smell of her salty tears reached his nose and Natsu pushed Carla away to go down there, however; he never left the roof because what his ears heard next froze him to his very core, Lucy's parents we dead there was no way for her to see them soon.
Wendy and Happy both had silent tears running down their faces at what they were hearing; the roof was deathly still that is until Lucy took a sharp gasp of pain. At that pained sound Natsu launched himself in through Lucy's window caution thrown to the wind he pulled the blond close to him looking her over searching for a place where she could be hurt, his searching was unsuccessful do to her thrashing around. Natsu was completely unaware of Wendy standing behind him with Happy and Carla, his only concern was the pained blond in front of him. Lucy's heart was beating too fast, her breaths were to shallow and came out only as pained gasps. Happy cried nosily "Wendy you gotta help Lushy! Please Wendy!" Wendy was horrified, what was happening to Lucy?
Carla took control of the situation quickly "Natsu!" she called, unsure if the pink haired boy heard her, but still she continued "Hold Lucy as still as possible so she can't hurt anyone and Wendy can get closer to heal her!" Carla was never a fan of Wendy using her magic, afraid the young girl would hurt herself, but this time Carla would make and exemption, because this was Lucy dying before their very eyes.
AN: Woot yeah okay for those who read before the edit I'm back! and editing now! For those who are new to this story prepare your feels. everyone is gonna be not so in character but please don't hate me cause I mean Lucy is dying and her friends are just finding out, yeah they won't be like their normal selves.
Any way I don't own Fairy Tail thank God