All right here goes the product of Z? (insomnia) and listening to Vast,
Seraphim Shock, Voltair, and God Head's remake of Eleanor Rigby. Let me
know what you think. Thanks and Enjoy.
Italics = Thoughts " " = Speech
Kaoru sighed as she sat down, and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix her high ponytail. It was finally last period of another long day. With a new fascination she turned to stare out the window, allowing the beginnings of a daydream to form in her mind. With in moments her mind began to wonder, distracting her so that she never noticed the flame-haired boy that entered her classroom.
The teacher looked up from his attendance sheet after calling Kaoru's name for the second time to meet the coldest eyes he had ever seen. They were the eyes of the dead, cold indifference adding background to tortured innocence. For a moment he wondered at their color, haunting amber that seemed wholly unnatural.
Kaoru blinked, the strange silence that had overtaken the classroom as well as her friend's incessant poking at her shoulder had distracted her from her thoughts.
"What?" She whined irritable, rubbing her poor abused should. "What's wrong with you?" Noticing her normally vocal friend's unnatural silence. With rising curiosity Kaoru turned towards the front of the room, a low gasp coming involuntarily from her throat as her blue eyes met intense amber.
He, at least that's what she gathered after several seconds of scrutiny, was beautiful, long vermilion hair contrasted with pale skin, and black cosmetics. The intense amber eyes, which caught and held her gaze every time her eyes traveled over his face, were made dangerous by careful black liner. Then he smiled, black glossed lips tilting to an inviting angle, which whispered of dark promise. Shortly after the silence broke, a low laugh falling through the room like the coming of a storm.
Quickly the teacher recovered himself, as the late bell rang, signaling the start of class. "This is Kenshin, everyone." The teacher began weakly, his voice gaining strength with each word. "Please take a seat, Kenshin and welcome A.P Literature."
Kenshin walked slowly, each step purposeful as he moved across the room, amber eyes intently focused upon the young woman seated by the window. Tight vinyl pants whispered with each step as surprisingly masculine hands, their nails carefully painted black, brushed the long black coat back from the close fitting black T-shirt he wore underneath. Whispers rose around him, the spell broken by the teacher's worlds. A few side comments, a snicker or two, the usual reaction from a school that had seen little of the unusual.
Kaoru's eyes followed his movements, a blush rising to her cheeks as she realized how little the tight cotton left to the imagination. For a moment she wondered if his skin was as pale under the shirt, if his hair was as soft as it looked, what it would feel like to press her lips against his. Quickly she looked away, embarrassed that she would think such a thing. Although Kaoru was a pretty girl, she had little experience with the opposite sex. While growing up she had always been one of the guys, and that had continued through High School. Never before had some one affected her so much. Lost in her new torrent of self-reproach for her thoughts, she jumped when Kenshin's ankh struck her desk with a metallic clang. Quickly she looked up, a new blush forming at her surprise.
"Do you mind if I sit by you..?" His voice was smooth, a rumble like thunder starting in his throat before it turned into tones of heated velvet.
Kaoru shivered, as his voice became a tactile shiver down her spine. Dumbly she stared up at him, his words still not registering as a question, let alone anything sensible, in her mind.
"Of course she doesn't." Misao answered for her friend. "By the way I'm Misao and this is Kaoru."
Kaoru managed to do little more than nod dumbly at him, a weak smile forming on her lips.
"Now if you three are done back there, I would like to start the lesson." The teacher's voice boomed from the front of the room, silencing any further conversation from the three and commanding them to their seats.
Kaoru shifter uncomfortably in her seat, the clock mocking her with it's slow ticking. With each second she was painfully aware of the man behind her, his presences adding tension to her already stiff shoulders. Then the bell rang, and the day was finally over. Kaoru gathered up her belongings and headed out of the classroom, her previous discomfort forgotten.
There was that voice again, it's tones shattering her thoughts as she looked up from her locker. "Oh.Hello Kenshin." She said with a smile, trying to maintain her calm exterior.
"Would you mind if I walk you home?"
"Hey Kaoru.Who's you're new girlfriend!" A voice jeered from the hallway as a group of boys passed him. "Always figured you liked women better!" The comments were followed by a course of laughter.
Kenshin turned, amber eyes glaring at the group and for a moment their laughter faltered. "I think you should apologize to Miss Kaoru, that you should." His tone was deadly, the treat made obvious by his stance.
"No, really. Don't mind them Kenshin." Kaoru sighed, "That's just how they are." For a moment she turned away from him, something in her locker intensely interesting. "Perhaps another day. Bye" And with that she closed her locker and walked away, oblivious to the spark of hurt held firey amber eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Italics = Thoughts " " = Speech
Kaoru sighed as she sat down, and ran her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix her high ponytail. It was finally last period of another long day. With a new fascination she turned to stare out the window, allowing the beginnings of a daydream to form in her mind. With in moments her mind began to wonder, distracting her so that she never noticed the flame-haired boy that entered her classroom.
The teacher looked up from his attendance sheet after calling Kaoru's name for the second time to meet the coldest eyes he had ever seen. They were the eyes of the dead, cold indifference adding background to tortured innocence. For a moment he wondered at their color, haunting amber that seemed wholly unnatural.
Kaoru blinked, the strange silence that had overtaken the classroom as well as her friend's incessant poking at her shoulder had distracted her from her thoughts.
"What?" She whined irritable, rubbing her poor abused should. "What's wrong with you?" Noticing her normally vocal friend's unnatural silence. With rising curiosity Kaoru turned towards the front of the room, a low gasp coming involuntarily from her throat as her blue eyes met intense amber.
He, at least that's what she gathered after several seconds of scrutiny, was beautiful, long vermilion hair contrasted with pale skin, and black cosmetics. The intense amber eyes, which caught and held her gaze every time her eyes traveled over his face, were made dangerous by careful black liner. Then he smiled, black glossed lips tilting to an inviting angle, which whispered of dark promise. Shortly after the silence broke, a low laugh falling through the room like the coming of a storm.
Quickly the teacher recovered himself, as the late bell rang, signaling the start of class. "This is Kenshin, everyone." The teacher began weakly, his voice gaining strength with each word. "Please take a seat, Kenshin and welcome A.P Literature."
Kenshin walked slowly, each step purposeful as he moved across the room, amber eyes intently focused upon the young woman seated by the window. Tight vinyl pants whispered with each step as surprisingly masculine hands, their nails carefully painted black, brushed the long black coat back from the close fitting black T-shirt he wore underneath. Whispers rose around him, the spell broken by the teacher's worlds. A few side comments, a snicker or two, the usual reaction from a school that had seen little of the unusual.
Kaoru's eyes followed his movements, a blush rising to her cheeks as she realized how little the tight cotton left to the imagination. For a moment she wondered if his skin was as pale under the shirt, if his hair was as soft as it looked, what it would feel like to press her lips against his. Quickly she looked away, embarrassed that she would think such a thing. Although Kaoru was a pretty girl, she had little experience with the opposite sex. While growing up she had always been one of the guys, and that had continued through High School. Never before had some one affected her so much. Lost in her new torrent of self-reproach for her thoughts, she jumped when Kenshin's ankh struck her desk with a metallic clang. Quickly she looked up, a new blush forming at her surprise.
"Do you mind if I sit by you..?" His voice was smooth, a rumble like thunder starting in his throat before it turned into tones of heated velvet.
Kaoru shivered, as his voice became a tactile shiver down her spine. Dumbly she stared up at him, his words still not registering as a question, let alone anything sensible, in her mind.
"Of course she doesn't." Misao answered for her friend. "By the way I'm Misao and this is Kaoru."
Kaoru managed to do little more than nod dumbly at him, a weak smile forming on her lips.
"Now if you three are done back there, I would like to start the lesson." The teacher's voice boomed from the front of the room, silencing any further conversation from the three and commanding them to their seats.
Kaoru shifter uncomfortably in her seat, the clock mocking her with it's slow ticking. With each second she was painfully aware of the man behind her, his presences adding tension to her already stiff shoulders. Then the bell rang, and the day was finally over. Kaoru gathered up her belongings and headed out of the classroom, her previous discomfort forgotten.
There was that voice again, it's tones shattering her thoughts as she looked up from her locker. "Oh.Hello Kenshin." She said with a smile, trying to maintain her calm exterior.
"Would you mind if I walk you home?"
"Hey Kaoru.Who's you're new girlfriend!" A voice jeered from the hallway as a group of boys passed him. "Always figured you liked women better!" The comments were followed by a course of laughter.
Kenshin turned, amber eyes glaring at the group and for a moment their laughter faltered. "I think you should apologize to Miss Kaoru, that you should." His tone was deadly, the treat made obvious by his stance.
"No, really. Don't mind them Kenshin." Kaoru sighed, "That's just how they are." For a moment she turned away from him, something in her locker intensely interesting. "Perhaps another day. Bye" And with that she closed her locker and walked away, oblivious to the spark of hurt held firey amber eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~