Zero Hour
"Emma Roslin sit down right now." Laura ordered through clenched teeth, trying desperately to avoid the stares of other passengers.
"I'm not staying on this ship. You promised I could go to Kate's for the weekend. We had everything planned - we're going to the mall to get dresses for homecoming, we're meeting Nick and Patrick at the movies-" the teen protested refusing to move from her position in the aisle.
"You can do it another weekend. The mall isn't going anywhere. You are coming with me. This is not a debate. Now sit down before I have one of the lovely officers assist you."
Emma glared at Laura with an intensity reserved for teenage daughters towards their mothers but as is often the case the child succumbed to the parent's demand. Although, not without visible protest. Emma slammed her bag down, loudly crashed into her seat and concluded with a bitter "I hate you."
It was a silent journey. Laura sat with her head back and eyes closed, doing her best to ignore the music blaring from Emma's headphones.
"Turn that down Emma. It's giving me a headache and I'm sure it's making you deaf."
Emma obediently took off the earphones, sat up straight and crossed her hands. "Anything else Madame Secretary?"
"You can lose the attitude Emma, I'm not in the mood today."
"I can tell. Fight with Adar?" Emma guessed, her voice hushed at the name. "Billy sends me your schedule. You weren't going to do this thing last week."
"It was a last minute decision. Galactica is being converted into a museum, my presence is appropriate." Laura replied calmly. "I thought it would be a nice trip for us to take together. You've never been on a battleship."
"I don't want to go on a battleship." Emma muttered. "Look whatever he did it doesn't matter. You're better off without him anyway."
"Not now." Laura whispered, gently squeezed her daughter's hand.
"What's this stupid thing anyway?" Emma asked reluctantly resigning herself to the altered weekend plans.
"Let's find out." Laura said leaning over to grab her briefcase. "There's a briefing memo in here. I think the guy's name is Tigh or something - I didn't read it through yet."
"I bet. You've been distracted all week."
"A lot has been going on with the unions." Laura deflected, relieved to find the memo. "Here. Battlestar Galactica decommissioning ceremony."
"What is it?" Emma asked as she watched the color drain from her mother's face.
Laura looked down at the face on the paper and felt all oxygen escape her lungs. Setting down the file, she excused herself and rushed to the bathroom.
"Mom?" Emma called out startled by the abrupt departure. When Laura disappeared into the bathroom Emma reached over and picked up the file. "Who's Commander William Adama?"
16 years ago
"Oh sir. Yes, sir," Laura called out to the man at the dock. "Would you mind bringing my bags to the cabin?"
"Excuse me?" the man replied startled and offended by the request.
"You're Joe - the maintenance guy? Larry said you might be buy this week to fix a pipe or something. I realize it's not your job but -"
"Look lady, I'm not sure what Larry told you but I'm no maintenance man - I'm Major William Adama."
"Okay…" Laura shrugged unimpressed by the title. "I'm Dr. Laura Roslin."
"You're a physician?" Bill questioned with a raised eyebrow as he inspected her low-cut maxi dress.
"I have a PhD in education." Laura shot back defensively. "What are you doing here? I was told there weren't any other cabins in this area."
"There aren't. So I have the same question for you." Bill replied looking passed Laura to the cab that brought her. "I rented this cabin for a week and I've only been here two days."
"No, no, no. I'm staying at this cabin." Laura protested, marching over to Bill. "These arrangements were made months ago."
"I don't know what to tell you." Bill shrugged. "Call Larry."