A/N: Thank you to all the new followers/favourites and reviews. It really does mean so much to me that people are enjoying this as much as they are.

As a recap, we've just left Hermione after Oliver told her he still had feelings for her, to Hermione getting intimate with herself whilst thinking of Draco. Let's see what happens next!

As a bit of a forewarning, there will be some adult situations later in this chapter. You have been warned!

Hermione settled down in her office the morning after her date with her old friend Oliver Wood, having been left with a lot to think about and being unsure of which path to take. It was clear that Oliver still harboured some immense feelings for her, which she welcomed to an extent, and then there was the issue of one Draco Malfoy. He also clearly enjoyed her presence, and loathe she was to admit it, she enjoyed his. Even thinking about the events in his place had her knickers getting wetter. Groaning, she pressed her palms against her face and wished she had properly had sex with Draco. At least then she'd be fully satisfied and thus, would not be paying attention to either man who had mysteriously popped up into her already hectic lifestyle.

A gentle knock at the door had her lifting her face out of her palms. Smiling, she greeted the intruder.

"Good morning Ronald. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She smiled, getting up to hug her best friend. Although the two had a history, it was not awkward at all, for they both realised that what they had thought was a romantic love for each other, was merely a sibling-like love. After a few months of dating and several sexual escapades, they both realised it did not feel right and broke up, remaining close friends.

"Hey Mione, just wanted to invite you to this coming weekend's Weasley gathering. It's just... you've not come for a while and mum's been missing you." Ron wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, "and you know how much I hate being called that." He grumbled.

Hermione laughed and pulled away, holding her friend at arm's length to fully look at him. "Oh, tell Molly I apologise and have been so busy recently. I'll try to make it but I don't make any promises. I have missed your mother terribly." Letting go of her friend, she nodded to herself and gracefully sat back into her chair. "Is that all Ron? I don't mean to be rude but I do have a lot of work to do…"

Ron grimaced and shuffled his feet on the floor, "The thing is Mione," he stared at the floor, "It's just hard for me to say this to you but I thought I should before somebody else did."

"Oh honestly, Ronald. We're not 12 years old. Spit it out." Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes. Ron never did have the best way with words.

"I've met someone."

Hermione frowned. "Oh Ron, why did you think I'd take it the wrong way? I just want you to be happy, whoever it is. We've not dated for 2 years Ron. You don't mean to tell me that she's the first since, well... since us?"

Ron sighed, moving to sit in the chair opposite her at her desk. He reached for her hand and began speaking softly. "Mi, you weren't the easiest to forget. I'm not saying that it took me this long to get over you, because it didn't. It's just, I wasn't sure if I was actually ready for a relationship again. I'm scared and nervous about her. I don't want it to end up like ours did. I really really like her Mi." His face as red as beetroot. His hand gripping hers as if it were his lifeline.

"Oh Ron, you must have been so lonely." She smiled sadly, "we had good fun, but it just wasn't meant to be. Don't write off this relationship before it's even properly begun. You never know what might happen."

He nodded, and smiled, thinking of his new girlfriend.

"So tell me about her," Hermione grinned and squeezed his hand.

His face lit up as he began to describe her in such detail and in such a positive manner that one would presume she were an angel. He finished his detailed explanation with an invitation for Hermione to meet her at the Weasley gathering, ensuring that she had to go to the next one.

"Ron, like I said, I'll try to but no promises. I can't wait to finally meet this girl who has captured your heart and soul. I'm so happy for you." She smiled at her best friend as he left.

Sighing, she began to do her work, letting her mind wander. Sure she was happy for Ron, but she was also jealous. Now Ron had found someone who seemed to be the love of his life and both Harry and Ginny had each other, she was the last one. Usually, she wouldn't care so much for romance but recent events and a growing loneliness inside her begged for another person to share her life with her. Someone to cuddle with at night, someone to fuck her. At this point, she'd accept the next guy who walked into her life.

Hermione worked her way through her seemingly endless paperwork before her stomach growled and an owl was pecking at her window. She noticed it was her subscription to the Daily Prophet, smiling, she let in the owl, stroked it gently before tucking the payment into the bird's pouch. She decided she'd grab some lunch before coming back up and reading through the day's news.

Half an hour later with her lunch and a fresh tea in hand, Hermione unfolded the newspaper and her eyes bulged at the sight of the headline.


Hermione groaned as she saw the pictures of her and Oliver from the night before, looking rather cosy in the restaurant and outside her building. Well, she thought, at least Gin's plan worked. There was no way Draco would not see these pictures, given the fact there were at least 6 on the very front page of the most popular wizarding paper in Britain.

She began reading the article, scoffing at false information when Ginny appeared at her doorway to take her out for lunch.

Sitting in their favourite café, Ginny started to quiz her friend about her date the night prior.

"Honestly, Gin, it was amazing. He's still as wonderful as I remember. It got a little awkward when he told me he wanted us to get back together but he was very kind and still very well... Oliver when I declined."
Ginny grasped Hermione's wrist, with her mouth wide open. "What do you mean, back together?! When were you ever actually together?"

Hermione's eyes grew wide. She had forgotten that no one but her and Oliver knew about their past, and had initially intended on keeping it that way. She supposed that the confusion of him still harbouring feelings for her didn't exactly help her mental state. She was bound to let it slip at some point.

"Well Gin the thing is, we had a somewhat friends with benefits arrangement about a year after Ron and I broke up. I was struggling after the war and felt like with the loss your family had, I was somewhat excluded. I wasn't with Ron anymore and well you had Harry and I was just so lonely. I was drunk one night in a pub and Oliver found me, and we hooked up that night. We both realised how desperate we both were for some human contact and something to forget everything. So, our arrangement began. Whenever something difficult happened, we'd call upon each other to, well fuck the memories out of our brains. It lasted for about a year before I ended it. He told me whilst we were having sex one night that he loved me, and I knew he meant it. I couldn't carry on with our arrangement knowing he felt the way he did and I felt nothing but friendship for him."

Ginny sat gobsmacked, unsure of what to say, still clutching at her friend's wrist. After a few moments of silence she spoke up. "I've always wondered what he was like in the sack." She grinned and winked at Hermione who laughed.

"From all of that, all you have to ask is how good he was in bed?" She laughed again before moving closer to her friend and whispering, "all I will say is that I've never orgasmed so much in my entire life." Giving Ginny a wink, she laughed as she saw her face tense up. "Gin, what's wrong?" She frowned, feeling concern for her friend.

Ginny grabbed her coat, threw some coins on the table and made a pathetic excuse to leave the table. Frowning further, Hermione turned in her chair to see platinum blonde hair and a famous smirk.

"Hello Granger."

Hermione felt her face flush as she remembered all the recent fantasies she had involving the man in front of her, and for the fact she wasn't sure if he'd just heard her talking about her old sex life with Ginny.

"Uh Draco, hello. It's nice to see you again, however you caught me as I was about to leave. What a shame really." She rambled, trying to quickly grab her coat and leave. She was, however, unsuccessful as Draco moved closer to join her table, pulling her back down with him.

Sighing, Hermione was somewhat grateful that she still had half an hour of her break left. Though, she could not remember the last time she took the whole hour of her lunch break, preferring to work through it instead.

"It's good to see you Granger. You have no idea the amount of things that have been going through my head involving you. Most too indecent to share." Hermione felt a blush rise to her face as he continued. "Though imagine my shock when I saw this morning's paper. You and Ollie Wood, huh?" Malfoy's face gave off no emotion and Hermione nodded bleakly.

"It was just the one date, Draco. It was nothing really." She had no idea why she was trying to explain herself to him but she for some bizarre reason, felt the need to.

"Ah but, I heard you and little Weaslette. You have a history, and one you remember fondly, if I heard you correctly and I most certainly did."

"Draco, honestly, I don't know what you're doing or why but Oliver is just a friend. That is all." Hermione looked intently at his face, feeling her body heating up under his intense gaze. Draco's hand reached out to stroke her cheek as he leaned in close.

"Tell me Granger, how did he make you cum so much? Was it by kissing your neck?" His fingers trailed their way to her neck, stroking gently. "Did his mouth find its way to your supple breasts? Did his mouth suckle on your nipples?" Her heart rate increased as she remembered back to that one night with Draco, in his bedroom. "Did his fingers pull and tug at your nipples, while you moaned?" His fingers began to trail over her shoulders and down her arms. "Describe the way he trailed his mouth down your perfect body to your deliciously wet pussy." Hermione shifted in her seat, his words affecting her more than she cared to admit. His hands found their way to her thighs, slowly rubbing circles on the bare skin, pushing her skirt up ever so slightly. "Did you enjoy the way his fingers found your pussy before sliding them inside you?" Hermione moaned and Draco's eyes darkened with lust. "What about the way his tongue felt flicking your clit?" Hermione felt Draco's fingers reach the edge of her sodden knickers and moaned loudly.

"Hermione, sh." He whispered as his fingers rubbed her through her sopping material. Her eyes closed in pure pleasure as the digits moved the material to one side, before sliding inside her pussy. Draco groaned. "Merlin you're so wet. You have no idea how hot you are Hermione."

Hermione moaned Draco's name as he pumped two fingers in and out of her. She could feel herself getting closer and closer and then he flicked her clit with this thumb and all she could see was stars as she rode out her orgasm on his fingers. She groaned with displeasure as she felt his fingers leave her sex. She opened her eyes to Draco sucking his fingers into his mouth, she moaned as she watched him. It was most definitely one of the hottest things she had ever seen. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she had just had one of the most erotic experiences of her life in a café, at her regular table with Mr Draco Malfoy.

Draco smirked and leaned over to kiss her cheek. As he did, he whispered to her, "one night with me, Miss Granger, and you'll forget all about Wood," and with that, he left the café and Hermione, with a million and one thoughts racing through her head and sopping wet knickers as evidence.

Ooooh what's going to happen next with Draco and Hermione! I'm honestly so excited for this story to properly take flight. Let me know any suggestions or spelling/grammar mistakes!