Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. I don't own any of the Twilight characters mentioned in this story. But, I sure as hell own this plot.

Prologue: Finder's Keepers

He was taken with her from first glance. The obsession of the young waitress had started just a few months ago. He knew almost everything about her but, felt like he really didn't know anything about her at all. He knew her work hours, the university she attended, how many men and women she been in a relationship with, and even the reason why she preferred sleeping in the nude.

The first night she simply had not noticed or acknowledged his gaze. He wasn't a man to be disregarded and never was, with the exception of her. He was use to women, as beautiful as herself, practically begging for him. Numerous times he would visit the small town bar in hopes that she would be waitressing him that night. And on numerous occasions she did, but never seemed phased by his panty-dropping smile or his southern twang.

The indifference she displayed toward him was agitating, though if anything it was a turn-on. This woman was more than just a pretty face and curvy body. She was well-mannered to him and all the other customers, and he could only desire she came custom with submissive behavior. He wanted to have her all the more.

"Welcome to Old Dominion Brewhouse, sir."

"Will that be all, sir?"

"Yes, sir."

Her habit of referring to him as "sir" aroused him deeply. Most nights he couldn't make it home in time and was forced to stop on the side of the road to deal with his maddening erection. He'd picture her on her knees begging for him. In his imagination he always gave her what she begged for. The possibility that she'd be a natural at taking him whole always brought him over the edge. He had convinced himself at one point that she was a siren that had bewitched him.

He wanted her. Her mind. Her body. Most of all, her obedience.

But how do you go about approaching such a woman? He had played out and mentally reenacted many ways to just grasp her attention. After months of never making a move, he realized that may have competition. She always lightly joked with the man working behind the bar but, one day he gave her a light slap on her behind. The sight had him seething and wished he had claimed her sooner to avoid the act. It was just the day after that he finally opened his eyes and witnessed the way the men in the bar looked at her. They wanted her. No. They want her.

Her 21st birthday was only a few days away. Nothing would deny him from having her. He'd show her his dominance and would demand her love in return.

By force or submission, he would possess her.

Tonight was a rare night. The room was barely populated (if you'd call two waitress, one bartender, one cook, and five customers a population). Isabella Swan was thankful for so little people since tomorrow she would have two finals to take. She quickly attended to her customers, hopefully polite enough to earn a good tip, and rushed to the staffroom to study. The trick was to peek out the small window every 3 to 4 minutes to make sure she wasn't being waited on.

"There's barely a soul drinking tonight. How about I take on your tables for half an hour, Bella?" Irina, her co-worker, offered eyeing the thick textbook she had been reading with intense concentration.

"Thank you." Isabella accepted easily.

The pressure of keeping her GPA above a 3.5 was essential to keeping her scholarship. Juggling a full-time job and classes took self-discipline which she hadn't taken seriously in high school but, put effort in once enrolled in University of Maryland. Irina attended too and could understand the difficulty of hustling school, work, and having to force sleep into the agenda.

Her half an hour was over before she could blink. With a quick check, in the reflection of the discolored bathroom mirror and an extra coat of lip-gloss, she scurried back to work with a plastic smile. Only a few more people had added to the small cluster of regulars.

"Welcome to Old Dominion Brewhouse, sir. Would you like to start out with a drink tonight?" She said only glimpsing at him to identify whether to call the customer a sir or ma'am. Right now she was distracted dreading the all-nighter she'd have to pull and find a way not to sleep throughout both her final exams.

Realizing she had ignored the man completely by being caught in her own thoughts she hastily apologized trying to look as sincere as possible and asked him to repeat.

"It's fine, sweetheart. I'll have the Brewhouse Select Strip, well done, and the Baltic Porter."

Internally, she had rolled her eyes at the "sweetheart" comment and hoped her night didn't turn to shits if this man become drunk and grabby within the hour. It was always the men that started off with little nicknames. Isabella put in his order and gave him his beverage for the time being. She shadily sauntered off behind the bar counter.

"At least don't look so suspicious." The bartender, Joey, deadpanned with a slight smile playing at his lips. "People are going to start thinking you're running a drug ring over here."

"If I get caught I'm pointing fingers at you." Bella jokes lightly.

She hadn't had a proper meal all day. Joey had a stash of food hidden behind the counter and whenever they had a minute they'd stuff a handful of chips or a Twinkie in their mouth. Bella gently punched Joey's leg when she saw he packed smores Poptarts, her favorite, which she was very aware he disliked very much.

"Shit, Joe." She smiled up at him with a wide smile. "You're so sweet."

"Happy birthday." He casually announced.

Her eyes lit up. Of course, she hadn't forgotten her own birthday but, the consideration that someone else cared to remember made her feel special. She was so surprised by the small statement that she could only grin at him.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing." His face flushed and he turned away not sure if she had caught the timid nature that overtook him when she was near. "Just thought you'd appreciate it."

"I do. My own mother didn't even wish me a happy birthday." She admits taking a large bite of a Poptart. "Not that I was expecting her to but, I didn't really expect it from anyone."

"Seriously?" Joey asked not completely believing that someone as animated as Bella wouldn't be praised on her 21st. He took this as his chance. "How about tomorrow I take you out to eat? It's your damn birthday, you earned it."

"I'm not a girl to pass up free food." She hints looking off to the ceiling innocently.

"Naturally, I'm paying. It's your birthday."

"Cool, I'd like that. I'm free after 6." She finished the last of the Poptart and bounced back to the kitchen. She hadn't taken Joey's offer as a date but, as a friendly act.

The rest of the night carried on with ease with the occasional brief studying and quick bites behind the bar. The day was officially too good to be true when a customer left a fifty dollar tip. If her random stroke of good luck carried on like this she'd win the next big lottery or be marry Chris Hemsworth soon. When her shift was over she waved all her co-workers a goodbye and gave a playful salute out the backdoor.

At this time of night it was too late for the buses to run, so she was forced to walk to her apartment. The walk was just fifteen minutes but, walking at night held an unnerving feeling. Most nights never held a visible star in the sky and there was one particular streetlight that had never generated light. She was use to this all though. Oddly, crime was usually nonexistent on this side of town. The only misconduct she had ever encountered on the way was a kitten that followed her half way home.

Bella walked with a leisure stride preoccupied with the thoughts in her head. She was so lost in thought she didn't notice the obscure van that had been shadowing her for the last five minutes. The van had bypassed her twice moving slow enough to distinguish her as the target but fast enough to not catch her attention. The moment she reached the end of the block the van sped up stopping just a few feet in front of her. She was thrown off by the vehicle blocking, not just the street, but her intended path.

"The fuck is wrong with Maryland drivers?" Bella muttered under her breath still oblivious to the dangerous situation she just intersected with. She proceeds to walk around the van throwing her middle finger in the air. "Asshole."

Almost reaching the beginning of the next sidewalk, the corner of her eye catches the sight of the passenger getting out of the van. Her heart skipped a beat, maybe two, when her instincts finally alerted her of the trouble. She hadn't had a chance to fully develop a clear thought or act when an arm came around her neck. Bella choked instantly when the blindfold fell over her eyes. Her attempted scream couldn't even escape with a hand firmly over her mouth.

"Relax. This can go the easy way or hard way. You choose." A male voice states.

She struggled in his grasp, fighting to use her voice.

"Looks like you chose the hard way." Another male said in a patronizing manner.

"She will not be harmed." A third demanding voice said.

What was happening? Why was this happening?

A few strong kicks and arms flaring had earned her one painful groan from one of her captors. Bella had only been in two real physical fights in her entire life. One was in 2nd grade, kicking her enemy off the monkey bars. The other was her freshman year of high school, biting and pushing a cheerleader for intentionally splashing paint on her on freshman-hunt day. So she decided out of the two fighting experiences that biting was an effective method. It hardly earned her lead way. The struggle felt like forever but, at the same time for only a second. All it took was a small pinch in her arm and slowly she lost conscience.

Author's Note: I haven't written a fan-fiction in about 3 years and decided this one was okay enough for people to read. This time around, I will NOT be taking down my stories and I will NOT be accepting guest reviews. I know how to accept a flame/bashing or constructive criticism so DON'T HOLD BACK.

Thanks for reading. I'll update in a week (maybe less if the reviews get me hyped).

Review. Please and thank you.