Hello, lovelies! Sorry it took so long! Focusing on 345455466 different things is not as easy as I thought! Haha, I hope you're ready for a new chapter! I actually kind of am! If it sucks, I will warn you- I took my SATs today and I'm tired as hell. But eh. Updating is fun too c:

Samey was so glad that she didn't see Topher for the rest of that night. Of course, she laid in her bed the whole time, blankets covering her face. She was so ashamed of herself for believing it could be true. She wished she wouldn't have been so stupid to think he truly wanted her.

Later, she heard Jasmine come in. "Same- I mean, Sammy? You wanna come down here? Both teams are havin' a big bonfire and talkin'. It'll be fun," the Australian said to her. But Samey didn't want to go, so she pretended she was asleep.

Jasmine sighed with dismay. She didn't want Samey to miss anything, but she didn't want to rudely wake her. "Well. . . if ya wake up . . ." she trailed off, leaving the tree cabin.

Samey felt a tear slide onto her pillow. She would have loved to have a joyous time, but she didn't want to see Ella or Topher. She didn't want anyone to see her disgusting body or ugly face. It was just better to stay alone. No one could make her feel as ashamed.

Jasmine walked back to the bonfire where everyone was laughing. She sat next to Shawn, who raised an eyebrow.

"Princess not coming?" he whispered to her, knowing how worried Jasmine was about her. Jasmine shook her head sadly in return.

"No, she was asleep. Too bad, she's missin' out on a good ol' time." Shawn nodded in agreement, as he handed out a bag of stolen marshmallows to everyone. Sugar took what ever was left over, pouring them down her throat in one gulp.

Topher, sitting next to her, crinkled his nose in partial disgust. "Gross," he muttered, turning to look the other way. Sitting there was Ella, looking at him with fluttering eyelashes. "Can. . I help you?" he asked, feeling slightly creeped out.

Ella giggled happily. "Oh no, Christopher! Everything is certainly splendid!" She was grinning with pride, to which Topher stared quizzically. The day was just getting weirder and weirder. He really wished Sammy was with them.

Why would she be asleep this early? She seemed to be a night person. Was she sick or something? Maybe a bad bunch of berries. Maybe I should check on her.

"I'll, uh, be right back," he told everyone, scooting off of the log quickly. He headed for the tree cabin, feeling the phone in his pocket go off. Almost falling, he checked the message. Just something about Chris's mansion bursting into flames. No big deal.

Up in the cabin, he crept quietly to Sammy's bed. He didn't know if she was awake or not. He saw her tiny body breathe up and down. It was actually really precious to him. He stared at her in a loving awe.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he whispered to her teasingly, smile glued to his face. That's truly what she was at the moment. Besides, Topher'd make a perfect Prince Philip. Hotter than the movie ones, of course. Slaying a dragon would be totally sweet.

Samey froze. Sleeping Beauty. She was a princess. He must be talking to Ella! He brought her up to the cabin?! She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, wanting to block it out of her mind. She was so heart broken. Why was she so pathetic.

"Come on, we can have some funnnn," Topher whined to the "sleeping" blonde. He was oblivious to the problem going on, so he didn't understand his innuendos. All he wanted was to see that cute little smile appear on her face and hear her little laugh.

Samey didn't realize that. She felt so nauseated. Fun? Oh God, what were they going to do? She wanted to throw up. She could not take this, but she didn't want to see them. She had to fall asleep. Just lay still. . . .

Topher merely sighed after a few minutes of silence. "Okay okay. . . .I love you," he whispered, going to leave again sadly. Hopefully next time there was a bonfire, she'd be awake. It would help her get out of her shell a lot more.

I love you. It rang in her ears. He loved Ella. He loved her after all. She felt herself breathe heavily, choking back on tears. She needed to throw up. She had to do it now. Samey ran to a bin in the cabin and threw up her troubles. She kept heaving and crying, her body shaking.

Trying to go back to her bed, tears still running down her face. She didn;t feel as bad, but was still in terrible pain. She looked at her stomach. It gave her an idea. Maybe the more she just threw up, the better she'd feel. She'd finally look perfect!

Nonetheless, it still didn't get her over the heartbreak she felt.

Sorry about that. I kind of thought about this for a really long time. Going through my own experiences of an eating disorder, I figured this kind of made sense. The chapter is short, yes, but it's more of a filler one. I will probably update soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Have a lovely day xx