Alright so first story…this could be exciting let me know if you like it. I apologize for any and all grammar mistakes. I may fix them eventually.

I do not own Ella Enchanted at all including previously used characters and any previous plot statements in the novel/movie.

Rated M

Let's start with the kiss.

'You may kiss your bride," the preacher announced.

Prince Char leaned in towards his new bride and captured her lips gently fore he was well aware he needed to be proper. Ella excitedly kissed him back; she was elated that the wedding had gone smoothly. The curse was now gone and she could live with Char for as long as they both shall live. Char pulled away from Ella despite her pout.

The wedding has transitioned to a beautiful ball; the palace decorated just right. Ella and Char in the middle of it all dancing their best waltz.

'Ella, my love," Char began "Are you truly happy with our life now?"

"But of course my dear husband" Ella answered blissfully.

"It all feels but a dream," Char replied "After that heart wrenching letter you sent me I never would have thought I would hold my dear Ella ever again"

"Char…" Ella sighed.

"Your majesties," A knight interrupted "It is time to begin your goodnights"

"Thank you Sir Stefan," Char answered sending the knight away "We will finish this later Ella"

As the couple finally made their way to the new set of rooms that had been made up for them; Ella stopped.

"Char," Ella called as he had not noticed her lull in movement. "I don't want to relive the past. You know best what I went through at the hands of my step-family. I want to live right here with you in the present."


Char swooped her legs out from under her; catching her before her head fell. He carried her the rest of the way to their rooms never moving his eyes away from her emerald orbs.

"I love you, Ella" Char murmured close to her lips before capturing them once again.

This kiss was so different than any kiss shared between the two. Char crushed her soft lips beneath his begging for entrance with a quick swipe of the tongue on her lower lip. This kiss was demanding; emotions spilled between them. Enthusiasm, euphoria, desire, and most of all love. Ella pulled at his tunic before becoming impatient and just pulling the whole thing off. The gold buttons scattered across the floor. She then pulled his undershirt out of his pants; running her fingers across his hard chest. Char broke the kiss; grabbing her hand and stopping her motions on his chest.

The next chapter will contain adult content.

I will leave all inappropriate scenes in separate chapters even if it makes the previous chapter short.

That way the story can be read even if one is not an adult.