Maybe Hell is being born again, reincarnated again,
until you are a good person.
Maybe Hell is really just Purgatory.
Maybe Hell is being cut off frm God, but living in a decent place.
Maybe Hell is non-existance...
Maybe Heaven is non-existance...
Maybe the Afterlife isn't a life after all...
Maybe people should just shut up about sending non-believers to hell because it's a cruel, manipulative, cold-hearted, and distinctly non-Golden-Rule thing to do.
Maybe Hell is just too vicious to exist.
...And yet,
my cynical side says,
"Why not?"
"You though the World was too nice
for your Pain to exist.
Death, suffering, murder, injustice,
they all reign in life.
Why don't they reign in Afterlife too?"
Jizu frightens me sometimes
when she says this.
Because that would mean
the World is a bad place
after all,
wicked and tarnished,
and that's the way all existance is.
God is cruel and jealous,
for as I said,
I cannot even picture
a loving god who would do that.
it would mean
that Love, Mercy and Forgiveness are pipe dreams.
Love, Mercy and Forgiveness are lies.
Maybe Hell is a lie.
maybe Heaven is too...
Maybe they both exist.
Maybe not.
Maybe there is a greater good in life.
Maybe it's all bullshit.
Maybe I think too much...
You have the right to believe in whatever you want.
Sometimes, it is not right to do so.
You have the right to hate.
But it is never,
right to hate.
Yoda had a serious point.
Yet, what about hating bad things?
Like poverty and pain?
Like death and destruction?
Surely, it must be okay to hate them...
Yet, how easy can it be...
to go from hate of a thing,
to hate of a person.
To believe that a thing is wrong,
and to work against it with all your might,
yet, isn't that hate?
can't that be hate so easily?
I want to erase the word hate.
Take a knife to every word,
delete, scrub out, kill
destroy them all.
But I know,
if I did that,
it would be violating another's rights.
They have the right to say it.
First Amendment.
But that doesn't mean
it's right to do it.
How do I decide whether it's right to do?
Well, would I want someone to do it to me?
If I wouldn't
and most people wouldn't
it goes against the Golden Rule,
and therefore, it isn't right.
That's only my interpretation, of course.
Whenever I hear the word "hate"
I want to cry.
And so do so many others.
Heaven would be a place
without hate.
Maybe Hell is being born again, reincarnated again,
until you are a good person.
Maybe Hell is really just Purgatory.
Maybe Hell is being cut off frm God, but living in a decent place.
Maybe Hell is non-existance...
Maybe Heaven is non-existance...
Maybe the Afterlife isn't a life after all...
Maybe people should just shut up about sending non-believers to hell because it's a cruel, manipulative, cold-hearted, and distinctly non-Golden-Rule thing to do.
Maybe Hell is just too vicious to exist.
...And yet,
my cynical side says,
"Why not?"
"You though the World was too nice
for your Pain to exist.
Death, suffering, murder, injustice,
they all reign in life.
Why don't they reign in Afterlife too?"
Jizu frightens me sometimes
when she says this.
Because that would mean
the World is a bad place
after all,
wicked and tarnished,
and that's the way all existance is.
God is cruel and jealous,
for as I said,
I cannot even picture
a loving god who would do that.
it would mean
that Love, Mercy and Forgiveness are pipe dreams.
Love, Mercy and Forgiveness are lies.
Maybe Hell is a lie.
maybe Heaven is too...
Maybe they both exist.
Maybe not.
Maybe there is a greater good in life.
Maybe it's all bullshit.
Maybe I think too much...
You have the right to believe in whatever you want.
Sometimes, it is not right to do so.
You have the right to hate.
But it is never,
right to hate.
Yoda had a serious point.
Yet, what about hating bad things?
Like poverty and pain?
Like death and destruction?
Surely, it must be okay to hate them...
Yet, how easy can it be...
to go from hate of a thing,
to hate of a person.
To believe that a thing is wrong,
and to work against it with all your might,
yet, isn't that hate?
can't that be hate so easily?
I want to erase the word hate.
Take a knife to every word,
delete, scrub out, kill
destroy them all.
But I know,
if I did that,
it would be violating another's rights.
They have the right to say it.
First Amendment.
But that doesn't mean
it's right to do it.
How do I decide whether it's right to do?
Well, would I want someone to do it to me?
If I wouldn't
and most people wouldn't
it goes against the Golden Rule,
and therefore, it isn't right.
That's only my interpretation, of course.
Whenever I hear the word "hate"
I want to cry.
And so do so many others.
Heaven would be a place
without hate.