Hey again, Nyte here. This took slightly longer than expected because I'm currently having a fever. Hope you like the chapter.

Allen found himself sitting on a chair in a pure white room, the room had no door and no windows. Other than Allen and the chair that he was sitting on, the only other thing in the room was a pure black table infront of him with a beatiful yet ancient looking book. The book itself and a light silver with black bindings along the edges and spine. It also had a pattern etched into the front and back in gold, the pattern itself was simple yet beatiful to look at and had no words on the front or back. As Allen looked look around the room, wondering to himself where this was, he saw from the corner of his eye his shadow form into a familiar figure made of shadows.

"I-Is that you Neah?"

"Yes my nephew, i'm sure you've already seen me in this form before." Neah gestured to his shadowy body while he spoke.

"Where am I Neah? I don't remember any place like this."

"Hmm, you could say this is a part of your own mind, a fragment of your conscience, though in the world you are asleep."

"Why am I here Neah?"

"That is a question which I am unable to answer, it is something that you must find out for yourself. However your time here is up for now, the next time you find yourself here here more will be explained."

As Neah finished talking Allen felt the dream fade away slowly into blackness. Allen starting to hear voices eventually.

"When do you think he's going to get up Tyki?"

"How should I know Road, it's never always to same."

"Aww, I hope Allen gets up soon, theres so much I want to do with him~"

"Don't be too rough on him Road...he's probably quite weak at the moment."

Allen heard a door open and close and assumed that either both of them or one of them had left the room. As Allen forced his eyes open he noticed that Road was still there, sitting beside him. Road noticing the slight movement as he woke up immediately jumped on him.

"All~eeeen, I'm so glad you're awake!"

"Its good to see you to Road"

"How are you feeling Allen?' concern showing in her voice. Road is worried about me? Allen couldn't believe that road was showing him any concern, she normally just did whatever she wanted with him be it hugging or kissing him, completely ignoring him.

"I'm fine Road, just tired."

"Aww, ok. Do you want anything to eat Allen? Its almost time for lunch."

"Uhm...sure, whats there to eat?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure! I'll go and check, see you in a second Allen~" With that Road left the room, leaving Allen to himself. Allen was still feeling lightheaded and a dull pain was still present in his head. He still didn't know exactly what was happening, wheter he would be alright and what would happen to his left arm. Although he had many question on his mind he didn't feel the need the ask Road, he somehow felt that the answers would just come to him naturally. After barely a minute Road was back with a plate in her hands.

"Here you go Allen, I just took what I thought you would eat." The plate contained a couple of Sandwiches, some fruit and some chicken. Allen gladly accepted the plate of food and began eating it, Road watching him while he ate. Strangely enough the normal portion of food was enough for him, normally he would have eaten three to four times the amount that he just ate, he started to worry slightly if something was off with him but he pushed the worry away, he was too tired to care about that now.

"Thanks Road, that helped alot." He handed the plate back to her as he spoke.

"Anytime Allen~If there's anything else you need i'll be right here." Once again Road left the room, leaving Allen by himself. Allen thought to himself that this was probably a good time to ask Neah some questions.

Neah are you there?

Yes my dearest nephew I am here, do you need something?

Whats happening to me Neah? I feel so tired and my left arm doesnt feel quite right.

Its the transformation my dearest nephew. The transformation takes alot of energy from your body, that is why you will constantly feel tired while it happens.

But, wont the innocence in my body notice the changes and turn me into a fallen one?

You will be fine my nephew, the Noah Gene in your body will supress it if anything were to happen, also there is a high chance that you left arm will change drastically. Your innocence might be changed because of the Noah Gene inside you. However the most important thing is that if the transformation is what you trully want, what your heart desires, your innocence won't take it as betrayal.

I see...how long will the transformation take Neah?

If you do not resist me and your Noah Gene it will be done in three days, however if you attempt to resist it will delay it by a few extra days, it will cause you even more pain if you resist it though.

Alright, thank you Neah.

Anytime my nephew.

A few minutes later Road returned to the room.

"Nee~Allen, do you want to go take a walk? Maybe it will help, also only me, Tyki and Millenie are currently here, everyone else is out."

"Sure, I guess now would be the best time."

Allen slowly sat up and got off the bed, he noticed that his clothes had been changed

"Road...how long was I asleep?"

"Hmm? You were asleep for two days Allen."

Two whole days!? That quick dream had only lasted what seemed like five minutes... The next question he asked made him blush slightly.

"And uhm...w-who changed my clothes?"

"Me ofcourse!" The blush on Allen's cheeks intensified, now very apparent. Road noticing him blushing, teased him even more. "Don't worry Allen, I didn't change your underwear, Tyki changed them for you." HE WHAT!? Allen was now totally flustered. "I swear the next time I see him I'm going to fucking cut him in half...I swear if I ever play him at poker again..." Allen continued cursing Tyki for a good few seconds until he noticed Road's hysterical laughter. "Ahhhh hahahahaha, Allen you're so fun to tease, hahahaha!" Road was practically on the floor laughing, Allen's entire face was red.

It took a few minutes before road was calm again and Allen regained his composure.

"Ahem...are you done Road? We should go before any of your family gets back."

"Alright, alright lets go." Road then proceeded to give him a partial tour of The Ark.

By the time Road decided they should stop, it was almost Dinner time. I had no idea The Ark was THIS Huge... Allen had been walking around with Road for the past four hours and she had only been able to show him one third of The Ark, although most of the rooms themselves were empty he enjoyed her company and was having fun talking to her.

When they returned to the room Allen had been sleeping in, the pain in his head had increased from a dull ache and was now a sharp pain.

"Road...I think...its starting again." Allen struggled slightly to speak as he clutched his head. Road helped Allen lie down on the bed and then sat beside him. "I'll be here if you need anything Allen, just ask." Never in Allen's life would he have thought that Road would show him genuine concern. Just as Allen was about to speak, he heard Neah's voice in his head again.

It's about to begin my Nephew, try not to resist, it will cause you less pain, though it will still hurt alot.

As soon as Neah finished speaking, the pain in his head increased tremendously. Once again it felt like his head has going to split open, but now it was accompanied with an extreme burning pain, it felt like someone was branding his forehead with a hot iron. Not being able to contain his screams of pain anymore, Allen let it all out, startling Road.

"Allen are you ok?"


"It seems, like his transformation has started again..."Road said to herself. Road grabbed a towel from a nearby bathroom and soaked in cold water, she then proceeded to place it on Allen's forehead. As she placed the cold towel on his forehead, Allen felt the burning lessen, it was still there but it was now tolerable, the pain however had not lessened. After a few more minutes of tolerating the pain, he passed out.

Just as Allen passed out, the door to the room opened, allowing Tyki into the room. "I heard screaming, did something happen to shounen?" a hint of concern apparent in his voice. "It seems that the second stage of his transformation has started Tyki, it seems the pain he's experiencing is far stronger than what some of us experienced..." As Road spoke, she was slowly stroking Allen's face.

"Do you think it's because of the innocence present in his body?" Tyki indicated to the glowing green cross present in his left hand, strangely the green light seemed more faint than usual.

"I think that might be one of the reasons, honestly I think it's that added onto all the suffering he went through as a child, the pain that we experience during the transformation is tied to how much suffering and pain we have in our past. As these events are all present in our memories."

"I see. Well it seems that he's calmed down for now. Did you have to do anything with it?"

"Good guess. I tried giving him the most pleasant dream possible to help lessen the pain."

"Well, I guess there's nothing more we can do for him, all that's left is for time to pass. So are you going to be staying here to watch over him?"

"Yup, I can't trust anyone else to look after my Allen." Tyki noticed a slight change in her voice when she said that, it wasn't the usual tone she used when she spoke with one of her toys or dolls, he though he heard a tinge of love in her voice but he just ignored it.

"Alright then, I'll go and tell Millenie that you won't be present for Dinner then."

"Alright, thanks Tyki." Road replied, still looking at Allen.

-The Black Order-

"It's been ten days and we still haven't found him!"

"Che. He's probably already been found by the Noah."

"Yeah. It would be best to assume so."

"So, what are we going to do from here on out? If he's been found by them theres no use sending out people to trach him."

"I guess we could try and locate one of the entrances to The Ark."

"That's probably our best bet if we want to find him."

"Alright then, I'll send the three of you out to try and find an entrance, if you find any Akuma try to follow it, it might return back through an entrance."

"Che. You don't need to send to two of them along, I'm more than enough."

"All three of you will be going, no exceptions. I don't want to risk a casualty. Once you have found an entrance you are to report back here immediately."

"Che. Fine."

"Alright, so when do we leave."


And that's the end of that. Ch 5 should be out in 2-3 days, no promises though.

As always, thanks for reading! R&R if you would like to.