A/N: This last chapter is technically two different drabbles but both are way too short to just be on their own. One was written to remember something for a quiz and one was written with a prompt.

Prompt: The Principle of Alternate Possibility*

The nations poured out of the meeting room, chatting amiably amongst themselves as they broke for lunch. Well, as amiable as they normally would. Russia readjusted his scarf while he walked and thought about where he would go to eat…perhaps that one-

"Hey, Russia I have something to talk about with you!"

The nation in question turned to see America waving him over. Seeing as he was in no rush, the silver-haired nation walked over. America grinned, almost mischievously, as he came closer.

"Da, what do you-"

Suddenly, with a quick grab of Russia's arm, America slammed him against the wall. The other man tried to break out of his grip but the nation simply exerted more of his super-human strength in response. The Russian looked up into those eyes. Their intensity burned into him, like a burning blue flame, that earlier glint of mischief showing through. The grin was gone, leaving behind a collected serious face.

"I want to discuss a thought experiment with you," the blond said slowly, clearly struggling to keep his voice indifferent and calm. Was that a blush?


"Let's say...I decide that I'm going to commit a crime, arson to be specific." He leaned in to whisper with a voice that was low and seductive. "I'm going to kiss you right in front of everyone, right here, right now. And baby, I'm never letting go."

"Really, now?" Russia smirked. America continued staring intensely.

In anticipation, the other man braced himself, but then America pulled back. Believing the other had lost his nerve, Russia tried to shift away. However, the younger nation still didn't let him go and kept a relatively close tempting distance. America was not done speaking yet.

"But…" the blond went on, "I could chose not."

Again, a little more frustrated about how he was being teased, Russia tried in vain to break free. He could sense that there was now someone staring at them, but he couldn't break eye contact with the younger man before him. He could feel the other's warm breath on him. He was certain that his own face was slowly reddening.

His eyes narrowed to meet the other's challenge, "Dorogoy I swear, if you leave it at this-"

The American smirked and leaned in closer, yet still not close enough, "So, you're threatening me to do it?"

"Only if you choose to do otherwise," Russia whispered back.

"Only if I choose to do otherwise…"the other repeated softly. "So, in the end I'm still going to do so, right? I have no other alternatives. No matter what I choose, it will only end in me performing the act. Yet, my choice does affect whether or not the act was made by the force of a threat."

The Russian was starting to tire of this game. He frowned, "Alfred, what are you playi-"

America's lips cut him off. It was as hot as was promised, and Russia found himself sinking into the wall. The Russian's hands were slowly let free but they simply went over to tangle in the blonde's hair.

Finally, they broke, both breathless. America pulled back completely, allowing Russia to stand away from the wall. That smirk on the younger man's face was more devilish than it ever was before,

"Now, am I guilty?"

Prompt:He always hung up the phone without a goodbye.

It bothered Alfred more than he would ever admit. Their conversation would finish, as they both had to return to their work. Yet, the sudden click always left him a bittersweet taste in his mouth.

As more years passed, he never got an answer to why. Somehow he always found himself distracted. And as he froze in that phone booth, heart beating fast, he feared he never would.

The large horn sound in the background of the other line was unmistakable.


Meanwhile, Ivan could hear the siren of an ambulance approaching. In his pocket, a gift. In his hand, his cellphone. If Alfred had the chance to ask he would have told him.

I have never believed our conservations end, but instead they pick up from where they last were.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little random collection. I'm trying to get rid of all the little ideas I have floating around so that I won't have an urge to write more about them later. Thank you for reading :)

*The Principle of Alternate Possibilities: Essentially the concept is as follows: In court, one could be excused from a crime if there was no possible way that person could have reasonably acted otherwise. For example, you could be threatened into firing a weapon at someone. Therefore, it seems logical you should escape total blame.

However, there are a few cases of counterexamples which Harry Frankfurt(philosopher) provides that argues against it. The related drabble is a simplified version of a case example. In the original, Person A should not be aware of Person B's threats or existence but that's a minor detail.