Hey, Nyte here with a DGM fanfic, first proper one that ive wrote in awhile.

WARNING: Certain "Main" characters of the series MAY die in future chapters, if you do not like this please don't read or skip those chapters.

A week had passed since he was thrown in this dark, damp cell. His left arm bound with seals placed by the members of crow, his right arm attached to a chain.

Allen was staring at a wall, his face devoid of any emotion, his silver eyes almost looked dead.

What had he done to deserve this treatment? Why would his friends betray him? Why would his family condemn him? Unanswered question present in his mind as he thought back to how it began.


"It seems that he has just returned from a mission Sir!" Link said as he saluted

"Good, bring him to me immediately, I need to speak to him".replied Leverrier "I'll have a couple members of Crow follow you to seal his left arm and to subdue him if he resists."

"Yes Sir! I will look for him immediately!" Link said as he turned and left the room, two members of Crow following behind him.

Allen had just reached him room and was about to sit down before Link entered opened his door and walked in. Before Allen could say anything Link already started speaking.

"I need you to come with me immediately, Walker. Leverrier wants to speak to you now."

"Can't that wait until I take a shower and eat?" he pleaded, his stomach growling as if pleading to Link aswell.

"Leverrier wants to see you now Walker. Please don't try to resist and just come along, I don't want to have to use force."

Allen immediately sighed, sensing the severity in his voice he complied. As soon as he left his room the Crow members placed a seal binding on his left arm.

"Hey! Whats this Link!?" Allen shouted from shock

"Relax Walker. It won't cause you any harm, just a precaution Leverrier wanted to take."

"If you say so..."

They continued walking to Leverrier's office, a small amount of doubt now in Allen's mind.

As soon as they arrived, Link left the office, leaving Allen alone with Leverrier and the Crow Members.

"Allen Walker, or should I say the 14th?"

"You are hereby charged, with betraying the Order on the account of hiding the fact that you are the 14th, you are to be branded a Traitor and executed in 2 weeks time." Leverrier paused for a brief moment to enjoy the look of shock and bewilderment on his face before continueing. "During these two weeks, you will be questioned for any information regarding the Earl and the Noah."

Immediately after Leverrier finished speaking, Allen was knocked out from behind and when he awoke he was in the a cell.

-Flashback End-

The door to the cell opened, allowing two people to enter. Allen could just barely make out their features from the dim light coming through the doorway. It was Lenalee and Lavi.

"I don't know why they are still keeping you around." Lenalee said while she tossed a loaf of bread at Allen's feet. "I can't believe we thought you were our ally, our friend. All those times we spent together were just lies weren't they? Your personality nothing but an act to fool us." Her voice was laced with hostility.

"It won't matter soon Lenalee, I heard that he is getting executed next week." he said casually

"I don't see why they can't do it sooner, its not like he even speaks anymore." she said walking over to Allen

"Hey Monster, why don't say anything? Keeping quiet wont prevent your execution."

Seeing as he wouldn't make a sound, she kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Still nothing huh?" Lenalee started to leave the room with Lavi following behind. Just before she left the room she stopped and said "You should have just died as a child, you are nothing but a Stain against the Order" and with that they left him.

You should have just died as a child... those words were stuck in Allen's mind, replaying over and over like a broken record. Why did he have to suffer... All he ever showed them was kindness... He never wronged them...

Unanswered question continued to asked as he passed out.

-The Next Day-

There was a familiar smell, it smelt sweet and had a nice fragrence, followed by something warm touching his lips and the taste of candy...Candy? Allen forced his eyes open only to see the familiar face of none other than Road Kamelot.

"Good morning All~en" Road said in a sing-song manner. "We're here to get you out of here!"


"Yes Allen?" she questioned, noticing the blush that had appeared on his cheeks and how he averted his eyes.

"Road, you can talk to shounen once we get to somewhere more...pleasant"

Allen now noticed the familiar figure standing near the door. Tyki Mikk. The man who gave him a hole in his heart and a whole lot of pain.

"But Tyki... I haven't seen Allen in so long." Road whined as she continued went to hug Allen. He immediately tried to backaway, not because of the contact with Road, but because her arms were touching where he had been Whipped. Sensing the discomfort Road released her arms.

"You'll have all the time you want once we get shounen out of here." Tyki reasoned, "Plus we don't know how long it will be until someone comes to check on him." As if on que footsteps could be heard coming from hallway outside.

"Shit. We have to go NOW Road."

"Fineee."Road whined, she then proceeded to break the chain attatched to Allen's right arm with one of her Candles. His left arm would take slightly longer as Road started to remove the seals. Just as she removed the last seal, unbinding Allen's left arm, the door opened.

Lavi, Lenalee and Link stood at the doorway, a look of shock on their faces. They however quicky recovered and activated their innocence, Link immediately telling one of the Guards outside to call for backup.

"We aren't here for a fight exorcists."

"Sure you aren't, now give me a good reason why I shouldn't send your head flying." Lenalee threathened.

"Have you already forgotten how much Road's candles hurt?" Tyki mused, clearly paying no attention to the two of them. As if on que candles materialized around Lenalee and Lavi, causing them to backaway slightly. For a few seconds no one moved and it was as if time had frozen, they just stared at each other.

"Road, help shounen stand up." Noticing the wounds covering his body, Road gladly complied.

"Its right over here! Quickly we can't let them escape!" More voices came from the hallway, followed by footsteps. Backup had came faster than Tyki or Road had expected. It looked like they were going to have to have a quick fight before leaving.

With Road's attention on helping Allen up and Tyki's on the people that were approaching Lenalee was able to find a gap in the candles surrounding them and activated her innocence. She jumped towards Tyki, aiming for his head. Tyki noticing the movement phased into the floor, and Lenalee went flying into the wall, causing a gaping hole from the impact. Just as she stood back up a couple of candles were sent flying at her, giving her barely anytime to dodge. During the confusion Tyki had grabbed onto Lavi's feet and pulled him into the floor below.

It was just Allen, Road and Lenalee left in the cell, the footsteps getting closer and closer. "Allen, you escape through the hole first, me and Tyki will keep them busy and come for you later" a tinge of reluctance could be heard in her voice. As Allen started to limp towards the hole Lenalee had recovered enough to try and stop him. "I suggest you keep your attention on me, unless you want to die ofcourse" Road taunted her, sending more candles in her direction.

-Half and Hour Later-

Allen didn't make it too far before needing to stop, every muscle in his body ached, his back stinging with pain and legs burned as he had pushed them too much. He found himself roughly in the middle of a dense forest as he leaned against a tree to rest. Who would find him first...? What if the Order reached him before Road and Tyki? He felt a sense of longing and sadness as he said her name. Did he miss her? Allen was barely staying awake when a voice suddenly spoke.

Sleep my nephew...

Allen suddenly felt his will slip and the world turn black as he passed out.

That's it for chapter 1, sorry if there are any errors in my writing/spelling etc, I don't really like to make changes. Still unsure how long this entire fanfic will be.

R&R if you want, Thanks for reading!