I'm hoping to stay on the story this time! I hope some of you are still reading it.
I rolled over and had a minor freak out as I bumped into something. I opened my eyes and felt my pulse slow as I saw Hiei. His features were relaxed and inviting. I couldn't resist running my finger down the bridge of his nose. Perfection could not have defined him better.
I jumped back, startled, and saw him smirk.
"You like to call me perfect," he muttered.
"It's because you are, like our child will be," I replied softly.
I saw his lips twitch and he opened his fiery eyes, turning his gaze on me.
"Yes?" I asked.
He captured my waist and rolled on top of me, planting a searing kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss and licked at his lips.
"Mm Hiei," I whispered as he moved to my ear.
He nipped at my lobe and I shivered as his tongue ran up the shell of my ear.
"Kisa, I- Oh."
Hiei growled and we both looked over, seeing Kurama with bag in his hand.
"I see you're busy."
I turned red as a moan slipped from my mouth because of Hiei deciding to rock his hips against mine.
"Yes fox, we are."
"Hiei, stop it," I whispered.
He narrowed his gaze but climbed off of me. To apparently make a point, he kissed me hard and placed his hands on my belly.
"Mine," he growled.
I blushed slightly and turned to Kurama as Hiei left.
"This makes twice in a week," Kurama sighed.
"You just have bad timing," I joked, "So how was your night out?"
I sat on the bed and he smiled slightly.
"It was fun, Kaito and I played pool and had a few drinks," he said.
"Sounds like a lot of fun," I said, a small fit of jealousy burning in my stomach.
The last time Kurama and I had gone out was about three months ago when he had taken me out with his family. I nibbled on my lip and stared at my hands as I thought. It seemed like since Kurama went on the business trip, he and I had distanced ourselves. In a surprising mood, Hiei had become closer to me, even spending nights with me when Kurama was out with his friends. I was jolted from my thoughts as Akira ran into the room.
"Mama, dada!"
I grinned and pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead.
"Hey baby girl, did you sleep good?" I asked.
She nodded and opened her arms to Kurama.
"Daddy, hol' me," she begged.
He smiled and knelt down, taking Akira into his arms.
"Good morning Akira," he said.
He smoothed her hair back and began talking to her. I couldn't stop swelling in my heart. He was so sweet with her.
"Do you want to go see grandma?" he asked.
I rose and took her hand.
"Let's go get dressed then!" I cheered.
She ran with me down the hall and I chuckled as she opened her drawers, pulling out a shirt and pants.
"Hewe!" she said.
"Okay, calm down Mrs. Excited pants," I joked.
She giggled and started pulling on her shirt. I quickly helped her change and she hung onto my leg.
"Eat?" she asked.
"Yep! Time to eat," I said, leading her into the kitchen.
I was surprised to see Keiko sitting at the table.
I raised my eyebrow in confusion but a smile slipped onto my face as Hiroshi waved wildly.
"Hi Hiroshi!" I cheered.
Akira squealed and ran over to Hiroshi, hugging him. Keiko put him on the floor and rose, nearly running over to me.
"Yusuke had to go back to the demon plane," she cried.
She fell against me and I quickly enveloped her in my arms, patting her back.
"I'm so sorry!" I whispered.
She sobbed and I felt guilt creep up. Here she was, now a single mother until Yusuke came back, and I had two men.
"I'll lend you Kurama, he's a good dad," I joked.
She sniffled and laughed, pulling away. She wiped her eyes and sighed.
"I'm sorry, it's just, he always leaves!"
I frowned.
"Keiko, you know he doesn't want to leave," I murmured.
She dabbed her eyes but nodded.
"Yeah, I know," she whispered.
"What's going on?"
I turned and saw Kurama pulling on a jacket.
"Yusuke went to the Makai," I explained.
"Hmm, did he say why?" he questioned.
I left Kurama to talk with Keiko and put Akira in the high chair, grabbing some yogurt and fruit.
"Fox, we need to go."
I looked up and saw Hiei with a serious expression.
"Does it have anything to do with Yusuke?" Kurama asked.
Hiei nodded.
"It's the Demon World Tournament, it's been moved up," Hiei said.
"Demon world tournament?" I asked.
"Every three years, there is a tournament that is held so every demon can enter and fight for the right to control the makai for three years," Kurama explained.
"The latest ruler, Hokushin, has been killed," Hiei said, leaning against the door jamb.
"So, you're going to be fighting thousands of other demons to have a chance at ruling the demon world?" I asked.
Hiei nodded curtly.
"Hiei, you can't! Neither can you Kurama!" I hissed.
"We must," Kurama said, "The more people on the side of good that fight, the better chance there will be a good ruler."
I frowned and stared at them.
"Kisa, are you okay?" Keiko asked.
I nodded and rushed from the room, slamming the door. Sure, it may seem childish, but just a week ago I had found out I was pregnant, now the fathers of my children would be put in mortal danger again. I took a deep breath and bit my lip.
I ignored him and closed my eyes, holding back tears. The door was opened and arms wrapped around me.
"I promise we will be safe," Kurama said softly.
I nodded and finally the tears dripped through my closed lids. He spun me around and as I opened my eyes, I broke down. I fell to the floor and he followed quickly, clutching me to his chest.
"Move Kurama," Hiei ordered.
I looked up and wiped my eyes quickly. Kurama stepped back and Hiei knelt in front of me, cupping my chin.
"You will be strong for our child and Akira," he ordered, "You will stand tall and be the mother you are meant to be, whether we come back or not."
"Hiei," Kurama warned.
I whimpered and he helped me stand.
"You must realize that we may not come back, but you also must be brave," he said.
I took a deep breath and flung myself against him.
"I can't imagine a world without you," I murmured.
I met Kurama's eyes and said, "You either."
He stepped forward and put his hand on mine, pulling me to him. As we embraced, I took in his scent. I felt the tears welling up again but held them back.
"Hiei is right, you must be strong for Akira and his child," he said.
I nodded and kissed him gently. Oh how this was so screwed up. With the distance between us, it felt even worse knowing he was leaving.
"We'll be back as soon as we can," he said.
I pulled away and kissed Hiei, who growled and held me close.
"Be well for our child," he said before leaving the room.
Kurama took my hand and led me down stairs.
"Keiko, please help Kisa through this, she is with child and does not need to worry herself into sickness," Kurama said.
Keiko's eyes lit up.
"Really?! Oh my goodness!"
She hugged me tightly and I smiled slightly.
"Good bye Kisa," Kurama said, turning and saying goodbyes to Akira.
As he walked through the door with Hiei, I felt terrible dread fill my gut.
I looked at the compact and reached for it, hesitating at the last second. Finally I gathered up the courage and opened it.
"Ah, Kisa, how are you?"
"Fine Koenma, how are you?" I asked.
He smiled and said, "Well."
"I have a favor to ask."