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"June said it will only be for a short time, Kurt. It's just till I got a hit show and album then people won't care because I'll have a supportive fan base in place. She says it common practice when you're just starting out in the business. will you say something?"
Kurt rolled his eyes, all he heard was June said this June said that. That was all he'd been hearing for the last year and now this bullshit. But Blaine was buying every word she said. "Does it matter what I say because if I don't agree with June then I'm not being supportive. You've made up your mind, why ask me at all?"
"Because you're my fiancée."
Kurt could see were this was going. He loves Blaine he really does and he'd do almost anything to help his career but not this, "We had thousands of conversations about this subject in one form or another and every time Blaine, every time you and I both agreed that this was never an option we'd take no matter what. But one word from June and you're running for the nearest closet and sealing yourself in. Do you actually know what this means what you'd have to do?"
"I figured if asked I'd just say love is love and I don't like labels."
"It's that easy is it. How are you going to explain me, our photo's that are on our Facebook pages and our friends pages. How about all those people who already know Blaine?" Kurt felt his temper rise.
"June knows people who can take care of the on-line stuff and..." Blaine looked guilty.
Then the answer dawned on Kurt, "You're going to do the 'young and experimenting line'. Then you're going to get a nice beard and I'm just going to vanish. So who's the beard Blaine?",Blaine looked down at the floor and mumbled, "I didn't catch that."
"Rachel, Rachel Berry, Rachel?" Blaine nodded, "She'd never agree to that." Kurt stared at Blaine, "You've already spoken to her haven't you?" Kurt started to shout, "You've got it all set up. Does she know you hadn't spoken to me yet?, Blaine looked away again, "She knew. How long, how long has this all been planned for?"
Blaine tried to take Kurt's hand but he pulled away, "Kurt, please."
Kurt took a deep breath trying to control his emotions, "How long?"
Blaine looked at Kurt with tears in his eyes, "Three months. My first official date with Rachel is her opening night after party tonight."
Kurt took a step back, "All this time you've both been living under the same roof as me and not one word from either of you. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot."
Blaine stepped forward reaching out to Kurt again as he stepped back, "Please, I need your support."
Kurt's anger rose again, "I'll just go sit in the corner then. Get out. I can't even try to talk to you now. I feel sick."
"Kurt please just..."
"No Blaine just leave I've heard all I need to hear from you."
Blaine grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door, "I'll be back in a couple of hours, we'll talk some more." Blaine left and closed the door.
Kurt started pacing. His mind a mess as he started talking to himself, "I'm an idiot. I thought she was my friend."
Kurt walked towards a mannequin wearing the beautiful dress he had sweat over for Rachel's big night, "She stood there while I fitted her and not once did she say a thing. She knew how excited I was about going to this with Blaine. She just let me carry on like a fool, she knew all along, she knew."
Kurt took hold of the front of the dress and pulled down ripping it from the mannequin, "Well I've sat back for the last time. Now I'm going to take something for me."
Kurt pulled out a piece of paper that he had been given by the writer of the TV show that Rachel was hoping to get. Mary had come to see him in the diner were he worked and made him an offer. She had an idea for a better show, one she thought he'd be prefect for and she wanted to pitch that instead of Rachel's. She told him that she thought Rachel's show would only be good for a season or two tops and she'd wanted to work on something more long-term. It hadn't taken long for Kurt to realize for him to get this break he'd have to hurt Rachel so he instantly declined. Mary asked Kurt to really think about it and gave him her direct number and a copy of the pilot script for the show she wanted to pitch. He couldn't understand why she just didn't pitch it anyway and she explained she only wrote shows with certain people in mind, she couldn't work it with anyone but who she had pictured. So Kurt took her number and her script home.
Kurt stood holding the phone to his ear waiting for a reply, "Hi Mary this is Kurt Hummel, I don't know if you remember me... You do, great. I was wondering if ...It is...I can fly out today if you like...Oh no I won't have to return, I'd be all yours...Okay I'll start packing and Molly...Thank you. See you soon."
Kurt stood outside his build, waiting for his taxi, remembering all the good times the place held. His phone chimed a incoming message. He opened it and remembered why he was leaving. Kurt just listen to Blaine. This will be beneficial to both his and my careers. I can't believe your being so selfish.
Kurt loaded his bags and climbed into the back of the taxi as he sent a reply. I won't be a problem for you or Blaine any-more. I hope you both are very happy together.
Kurt step out of the airport and looked around, "Kurt, Kurt Hummel." Kurt turned to find Mary waving enthusiastically at him. He picked up his bags and headed towards her, "Let's get you settled and then we can go over a few things. The meeting is set for tomorrow morning and if all goes well we can film the pilot within the next week. Then hopefully be next month we'll get the green light."
Kurt settled in the back of the limo with Mary, "That fast?"
"It's not like Broadway, TV has a much faster pace. I've worked with this network before and if they like you it will be full steam ahead."
Kurt thought for a moment before he spoke, "But I don't have an agent. What if they want me to go in the closet? Because I can't do that." Kurt started to panic.
Mary laughed, "Kurt it's fine. An agent will be no problem, I'll make some calls for you. I don't want you to hide who you are, more and more TV shows are using openly gay actors and actress and gay characters are appearing more and more. Things are changing that's why I'm so confident about our project, it will be the first with an openly gay actor in the lead as well as the character being gay. We are going to be trail blazers."
The first episode of his and Mary's show was airing as Kurt sat there staring at his switched off TV. He listen to his phone signalling several text messages but he was too frightened to look. One would most defiantly be from his Dad and Carol and they would love anything he was in good or bad. A couple would be from friends he had made since he moved to LA. A couple would be from some of his old Glee club friends. Then there would be the ones from the network. He didn't believe in god but at this moment he was tempted to pray.
The network had given the go ahead for ten episodes and they had filmed seven already. Kurt dreaded going in tomorrow if the show bombed. He was brought out of his thoughts by banging on his door, "Kurt Hummel stop being such a drama queen. Everyone is waiting for you at the bar, if I have to take the door off it's hinges I will. Everything will be fine, so open this door."
Kurt walked towards the and pulled it open, "Cedes, what if everyone hates it?"
Mercedes was Kurt's best friend. Rachel and Blaine had gone looking for Kurt at her place and once they had finally told her what had upset him she had slapped both Blaine and Rachel and kicked them out. She told them even if she knew where Kurt was she wouldn't do a thing to help them. She then phoned Kurt's Dad and told him what had happened stopping Blaine and Rachel getting any help there.
Mercedes hand rang and messaged Kurt everyday for a week till he finally answered her. They had spent three hours talking and by the end she had decided to move to LA too. Two weeks later she arrived bringing two more old friends, Santana and Brittany.
"Kurt the show is great. Mary and her team have done an amazing job writing it and you are an amazing actor. The rest of the cast are amazing too. Just look at Twitter, it's trending and Tumblr is going nuts for it. Just grab your laptop and look."
"Okay everyone that's season two in the bag. See you all at the wrap party." Yelled the director as everyone started darting out.
Kurt sat in his trailer wiping off his make up when Santana burst in, "Have you ever heard of knocking women?"
"I haven't got time to waste waiting for you to say come in when I know that's what you're going to say anyway. So polish your awards and be quite.", Kurt rolled his eyes, "I've uploaded your scheduled for the next six weeks. There's just a change to tomorrow, we'll be flying to New York then onto London."
"Why?" Kurt raised his eyebrows at her.
Santana stared him down, "You can't avoid the place forever. You'll be there twelve hours tops. Two chat shows and then straight to JFK, I swear."
"We need to start casting for Kurt's love interest. We've tested a couple of known actors but it's not working for me, so put an ad out and lets see what we get. Kurt will be here for the screen chemistry test but I want to try something a little bit different. I want to see how they gel after the camera stops rolling, so boys rig up the room for vision and sound."
"Mary, Kurt isn't going to like this."
"Kurt wants the best for the show and he knows I write the best stuff when I have a vision of the person in the part. Get to work people."
"Nice, does that line work for you? Because I'm not feeling it." Kurt slipped into character.
Of course Kurt had recognized him as soon as him walked through the door but he didn't acknowledge it. He was shocked when Blaine had shown up but this was a real turn up for the books.
"You make me nervous. Words just pour out. I can't stop them. But I'm not lying you are beautiful."
"You'll have to work harder than that." Kurt winked as the script directed and exited behind the camera.
The actor smiled as he watched Kurt's character leave, "Oh I will, I will."
"Cut, that was great. I'm just going to nip next door and watch it again with the others." Mary shot out the room followed by everyone except Kurt and the actor.
"Not going to say hello to an old friend then?"
Kurt turned around and stopped what he was doing, "We were never friends. I don't see why I should waste my breath."
"And I thought you didn't bare a grudges. I guess I'm not getting the job then."
"Oh I'm sorry have I offended you by not being overjoyed to see you. I don't bear grudges, I don't like you never have never will. As for the job, that's not my decision. Your acting was good and if you get the job I'm sure we can both be professional about it."
"You really expect me to believe you don't have a say, you're the star of the show."
"This show isn't like most. We don't allow diva's. If Mary doesn't write it we have no show simple. What she's created so far and all the decisions she's made have worked so why would I mess with that?"
"I find that hard to believe. You certainly gave diva to me when we first met."
"Have you had a head injury in the last couple of years because as I remember it, you were the one that started it. I just tried to defend myself from the spoilt little rich boy who spat his dummy because he couldn't get his own way."
As Kurt and the actor continued to argue Mary started to get excited, "This is him guys. Our love interest. The fans are going to love it. Look at the tension, the heat between them. If we capture that on screen we'd have half the planet willing them to get it on. That there is pure passion."
"But Mary I really don't think they like each other very much." Said one of her assistants.
"I know that's what makes the tension even better don't you see, there's a fine line between love and hate and when they cross it boom TV magic."
"If they don't kill each other first."
"Santana you must know this guy what do you think?" Mary turned to her.
"I'm with you on this Mary, they'd feed of each other and the publicity it will create will be priceless."
"Good it's settled. Give me his details I'll call his agent. What's his name again?"
Santana stepped forward smiling, "Sebastian Smythe."
You've got to let me know what you think. Review and follow.