A/N: Hello my loverlies! I really wanted to continue this sooner, but I have been having a few personal problems, so I really had no time or inspiration. But today the muses granted me enough inspiration to write this little tid bit.
I want to thank all the people who support this story. It means a lot to me!
They were lying smushed together in Hyde's cot, like spoons in a drawer. Jackie was fast asleep, but Hyde had his head propped up with an arm so he could look at her. There weren't a lot of times any more where he could just do that. Since her mother's departure and her father's failings to hide his infidelity, Jackie was always either anxiously talking or engaging Hyde in one form of physical intimacy or another.
He had tried to calm her down in various ways and it helped a little, but not as much as having nice people for parents would. Except the parents part, he was happy in a weird way that rich people sucked at it as much as poor people. And it gave him something to relate to.
Jackie sighed happily and snuggled closer to him, her ass rubbing up his gentleman parts. Hyde grinned and slowly kissed her shoulder. She didn't stir. He continued and moved up her neck, to that soft spot of skin behind her ear. He nuzzled it lightly, before biting her earlobe. Jackie stirred and looked with sleepy eyes over her shoulder. He smiled and kissed her. She sighed, turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body up against his. He stroked her hair softly and moved his hands over the rest of her body.
"Jackie! You're already here?" Eric asked in total surprise as he stomped into the basement. She was sitting on the ratty couch, reading a magazine. She didn't look up, but just said, "Yup."
Hyde was sitting in his usual chair, smirking slightly. Jackie hadn't gone home at all last night. He was glad it was summer, it made that sort of thing easier to get away with. Both Red and Kitty worked most days, Eric spend most of his time either in the bathroom or his bedroom and Fez was at the pool all the time. Aside from Hyde no one frequented the basement before eleven and most days not even before one. Right now it was 11:30, so Eric himself was up particularly early.
Eric sighed and plopped down next to her. "You know, with you and Kelso broken up, I was hoping to see less of you Satan."
Jackie didn't respond, she just kept reading. She felt like she was really growing her zen. It started when Kelso left and it got stronger when she and Steven started hooking up. The worst had already happened to her. Sure, she felt anxious most of the time, but only Steven saw that side of her.
Eric frowned when Jackie didn't respond. "I know you're ignoring me, but I want you to leave."
Now Jackie looked up at him. Her face was blank. "You have no power here."
She resumed her reading. Eric stared at her dumbfounded. Then he turned to Hyde. "Why are you not doing anything?"
Hyde shrugged, still watching television. "She's not bothering me man. And I'm the one who has to deal with her most of the time, not you. You don't even know who's down here most of the time anyway."
Eric looked like he wanted to defend himself. And then he just looked sad. Jackie put her magazine on the coffee table and turned to him. "Listen Eric, we know that Donna running off broke your heart. I especially can sympathise."
Jackie sounded uncharacteristically nice. Both Hyde and Eric were more than a little surprised by that.
"But now it's time to put on your big boy pants, stop your bitching and get over it," she finished with a much harsher tone. Eric looked shocked, but Hyde was grinning. Eric turned to his friend again, looking questioning, but not saying anything. Hyde just shrugged. "She's right man. It's sad and all, but you really need to get out of the house more."
Eric didn't say anything, but got up and stormed out of the basement. As soon as the door banged shut. Hyde moved over to the couch and kissed Jackie.
"That was hot."
She grinned and said, "It was also true. Who knows when those two idiots come back? He can't keep waiting for her, he needs to move on."
Hyde looked at her inquisitively. "Is that what you did?"
She bit her lower lip and stared at his chest. "What if I did? Would you hate me?"
He didn't say anything, but slouched back, staring at the ceiling. "I don't know. What if they come back? Are you gonna go back to him?"
Jackie snorted. "Please. It was permanently over when he decided to run off on me. In fact, I've been thinking about this, it should've been over the moment he cheated on me with Pam Macy."
"So would we still hook up if they were back?" She stared at him for a moment, her eyes squinting.
"Why are you asking?"
He shrugged, "Just getting my information straight."
She licked her lips and flicked her hair out of her face. She felt unsure about her answer. She didn't know how much emotion to show, so she said, "I don't want to get in the way of your friendship with Michael."
Hyde nodded slowly. He had heard the caution in her voice. This would be a summer fling. Just two people who needed companionship when no one else was available. Rationally was fine with this, but why was his stomach clenching in a way that could only be described as dread?
He quickly did the math in his head. It was the first week of August. It would give them roughly 3 to 4 weeks together. And he was going to enjoy them while he could.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed that. This will definitely have a follow up, but it might take a while.
If you feel so inclined, please leave a review so I know what to work on. In the end that will benefit all of us. So do it! For the good of mankind!