
Chapter 1

Hermione's P.O.V.

I sat, curled up, on the couch in my adopted Father's living room. I had a book resting against the arm of the couch and my eyes moved as I read the words. The room was quiet, save for the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. I looked over at my Father's snake, which was curled up in front of the fire. Her name was Nagini and she was one of my Father's most prized possessions. Yes, my adopted Father is none other than Voldemort.

When I was a baby my parents were killed in a potions accident. My father was best friends with Tom Riddle when they were in Hogwarts so he immediately took me in, as his own daughter. Tom had never married so, whenever I was home, it was just me and him. When he went to Death Eater meetings, I stayed home with Nagini, unless she had to go with him.

I heard a hiss and looked up to see that Nagini had woken up. She was looking at me, her tongue flicking out every now and then. I gave her a small smile and motioned for her to come over to me. Other than my father, she was very friendly and protective to me. She slithered over and onto the couch. She curled up by my blanket-covered feet and rested her head in my lap. I gently ran my hands over her scales and smiled softly.

"Father will be home soon." I said and she hissed, as if she could understand me and was acknowledging my comment.

Suddenly the fire lit up green and my father stepped through. I smiled softly and closed my book. Nagini slithered off the couch and over to him. She slithered up against his leg so that he could reach her head. I watched him gently pet her and stood up.

"Welcome back, Father." I said smiling.

"I'm sorry I had to leave so suddenly." He said.

"It's fine." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

He wrapped his arm around me, and stroked my hair. I pulled back and looked up at him. He was smiling, and there was a light of happiness in his eyes. I was the only person who ever saw this side of him. Whenever he was home with me, he was more happy and loose rather than being cold and uptight.

"How was school?"

"It was good. O's and E's on my OWLS."

"Good. Sit down. I want to talk to you about something." He said.

"Yes, Sir." I said and sat down. He sat down in the chair opposite of me.

"I want you to start attending the Death Eater meetings."

"Yes, Father, but if I know you there is an ulterior motive. What is it?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Mmm I raised a very clever and perceptive daughter. When the time comes, if I should die in the war, Lucius will take over as Leader of the Death Eaters, but you will have to join the Death Eaters. You will, of course, be the second in command. At the moment, we have many followers, but after this war, our number of followers will decrease, due to the deaths." He said and I nodded.

"Is it true that Draco is a Death Eater?" I asked.

"Yes, that is true. He was initiated right before school ended."

"What about, Harry?" I asked.

Yes, Harry Potter had joined my Father's side: the Dark Side. He became a follower of my father around the time Draco received his mark. Harry had overheard a conversation between Dumbledore and McGonagall, about the upcoming war and it had been revealed that, if it came to it, Harry would be sacrificed to save the Wizarding World. After overhearing this, Harry had felt betrayed and felt as if he couldn't trust anyone in the Light Side. Due to the connection between him and my father, he was able to speak to my father. He had explained the situation and agreed to meet with my father. One thing led to another and now he was on our side.

Of course, he didn't know about my connection. He still thought that I was a Muggleborn and was on the Light Side. My father had told me that, more than once, he had talked to my father about sparing me. My father told me that I was the only Muggleborn that was worth being spared. Each time, my father had told him that he would consider it.

I was relieved when the news, that Harry had joined our side, reached me. I wanted my father to win, but Harry had become a very close friend to me. I could care less about Ron or the others. They were just side-friends that could easily be disposed of. Harry, however, was a true friend of mine. He was nice and kind to me all the time. My father, of course, knew of these feelings but never held them against me. He always told me that he respected my feelings and left it at that.

"Harry, has yet to be initiated. His initiation will be soon, and I want you there for it. I want you to see how an Initiation Ceremony goes," He said. I nodded and smiled softly, "I can see the relief in your eyes."

"Oh. I'm just happy that I don't have to see my best friend die."

"I know," He smiled softly, "I think it's time for bed. We'll talk more about the Death Eater subject tomorrow. I have a meeting tomorrow, and I want you to attend." He said, and I nodded.

"Yes, Father," I said and stood up. I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek," Goodnight, Father. I love you." I said.

"Goodnight, I love you too." He said, standing up as well.

Nagini slithered away from my father and followed me to my room. It was normal for Nagini to sleep at the end of my bed, whenever I was home. She had formed that habit when my father had been away for a few days. I didn't complain, and soon, she had claimed one part of the foot of my bed. I had a blanket for her and she would slither under it and sleep. It was charmed to stay heated at the perfect temperature for her.

We reached my room, and she slithered up the bed post and on to my bed. She curled up under the blanket and let out a soft hiss. I smiled and changed clothes, then laid down in bed as well. I closed my eyes, and soon I drifted off into a deep sleep.