*Disclaimer *I do not own Orange is the New Black…Unfortunately. If I did Red would have a larger part than she already does, which may or may not be a good thing. I own my OC and the ideas to the AU part of the story.
The first chapter is more or less introducing the character's relationship. The true story starts in the second chapter.
Chapter 1
"Galina, fuck them," she says, hitting the dough with the rolling pin, "they're a bunch of stupid girls, who think they are still in high school. Fuck them." Galina laughs at her young friend words, her blue eyes sparking; however, this time, it was not because of the unshed tears. Lucy was barely out of high school herself, when they hired her, yet here she is scolding women at least thirty years her senior.
"You know I would not be even trying, if it wasn't for my husband trying to get higher…" Galina trails off, pulling the pin from Lucy and working on the dough herself, causing the younger girl to pout and cross her across her bust.
"I don't know why you're still with him," Lucy walks over to the mirror above the stove, to readjust her messy ponytail. Quickly she pulls the band out of her hair, letting the long natural dark brown curls fall down her shoulders and to the middle of her back. Lucy was a small girl, just over five feet tall. When she was in school, the nickname pixie seemed to follow her everywhere. Her green eyes are large, while her nose is small and with faded freckles. Everything about her was pixie like, except her bust, which she hid in large tee shirts. She shakes her hair out, before pulling it back up, this time into a bun on the top of her head. Lucy smirks as she catches Galina watching her through the mirror.
She did not want it to happen, but it did. Lucy has always had a soft spot for the female gender; however, she would never call herself bi. She likes guys too much, but something about the older woman made her smile. Her soft, yet strong hands, tended to make many guest appearance in her late night fantasies. As well as her smooth red hair, which made Lucy wonder if it was as soft as it looked. And she always has had a thing for a heavy accent.
However, she knew, Galina would never leave her husband, even if he did treat her like an accessory than a wife. Therefore, Lucy kept her mouth shut about her feelings, but it did not stop them from fading. Every so often, she would catch Galina looking at her, a blush tinting her pale skin. Lucy craved nothing more, than to know what the woman was thinking during those moments.
"I love him, Luce," Galina finally replies, turning away from the young girl's eyes, with the blush making itself present, "I know he has changed, but he is still the same person I fell in love with in Russia. The same person, who fathered my children. The same one .who brought me to America. The same one, who hired you."
A week past and neither of the women brought up the past conversation. It hurt Lucy, more than it should have. Today, she did not have work. She actually believed she was going to be fired. Galina had been hanging out with the blonde bitches more and more, while her husband entertained the husbands. Lucy, didn't want to think about it, but she didn't trust the Reznikov's new friends. She didn't want to think about her suspensions. She didn't want to believe that Galina had befriended the Russian mob.
Lucy enters the shop, wearing a dress today. It's short. Not quite mini, but defiantly short. It is a soft blue color, similar to her older friend's eyes, with a black ribbon that ties in the back. She sits down at one of the empty tables, and begins to pick at her fingers, waiting for someone to notice a customer has entered.
The doorbell chimes behind her, causing her to see Galina enter with a smile on her face. It warms Lucy's heart for a second before she catches what is on her older friend's feet.
"New shoes?" Lucy asks, bringing the older woman's attention to her.
"Yes," Galina replies happily, "Natasha has the same pair."
"They are defiantly a lovely shade of Pepto Bismol," Lucy shakes her head, in pity. Galina should not force herself in this, trying to fit in with these awful women. Galina is better than they are, if only she could see it.
"New dress?" Galina now questions, sitting next to her young friend, causing Lucy to blush. Galina feels her heart stop for a second. Her young friend is beautiful, even a blind man can see that.
"No, actually," Lucy says, hiding her blush with her hand, placing it upon her cheek as she looks to the floor, "Just felt like dressing up." Just trying to impress you, she doesn't say.
"Well you look nice," Dmitri, Galina's husband comes in, interjecting his way into the girl's conversation. Lucy did not like the man. She knew she was hired purely because of how she looked and not that she could cook, because before befriending Galina, she could not cook to save her life. Dmitri would also check out other women. It hurt Lucy, believing Galina didn't see it.
"Thank you, Mr. Reznikov."
"Lucy, I've told you before that you can call me Dmitri," he says, with a smile, causing Lucy to want to hit him.
"Right," she remarks, not going to happen.
Another week passes and Lucy remains silent. Not just with her feeling but her knowledge as well. The Reznikov's now worked for the mob. For Galina, Lucy would remain silent.
It's late and it's raining, and Lucy knows she should close up, but she can't. The blonde bitches have been horrible to Galina. Lucy just had to make sure everything was okay. So she started keeping the shop open late, entertaining Dmitri and his Mob friends, waiting for Galina to return.
However, the men were not there tonight. And Lucy cleans the counter. The doorbell chimes and Galina finally walks in. She was not expecting Lucy to still be here, so quickly she wipes away her tears and smiles.
"Privet, prekrasnaya," Galina says, breaking Lucy's concentration on the counter. Quickly, the young girl raises her head to see she friend. Her stomach drops. Though the tears were gone, Galina's face was still red and puffy. Lucy knows she has to do something.
With confidence, she walks towards the older redheaded woman and takes her hand, "Come on, let's go upstairs. I can give you a makeover."
Galina chuckles at the young girl's antics, but tails along nonetheless. They make their way to the Reznikov's apartment upstairs and into Galina and Dmitri's room. Lucy sits Galina at her desk vanity and turns her to the side to face each other.
Lucy pulls out the foundation and begins. It covers up the red, but does nothing for the puffiness that will go down in time. She then adds a light pink blush to the sides of Galina's face. Cautiously Lucy places her hand under Galina's cheek and wipes away some of the extra powder. Her face was just as soft as Lucy imagined. Galina naturally blushes, under the young girl's fingers.
"You know," Lucy starts, attempting to break the tension, as she pulls out the blue eye shadow, "I use to be a dancer."
Galina lifts a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at the younger girl, causing her to giggle this time, "Not like that, I was a ballerina."
That does nothing to relieve the tension simmering between the two, but she continues anyways, "And they use to make us do our makeup in the strangest way. Up close, I swore all of us looked like clowns. However, there was this one eye thing that I always thought looked pretty. I use to call it a fish tail."
After she says this, she pulls out the liquid eyeliner and makes two wings extending from the corner of Galina's eyes.
"They would also make us wear the brightest red lipstick. Though it always seemed to make me look funny, I think it would complement your complexion and hair color," Lucy says, attempting to sound like she knows what she is doing. She places a hand once more under Galina's chin as the older woman parts her lips. Slowly, she covers the woman's thin lips with the brightest red lipstick she could find. It would be so easy to kiss her now, Lucy thinks. Her face heats up as well as the pit of her stomach. Lucy raises her eyes for a second to see Galina watching the younger girl's lips as well. It would be so easy to kiss her now. Lucy leans in just a little bit more as she traces Galina's bottom lip with the red. Lucy can feel Galina's hot breath upon her check. Both of their chests seem to rise in fall in a faster beat. She finishes the lip, but does not move just yet. She looks up once more to the older woman's blue eyes, to see they have become darker, almost indigo. Both heartbeats pick up in speed. It would be so easy to kiss her now.
They hear the doorbell chime downstairs. Quickly, Lucy moves from her leaning spot in front the woman who makes brave in more ways than one and straightens herself out. The spell between the two seems to stay hooked.
"I should go," Lucy says against her true desires. Galina nods her head in agreement. Hastily, Lucy makes her way out of the room and down the stairs back into the kitchen. Her heart beat seems to have slowed down, but her mind stays in the gutter of what was about to happen, if she stayed a second longer.
After grabbing her bag, she walks out of the kitchen, to see the Dmitri and the men of the Russian mob.
Lucy carefully makes her way to the door, but is stops, as one of the mob men call out to her- "Is our American Doll leaving so soon?"
She turns around quickly to see it was the bald scary one, who has dubbed her with a new nickname. Lucy is frozen on the spot.
"Doll, don't leave," he continues, "We have some business to discuss with you."
Lucy remains in her spot.
"Galina has spoken much about you and I can see why. You are very beautiful and I hear you are a very good worker. Now before you refuse, I must tell you, we have been watching you. I know you like her. No, she does not know yet. You do not want to ruin your friendship. Falling for a married woman, we know that was not your plan. However, if you join us, well we can make life very easy for you. If not, well, im sure Galina will have to find a new friend. I will leave you to interpret that."
Lucy stays with the men that night.
Its is two weeks this time and Lucy remains silent to Galina for more than two reasons now. The tension of that night, seemed to fade for the older woman, but for Lucy, it hurt inside to pretend nothing has happened. She convinced herself that nothing was going to happen. It was all in her head. It would not be the first time she read someone or a situation wrong.
Galina seemed to be hanging out with the men of the mob more and more. Luckily, they kept up their end of the deal. They wanted to become bigger. That is what they told Galina. She had the idea to put their produce in a place that would never close, like a hospital or school. They went with a woman's prison. Lucy, in a way, became a delivery girl, for the mob. When Galina was cooking, Lucy would go to the storage room and repack the boxes that would be sent to the prison.
It was another rainy night, this time; however, Lucy decides to close early. She walks from the back room and into the kitchen, to grab her bag, when she hears a sob. Her heart breaks at the sound. She looks around and she finds Galina sitting at an empty table in the corner, with her hands covering her face. Quickly, Lucy makes her way to her friend, and runs her hand down the older woman's back.
"Shhh, Galina," Lucy says, trying to sound calming, "It's alright…It's alright. Tell me, what is wrong?"
Galina lifts her head, only to lean back on the young girl's stomach behind her. She holds on to the girl's baggy shirt for dear life, not wanting her to leave.
"Come on, Galina," Lucy is more than worried now, she has never seen the older woman this upset, "Tell Lucy what is wrong."
"Moy angel," Galina whimpers, "Moy angel, I've done something bad."
"I'm going to jail, lyubov'"
Privet, prekrasnaya- hello, lovely
moy angel- my angel
lyuboy'- love