Vampire Frog


Sarah: here's chapter 2 of Vampire Frog. I hope everyone enjoys.

For anyone saying I plagiarized this from some story called "The Miss Mystic Falls Runner Up and the Frog", I would like to point out that there aren't very many ways you can start a fanfic remake of the fairytale 'The Frog Prince' without someone else having also started it in a similar fashion in their own fic somewhere else. Besides, how else will Damon become a frog without pissing Bonnie off? And need I remind you guys that this takes place between the second and third episodes of Season 2? With how many remakes of the great fairytales there are in the archives, I'm surprised I wasn't told I was plagiarizing when I wrote my Sleeping Doppelganger stories. If you are so damn rude as to accuse someone of plagiarism, at least wait until the second chapter if it's themed after a fairytale. This is where the story becomes uniquely my own.


DEstinyTR: glad you got a laugh out of it.

katerinapevrna: here's the update

Chapter 2
The Fairytale Curse

Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, Jeremy, and Rick are all seated around the boarding house living room with Damon perched on Elena's shoulder. They had decided to meet up in the boarding house after school so that there's very little risk of anyone not in the know barging in on them while they try to figure out how to change Damon back into his usual hot self. Elena had brought her laptop so that Damon could take part in the conversation by hopping around on the keyboard and typing what he wants to say.

"Bonnie, what, precisely, are the effects of the spell you cast on Damon?" Elena asks.

"Well, I read the fairytale again last night when I got home to refresh my memory on it," the young witch says. "As you can see, it turns the person it is cast on into a frog. But the witch in this version of the fairytale wanted to teach the prince she cast the spell on a hard lesson. She made it so that only true love's kiss will turn him back. However, if the girl who kissed him wasn't his true love, that girl would turn into a frog to teach her a lesson in why trying to break such a curse isn't wise. The girl wouldn't be turned back by true love's kiss. She'd be a frog until the Frog Prince was returned to his original form."

The group exchange looks. Damon hops off Elena's shoulder onto her laptop keyboard and begins hopping around typing. Elena reads his message and scowls at him. "I am not going to risk turning into a frog, Damon," she snaps. "You can hang that up." Damon croaks irritably and hops around to type a new message. She groans and looks at Bonnie. "Damon wants to know if you could try to get him back to normal at a decent rate of speed." Damon hops around on the keyboard some more. Elena reads the extended message "He added that if you can't, you could at least find a spell that will let us figure out who his true love is."

"That's why I brought all the grimiores I could find in Grams' house," Bonnie says, patting the stack next to her. "I also brought the book of fairytales that I got the spell from," she continues, lifting the top book. "I figured if we all went through them, the work time will be cut to a fraction of what it would be if I was looking through them one by one."

"I guess I could take the fairytale book," Elena says.

"I tagged the first page of the fairytale I got the spell from," Bonnie says, passing over the book. Elena leans forward to take it, being careful of Damon and her laptop sitting in her lap. She holds it in her hands and opens to the first page of the book. "Why are you on the first page?" Bonnie asks.

"To see if there are any warnings about using the spells in this book," Elena replies, flipping to the next page. "And here they are."

"Read them to us," Jeremy says.

"It says that the stories in this book are remakes of tales about real witches casting real spells on real people," Elena says, raising her head to arch an eyebrow at Bonnie.

"I didn't think to check for a warnings section," Bonnie admits sheepishly. Damon croaks and slaps one froggy foot to his face before narrowing his eyes at her. "I'm sorry, Damon!" Bonnie exclaims. "I thought it was just a book of fairytales!"

Damon hops around to type a message on Elena's laptop. "Damon says that you should have realized that it could very well have real spells in it since you did find it in your grandmother's house," Elena reads.

"You're right," Bonnie sighs.

Damon hops around on the keyboard but Elena scoops him up when he's mid-leap. "You don't have to be cruel, Damon," she tells him, erasing the message he was typing. "She honestly didn't mean to turn you into a frog."

Damon croaks and contorts his froggy face into a very good remake of his typical scowl that shows he's very unhappy with the way things are going. Elena sets him back down on her laptop. Elena picks up the book of fairytales she had set to the side and flips to the tag marking the first page of the fairytale Bonnie had gotten her spell from. Bonnie passes out grimiores to the others and everyone sets to work trying to find a way to set Damon free from the spell Bonnie had cast on him. Damon climbs up the front of Elena's shirt to perch on her right shoulder so he can read, too. When Elena nears the end of the fairytale, she finds a second spell. "Hey, guys, there's a second spell in this fairytale," she says.

Everyone looks up. "What's it for?" Caroline asks.

"Basically another witch had gotten tired of the first witch's spell having a nasty side-effect on every girl who encountered the Frog Prince. This witch used her magic to cast a spell to locate the Frog Prince's one true love and guide her to the Frog Prince so everyone could be free of the spell. While the second witch did agree the Frog Prince needed to learn a lesson for his bad behavior, she felt it was wrong to have that lesson also effect every unfortunate girl who stumbled across him," Elena replies, looking down at the book. "It talks about the second witch casting two spells, one to bring the Frog Prince in contact with his One True Love and the other to give the girl the ability to understand him when he tried to talk, though everyone else would just hear frog-talk. That way the spell could be broken in half the time."

Everyone exchanges looks with each other and shrugs. "Well, they're from the same fairytale as the first and helped break the spell," Rick points out. "Maybe this is the way we'll break the spell on Damon."

"Read further into the fairytale, passing the spells," Bonnie says. "I want to know what else happened after the second witch cast her spells."

Elena nods and turns her attention back to the fairytale. "Okay, after the second watch casts her spells, both of which are described in detail in here, the story goes to focus on the girl who would break the spell," Elena says. She frowns. "Turns out the Frog Prince had royally pissed off this girl prior to the spell being cast. In fact, what he did to her was why the spell was cast in the first place. The first witch had found out about what the Frog Prince did and cast the spell to punish him for what he did. When the girl had gone to the pond the Frog Prince was living in to relax one day, she heard his voice and turned to yell at him but all she saw was a frog. That's how she found out he had been turned into a frog because of what he did to her."

"You know, that part about the Frog Prince and the girl who was his one true love having some fight or other shortly before the prince was turned into a frog sounds pretty uncanny," Jeremy says, casting a sidelong glance at his sister.

Elena glares at him. "Don't even finish that thought, Jer," she warns him.

He raises his hands to pacify her. "I was just saying!" he protests.

Damon looks pretty damn smug. It takes the others a few seconds to figure out what is going on. "Are you suggesting Elena is Damon's true love?" Caroline demands, obviously disgusted with the thought.

"There's really only one way for us to know for sure," Rick points out. That cues a debate to rise from four throats.

Elena scowls and stands up, causing the room to fall into an instant silence. "Bonnie, can you do the spells just so that everyone will shut up on this absurd topic?" she demands, walking around the table to pass the fairytale book to Bonnie.

"There's no harm in trying them," the young witch replies, taking the book from Elena and turning to the spells to examine what she needs to do. "According to these notes to the side of the spells, they will take about twelve hours to go into full effect," Bonnie says.

Elena is the first to look at her watch. "So between seven and eight tomorrow morning," she says. She looks at the frog on her shoulder. "Don't go waking me up just to see if you're right or not," she warns Damon. "Tomorrow's Saturday and I like sleeping in when I have the chance."

"I'm going to need to hold him while I cast the spells," Bonnie says nervously.

Damon immediately ducks behind Elena's neck under her hair. Elena sighs and reaches up to drag him out, and he's using his sticky feet to try to hold on tight. But it's no use. Elena holds him up in front of her face. "Look, she's just trying to turn you back to normal," she says. "You know damn well that she didn't mean to turn you into a frog. Quit acting like a baby, Damon." He croaks his protest at being called a baby. "You are acting like a baby, whether you'll admit to it or not. Now, if you want that spell lifted, you are going to have to let Bonnie hold you and you are going to be nice for a change. If you aren't nice, I'll let her turn you into a cricket." Damon's big frog eyes bulge at that threat. "Then be nice for once in your life."

With that, Elena gently deposits Damon into Bonnie's hands. Bonnie and Damon eye each other dubiously for a long, tense moment before Damon croaks and crosses his front legs and gives her his patented 'Get on with it' face, frog-edition. Bonnie takes a deep breath and begins to casts the two spells. As soon as the last word of the second spell passes her lips she deposits Damon back in Elena's hands.

"Can I remind you that I really hate frogs?" Bonnie asks, wiping her hands on her jeans.

"And you really don't like Damon, and now your two least favorite things are combined in one," Elena recites as if from memory, allowing Damon to climb back up onto her right shoulder. Damon taps her three times on the neck with one foot. "What, Damon?" she asks. He hops in place a couple times. "Okay, okay, I'll get you to my laptop," she groans. She walks back over to Damon's chair, where she had been seated. As she sits down, she picks up her laptop and puts it in her lap. Damon hops around the keyboard. Elena sighs and turns to Stefan. "You need to go fetch a blood bag and a small bowl," she says.

"Why?" Stefan asks, confused.

"Damon doesn't know if he has useable fangs in this form but his need for blood has not vanished with his natural body and he refuses to use your diet even if he is a frog now. And I'd really rather not wake up tonight and find him trying to drink my blood," Elena explains. Damon, meanwhile, had been hopping over the keyboard and now hops up onto Elena's hand to get her attention. She looks at the screen. "And he says if you try to substitute animal blood for human, you will be in excruciating pain when he returns to normal."

Stefan sighs and pushes off his seat on one of the couches and vamps first to the basement for a blood bag then to the kitchen for a small ceramic bowl. He returns to the living room with the items and politely holds them while Elena moves the laptop from her lap to the table next to Damon's chair. Then she carefully takes the bowl and balances it in her lap before taking the blood bag from Stefan. Stefan returns to his seat while Elena carefully pulls the valve off the blood bag so she can pour some into the bowl in her lap. Damon croaks to signal its full enough and Elena reattaches the valve. Damon hops down to Elena's lap from her shoulder and begins drinking the blood from the bowl.

"You know, that is disturbingly fascinating," Caroline admits ruefully, entranced with watching Damon drinking blood as a frog.

"What is?" Elena asks.

"Watching a frog drink blood and knowing the frog is actually Damon," Caroline says sheepishly.

Elena looks down at Damon, who is now sitting in his empty bowl. "Do you need more?' she asks him. He shakes his head 'no'. "Okay then. We'll just take this with us," she says, standing up with the bowl and blood bag in tow. Damon hops from the bowl to Elena's shoulder. Elena stashes the bowl and the blood bag in her purse before shouldering it. She then puts her laptop in hibernate and closes it. "Well, we're headed back to my place. You want to ride with me or Rick, Jer?" she asks.

"I'll ride with Rick, you and Damon go on ahead," he replies.

Elena wrinkles her nose at him. "Don't say it like we're an item," she says, making her way towards the front door. "Everyone meet back here at six tomorrow evening. We'll give the spells a little extra time to work before we get back together to see if anyone's affected." She doesn't give anyone a chance to reply as she opens the front door and walks out, closing the door behind her. Damon croaks at her. "Shut up, Damon. I don't need you making any wisecracks even if I can't understand them," she says as she makes her way to her SUV. Damon croaks again, this time a questioning tone to it. "If you're asking how I know you're making wisecracks the answer is I know you. You'd make a wisecrack given the smallest opportunity. And the past couple of hours have given you plenty of material."

Elena climbs into her SUV and shuts the door. As she starts the ignition, Damon starts croaking softly. Elena sighs. "You do realize that all I hear is a frog croaking when you try to hum," she tells him sourly as she pulls the car in a tight circle in the small amount of free space she has available in the boarding house's front yard. She pulls down the long drive "It's very irritating." Damon lets out a particularly loud croak. "I don't know what you just said, but I can tell it wasn't very nice. Seriously, Damon, I thought you wanted to prove to me you deserved forgiveness." Damon sighs as Elena reaches the road. She turns toward town. "Stop trying to hum because it just sounds like a frog that won't stop croaking in my ear. And you obviously have no idea how annoying that is because if you did, you wouldn't be putting me through it." Damon croaks. "How many times do I have to say that I can't understand you most of the time?" Elena demands. "I don't speak frog, Damon. And right now, you are a frog." Damon lets out a long croak. "I know you don't want to be reminded but you're stuck that way until you get true love's kiss. And don't even think anything that includes me and love or kiss in it." Damon makes an all-too-innocent sounding croak. "Do you want to find out if you can bounce back from getting stomped on, Damon?" Damon makes a quick double-croak. "Then quit being an ass."

Twenty minutes later has Elena in her room getting ready for her shower. Damon's still perched on her shoulder when she opens her underwear drawer, but he leans forward a little too far and falls into the drawer. Elena doesn't notice as she finds the panties she's going to wear tonight and shuts the drawer, with Damon in it.


Okay, I had not planned on getting stuck in Elena's underwear drawer. I had hoped to be able to sneak in the bathroom with Elena and watch her shower. And the way I fell in, now I'm on my back. You will never see something more pathetic than a frog stuck on its back. It's worse than a turtle. I try to call out to Elena for a little help but I hear her going about her room, blissfully unaware that I'm stuck in here.

When I hear her bathroom door shut and lock, I know I'm stuck in here until she gets out. There's no way the tiny frog body I am in will be able to open this drawer on its own. Going from sixty-nine inches to less than two is horrible. I roll these huge eyes Bonnie magically gave me in search of a way to at least right myself. I notice that I landed right next to the wooden front of the drawer. That could help me get right-side up again. If I could just stretch my right legs over and latch on, I'll be sticking to the side of the drawer rather than being stuck on my back. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do than it sounds. It takes several attempts before I finally manage to latch onto the side.

Since I'm still stuck in here until Elena gets out of her shower, I might as well do a little investigating and see what goodies she has tucked away in here. I hop back down, landing on my feet this time, and thoroughly examine her underwear drawer. I find that Elena just puts her bras and panties in the same drawer. I halt my investigation upon stumbling across a racy little ice blue g-string. Ooh, baby, motherlode! It had to have been a gag gift or something, because she would never wear such a thing. Just as I'm about to examine the bit of fabric in detail, I hear Elena's shower turn off. I have to make my way back to the top of the stack so that I will be on top when she gets out and I can have her get me out of here. While I'd love to get a better examination of Elena's underwear drawer, I'd rather not be trapped in here overnight.

I make it to the top of the pile just as Elena opens the bathroom door. I start croaking my mayday alert in an effort to get her attention.


I sigh when I hear Damon croaking non-stop. "Damon, what did I tell you about trying to hum?" I ask tiredly, looking around. I frown when I don't see him anywhere. "Damon?" I call out softly, stepping into my room. To be honest, that doesn't sound like the croaking he does when he's trying to hum. It's a lot louder, for one thing, as if he's trying to alert me to something. "Damon? What's going on? Where are you?" I ask. I follow the sound of the croaking to my dresser. I sigh. "Did you fall into my underwear drawer, Damon? One croak, yes. Two croaks, no." One croak follows that then silence. I groan and open the drawer to see him tangled up with the ice-blue g-string Caroline talked me into buying as a gag, though I swore to her I would never wear it. "And you couldn't wait patiently on top while you were trapped in there, could you?" He croaks three times with a deliberate pause between the first two. "So you could have but you didn't want to be patient," I conclude. He croaks once. I reach in and carefully untangle him from the g-string. "I'm sure you're expecting the story behind this." He croaks once as I set him on my shoulder and toss the g-string back in the drawer. I shut the drawer. "Fine, but only because by the time you get your voice back, it will be such old news that you won't be able to tease me about it." He lets out a single long croak as I make my way over to me bed and climb in. "Damon, if you want to hear this story, you're going to have to shut up." He sighs. I lift up a hand for him to jump into so I can lie down. When he's in my hand, I put him on my pillow and reach over to turn off my lamp. I then make myself comfortable on my pillow next to him. "Anyways, the story behind that g-string is actually your fault," I tell him. He croaks a question. "I'm about to tell you how it's your fault. Basically, when you broke off whatever it is you and Caroline were doing, she shanghaied me into a shopping trip. That's Caroline's solution to a guy breaking up with her: shopping. The worse the heartbreak is for her, the more she spends. I have no idea how Sherriff Forbes can afford the credit card bills Caroline runs up. But that's off-topic. Anyways, when you broke things off with her, she maxed out three credit cards that had been nearly paid off. And she can never go on these shopping trips alone. No, she always has to drag either me or Bonnie or both of us along and we have to spend something, too. Well, we were working on the second credit card she had gotten from her mom when Caroline realized that I hadn't bought anything. Coincide that realization with spotting the g-string set and she decided I had to buy it. She guilt tripped me into using my credit card to buy it, saying that she was going to return everything she had gotten if I didn't buy something and if I was going to buy something, I might as well buy it. I caved, as usual, because some of the stuff she had splurged on had been stuff she had been wanting for ages. And I should tell you that set was gotten from a Victoria's Secret in Richmond, so it didn't come cheap." I yawn sleepily. "Anyways, there's your story. I'm getting some sleep. G'nite."

Damon croaks his 'goodnight' right as I slip off to dreamland.