Chapter 3!

Yay! Yay!

So...of course, Sam has to show up!

Sweet, now older cousin fluff!

I own nothing but Tai! And Riella belongs to the lovely T'Rielani!


Chapter 3

Colorful band-aids and shiny things


"What?!" 'Cade exclaimed, making little Tai jump slightly and whimper. He winced slightly and looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...uhh..." He awkwardly petted her head. "Think happy thoughts!"

"Is there anyway of fixing it?" Optimus asked, trying not to sound too hopeful that it couldn't be fixed.

"Happy thinks!" Tai cooed, poking Barricade's chin with one tiny finger. Everyone had to smile. Even Barricade couldn't hold back a smirk as he tried to stretch his neck back so she'd stop.

Wheeljack coughed pointedly. "Um. I think maybe I can fix it, but it'll take a few days..." The machine sparked, as if saying, "Yeah, right..."...

"Or weeks, give or take."

Ratchet pressed his fingers to his temple with a groan.

"Ahh, source of the explosion!" A voice from the doorway exclaimed. "Bee, I told you!"

Bumblebee twittered in annoyance as both he and Sam walked in, looking at the damage of teh room. "Wheeljack experiment gone awry I assume?"

"Well, aren't you sharp?" Barricade drawled, nodding in greeting to his fellow scout.

Sam ignored him.

"SAMMY!" An excited voice squealed.

Sam's jaw dropped as he stared at the tiny figure in Barricade's clawed hand. "T-TAI?"

Tai waved excitedly. "Sammy!"

Bumblebee twitched and beeped out a series of stunned questions.

"Oh and by the way, this somehow happened..." Barricade said, placing the squirming child on the floor, who immediatly rushed at her cousin and latched onto his legs, nearly knocking him over.

"Please do not panic!" Optimus quickly exclaimed.

"What the-" Sam spluttered, staring down at the tiny girl who was currently latched onto his legs. "Wha-huh- what-"

"That would be the result of said Wheeljack experiment gone awry." Ratchet sighed for nearly the hundreth time in the past hour. "Less destructive than usual this time."

"Less destructive?!" Sam snapped, finally picking up Tai by this point. "Why is Tai Annabelle's age?!"

"Ummm..." Everyone looked at Wheeljack, who awkwardly shrugged and pointed to the melted machine. "Dunno, really."

A collective sigh echoed through out the room.

Little Tai kept poking Sam's chin in an attempt to get his attention.

"Well, this will be fun to explain to Jazz...Hey, guess what? Your sparkmate is Sparrow's age...that's not creepy at all."

Sam than got a odd look on his face. "Although, I can prove to Carly how good I am with kids."

Grabbing Little Tai' hand, he waltzed out of the room with her still in his arms, the little girl giggling as they disappeared down the hallway.

Optimus half-smiled after them. "Quite the little one, isn't she?" he mumured. He turned to find Ratchet giving him a look.

Ratchet shook his head. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this."

The Prime didn't respond, only giving a indigant cough.

"He is," Barricade grumbled, rolling his optics.

Optimus hissed at him to be quiet.

"Stupid...freaking...machine." Wheeljack grumbled as he climbed on top of it, smacking it with a wrench. As if responding, the machine sparked ominously and promptly emitted a cloud of smoke. Wheeljack coughed awkwardly. "Um, sorry about that."

Everyone just glared at him.


Sam, meanwhile, was now chasing Tai down the hallway, pretending to be a monster. Ironically, a game they used to play hen they were both around this age. It was weird seeing his cousin back at this age.

"I'm gonna get you!"

Tai squealed loudly as she looked back, not seeming to notice Ironhide walking out of the shooting range.

"Tai-dye, watch out!" The little girl than bashed right into the large black mech's ankle, falling on her back.

"Owie." She whimpered out, her lower lip quivering.

Ironhide stared at Sam, then at Tai, then at Sam, and finally back at Tai. "Sorry...kiddo..." he croaked, struggling to process the situation.

Sam ran over and scooped up Tai. "Hey, there, it's okay..."

Tai buried her face in his shoulder and sniffled, her messy har hiding her face.

"Who is that exactly?" Iornhide asked, his optics widening slightly.

"Might want to ask Optimus." Sam said, rocking back and forth on his feet. "Hey, lemme see." Tai's small face rose up, her forehead red from where she hit Ironhide's ankle.

"Oh, that's not so bad." Sam said in a comforting tone. "Did you bash into Ironhide and fall on your butt? You silly!"

Tai sniffled but started giggling. "Yeah..."

"Ask...Optimus?" Ironhide's optics got very wide. "What the FRAG - "

"Language!" Sam said warningly. He held out a hand to Tai. "Wanna go see if there's fun band-aids somewhere? I'll bet we can find one."

"Yes!" Tai giggled.

"Come on than." Sam threw the small girl over his shoulder in a firemens carry. "Let us tally Ho!" He grinned slightly when she giggled, her small feet kicking slightly.

"Bye-bye 'Hide!" She called to the still stunned warrior.

"Maybe I should lay off the high grade.." He muttered as he stalked off to the Medbay to get some answers.
