Chapter 40
OK Here it is Chapter 40 the final chapter of the story hope you all enjoy any way on with the story enjoy.
LUCY's narrating.
It had been a while since Everyone got back from Edolas. The Lisanna we met there turned out to be the one Natsu and Happy knew, it turns out she was somehow teleported there. Orin brought Lisanna to be reunited with Elfman and Mirajane.
"However after that both Orin and Malex disappeared.''
As did Wolf and Mephiles. Granted Wolf and Mephiles were not members of Fairy tail but we thought of them as friends and part of us hopped they would join our guild but looks like they had other things they would rather do.
"But Orin and Malex why did they leave is it because they now where Acnologia is and thus saw no reason to stay and where were Jase and Ben. Needless to say we were all worried till we got a message that we found in their house. It said they had somethings to do in Ben and Jase universe and needed to take care of them but promised they would be back.'' "Lisanna still waits for Orin to come back to her each and every day she greatly missed him. Carla also seemed to miss having Malex around.''
"Both Erza and Cana missed Jase.
"Natsu missed having Ben around to fight.''
"Also on a side note there is this door in the guild that appeared after the guild was restored we tried to open it but nothing.''
Meanwhile in Ben and Jase universe.
Ben and Jase were returned to their Universe by Professor Paradox just a little while after they left thanks to Paradox time travel powers.
They soon found out Malware was back as he revealed part of him hitched a ride to earth on Hex and he regrew from that. He was currently on Galvan prime.
Rook was off visiting his family so Ben, Jase, Orin, Malex, Wolf and Mephiles had to go themselves, Luckily Wolf and Mephiles had a spaceship they could use.
"Where did that mutated Galvanic Mechamorph run off to.'' Asked Jase.
"He was here I can smell him.'' Said Mephiles.
"As can I he went that way.'' Said Orin pointing in the direction Malware went in.
"OH no.'' Said Jase as he knew the place Malware was heading.
"What's with you.'' Asked Malex.
"Yeah.'' Asked Wolf.
"Malware is heading for Ascalon.'' Said Jase.
"What Ascalon are you sure.'' Asked Ben who was hoping Jase was wrong this time.
"Yep he is going for the sword and also Diago.'' Said Jase.
"We got to stop him come on.'' said Ben as they gave chase.
Malware neared the location of Ascalon once he had it no force in the universe save for possible celestialsapiens could stop him.
Malware neared the room the sword Ascalon was in he ripped the doors off their hinges and there it was Ascalonh is for the taking as he neared it he was blasted in the back. He looked to See Ben, Jase, Orin, Malex, Wolf and Mephiles.
"Not so fast Malware.'' Said Ben.
"Tennyson you won't stop me this time.'' Said Malware as the mutated Galvanic Mechamorph reached out and grabbed the sword.
"No stop him.'' Said Ben but it was to late in seconds Malware had the sword and it was gone now part of Malware.
"Yes, yes the power, the power.'' Said Malware as his body began to change and grow.
"I think we should go outside.'' Said Malex as the others agreed and out they went.
They saw Malware break out of the building and was now in the giant form he was in when he fought Ben on Galvan prime before he and Jase were sent to Earthland only this time he had tentacles coming out of his head and the black parts of his body turned green.
"This looks real bad.'' Said Mephiles.
"Now watch as I destroy the rest of my race.'' Said Malware as he looked up at the moon where most of his people were as he gathered energy in his mouth ready to fire.
"No you don't.'' Said Orin as he jumped up and knocked Malware's head aside causing the beam he fired to miss it's target.
"Alright that is one problem solved.'' Said Ben.
"What ever let's just take him down.'' Said Orin as he leaped up and punched Malware right in the face but it seemed to do very little.
"This seems bad.'' Said Orin.
"Yeah looks like it.'' Said Mephiles as he tried to kick Malware only for it to do nothing.
"Pathetic.'' Said Malware as he grabbed both dragon slayers with his hand and threw them.
"Let us try it.'' Said Malex as he and wolf each put a hand on the others shoulder and did a unison raid as they each fired a claw blast from their claws.
"Unison raid Claw blast.'' They yelled as they combined powers and hit Malware in the chest with the blast only for it to do nothing. All they got was a laugh from Malware as he swatted both the Exceeds aside.
"Let me give it a try.'' Said Jase as he went Anodite and got ready to attack.
"Plasma burn.'' Said Jase as he t pulled his arms apart in a vertical angle, and fired out two red beams that it Malware in the chest and torso and seemed to hurt him a bit.
"You will pay for that boy.'' Said Malware glaring at Jase with a desire to kill him.
"OK Malware let's see you handle this.'' Said Ben as he activated the Omnitrix and there was a bright flash of green light and when it faded there was Way big.
"OK now try try this.'' Said Way big as he crossed his arms and fired a powerful energy beam at full power.
"Is that all Tennyson.'' Asked Malware as he fired a energy beam from his eye that seemed to over power Way big's beam and just before it hit Way big changed to Ben.
"Man that was close if that had hit I'd be a goner.'' Said Ben.
"Well we will all be goners if we don't stop him.'' Said Jase.
"Yeah we know.'' Said Orin as he came back along with Malex, Wolf and Mephiles.
"Maybe we should try beating him how we did last time.'' Said Malex.
"Might as well try.'' Said Ben as he activated the Omnitrix and went Feedback.
"Alright let's do this.'' Said Jase as he went Anodite. "Plasma Burn.'' Said Jase as he pulled his arms apart in a vertical angle, and fired out two red beams from his hands.
Orin and Mephiles each placed a hand on the others shoulder and preformed a Unison Raid as they got read to unleash their Dragon Roars.
"Black Dragon Roar.'' Yelled Orin as he unleashed said attack.
"Water Dragon Roar.'' Yelled Mephiles as he unleashed his own.
Malex and wolf both also put a hand on the others shoulder and did a Unison Raid "Claw blast.'' Yelled both Malex and wolf as they both unleashed their energy blasts.
Feedback Saw the attacks and using his tail and antennae to absorb the attacks.
"Hope your ready Malware.'' Said Feedback as he pointed his fingers at Malware and fired a massive energy beam from each hand.
"Not this time.'' Said Malware as he crossed his arms and blocked the attack wrecking a few buildings.
"Oh man can nothing stop him.''' Asked Feedback as the omnitrix timed out and with a green flash there stood Ben again.
"OK this looks real bad.'' said Jase as he powered down.
"Jase look out.'' Said Ben as Malware Grabbed Jase and lifted him up.
"Surrender or he dies.'' Said malware.
"How about this instead.'' Said Jase as he went Slamworm and spat acid in Malwares's face.
"Aaaaahhhh my face.'' Said Malware as he dropped Slamworm who went Omnivoracious and flew back down to the others.
"Alright Jase he hurting now.'' Said Ben as Malware got back up.
"Jase look out.'' Said Ben as he went XLR8 and went and saved Jase from getting from getting killed when Malware tried to crush him.
"Thanks Ben.'' Said Jase as Malware grabbed XLR8.
"Now I have you Tennyson.'' Said Malware with a laugh as XLR8 tapped the Omnitrix and in a green flash was replaced by Ghost freak who phased on through Malware's hand.
"You were saying.'' asked Ghost freak as he tapped Omnitrix and in another flash of green light was now Chromastone who blasted Malware in the face.
"Daugh I'll get you for that Tennyson.'' Said Malware as he grabbed Chromastone and thrust him into a building.
"OK that hurt.'' said Chromastone as the omnitrix timed out. Lucky for him he was Chromastone when he landed or that would have killed him.
"Nothing is working no matter what we hit him with and how many times we hit him he just keeps getting right back up.'' Said Jase.
"Come on Omnitrix give me something that can stop Malware.'' Said Ben as he closed his eyes as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed down on the Omnitrix as he was enveloped in a bright flash of light and when it faded there stood Alien X.
"No not a celestialsapien.'' Said malware in fear that this form could allow Ben to stop him. He saw Alien just standing there doing nothing and remembered how celestialsapiens have different personalities all in their heads.
"I will kill you before you can stop me Tennyson.'' Said Malware as he tried to flatten Ben only for Orin, Malex, Wolf and Mephiles to head but Malware's hand away.
"Gotta keep him away from Ben.'' Said Mephiles.
"A lot harder then you think.'' Said Wolf.
"I think we need Acnologia's help.'' Said Malex.
"I think your right.'' Said Orin as he opened his mouth and shot forth a huge beam of of light into the sky. And in the beam something started to take form a Dragon. And out came Acnologia.
"I was hoping to cross your path again.'' Said Malware as he looked at the black Dragon remembering the beating he got from the dragon last they met.'' Said Malware.
"Be silent and fight.'' Said Acnologia as he charged at Malware and headbutted him only for it to do nothing.
"Did you truly believe that would work I am far stronger then I was when last fought'' Said Malware as he picked up Acnologia and threw him into some buildings.
"No one dose that to me.'' Said Acnologia as he shot out of the rubble and swung his tail at Malware who caught it with ease and threw Acnologia to the ground.
"You don't seem to listen well.'' Said Malware as he stepped on Acnologia's head. "I told you I'm far stronger then I was before.'' Said malware as he laughed.
"Get away from my dad.'' Came Orin's voice as came flying at Malware.
Orin took out both his guns and pointed them at Malware and gathered power. " "Black Dragon's Triple Dragon Roar.'' Yelled Orin as he fired a white energy beam from his mouth and one from each of his guns.
The beams hit Malware in the face and chest but did little damage but allowed Acnlologia time to use his tail to trip Malware up and punched him in the face tho he only just barley felt it as he retaliated by punching the black dragon and sent him into some wrecked buildings.
"Father please be alright.'' Said Orin as he went to his Dragon foster fathers side.
"I'm fine my son.'' Said Acnologia in a weak tone while trying to sound tough.
"No one hurts my dad.'' Yelled Orin as he looked at Malware full of Anger as he gather power black and blue energy started to surround him him as did flames.
"BLACK FLAME DRAGON MODE.'' yelled Orin as he then took out both of his guns again.
''Black Flame Triple Dragon's Roar.'' Orin Yelled as he fired a white energy beam mixed with flames and black and blue energy from his mouth and both of his guns at Malware who shrugged it off only for him to get knocked down by the blast but it did only minor damage.
"Still not enough.'' Said Malware.
"Then try this.'' Said Jase as he charged at malware.
"Knuckle Shooter." Said Jase as he fired powerful energy balls from his knuckles that hit Malware in his face getting his attention.
"Are you really in such a hurry to die boy.'' Asked malware.
"I don't normally use this technique as I don't believe in killing but I can see I must.'' Said Jase
"Great Double Slicer.'' Said Jase as he created a blade of energy from each of his hands that he then used to slice Malware in 4 pieces, only for the mutated Galvanic Mechamorph to literally start to pull himself together.
"No ya don't.'' Said Jase as he got ready to attack again. "Plasma Burn.'' Said Jase as he pulled his arms apart in a vertical angle, and fired out two red beams from his hands. That then blasted Malware into more pieces.
"Don't let him regenerate.'' Yelled Jase.
''Bolt Knuckle.'' Yelled Jase as he fired a red electrical blast from his hands at Malware to try and slow him down.
"Alright let's see him handle this.'' Said Mephiles as he unsheathed his sword and leaped at Malware.
"Water Dragon Aqua spin stab.'' Yelled Mephiles as he spun around while pointing his sword at Malware and as he did he was covered in energy that resembled water and he went straight through him.
"Water Dragon slash.'' Yelled Mephiles as he charged his sword with energy and sent a enery blast from it at Malware injuring him more.
Malex and wolf both also put a hand on the others shoulder and did a Unison Raid "Claw blast.'' Yelled both Malex and wolf as they both unleashed their energy blasts at Malware blasting him apart more only for him to keep regenerating.
"You efforts are in vain.'' Said malware as he was halfway finshed in reforming.
"Let's see about that.'' Said Orin as he hopped on Acnologia's head.
"Ready dad.'' Asked Orin as he activated his Dragon force.
"Ready as I will ever be my son.'' Said Acnologia as he and Orin combined their powers together.
"Are they doing what I think they are doing.'' Asked Wolf not believing what he was seeing.
"Doing Unison Raid oh yeah.'' Said Malex with a grin as he watched.
"Unison Raid.'' Yelled Both Orin and Acnologia as both unleashed a Dragon's Roar that managed to destroy almost all of Malware's body but as they were celebrating Malware in mere seconds regenerated and was ready to fight as Orin and Acnologia fell down from being so tired from using so much power.
"No way.'' Said Malex.
"Is there no stopping this dude.'' Asked Mephiles.
"Dose not look like it.'' Said Malex.
"Ben what ever you are gonna do do it now.'' Said Jase as he looked at Alien X who was just standing still.
Inside Alien X mind.
Ben was looking for Bellicus and Serena.
"Oh look Bellicus it's Ben Tennyson.'' Said Serena in her normal happy tone.
"I can see that Serena.'' Said Bellicus in his normal angry tone.
"What do you want.'' Asked Bellicus.
"Now calm down.'' Said Serena.
"Look I don't have time for this if you don't listen to me we are all gonna die.'' Yelled Ben as both the personalities looked at each other with shocked looks on each others faces.
"Motion to do what ever Ben Tennyson says.'' Said Bellicus in a frightened tone.
"Seconded.'' Said Serena also in a frightened tone.
"Now was that so hard.'' Asked Ben Happy he got them to do what he wanted.
Outside Alien X mind.
"No we will not be destroyed.'' Yelled Alien X while flying up in front of Malware.
"No you will not stop me now.'' Said Malware as he tried to crush Knuckle Bolt who used his powers to halt Malware's arms where they were.
"You will fall here and now.'' Said Alien X as he flew at Malware's chest and punched him in it while sending his fist inside of malware's Body and as he did he pulled out Ascalon.
"NOooooo.'' Yelled Malware as he returned to the form he was in before as Knuckle Bolt landed in front of him and used his powers to undo all of the damage and healed his teammates. As the Omnitrix timed out and after a bright green flash there once more stood Ben.
"This is far from over.'' Said Malware as he was then punched in the face by Malex and was knocked out.
Jase then took out a small light green cube that he threw at Malware that gre to his size and sucked him inside of it then shrank back to it's normal size and returned to Jase Hand.
"Man that was one tough fight.'' Said Orin.
"Yes that it was.'' Said Acnologia with a yawn. "as for now I need some rest.'' Said the black Dragon as he glowed white and flew inside his son.
"Well I'm glad that is all over.'' Said Malex as he went into his smaller form and hopped on Orin's right shoulder.
"Yeah I'd say it is finally over.'' Said Ben as Ascalon started to glow and warble and fell from Ben's hand.
"What did you do boy.'' Asked Wolf. as A beam fired from the sword and went up into the sky which darkened and then in it appeared Diagon.
"You gotta be frickin shitting me.'' Said Ben.
"YOU.'' Yelled Diagon as he saw Ben and the others and went down to them.
He then fired a powerful energy blast from his eyes at them only for Jase to go Anodite and absorb it.
"Glad to see you remember me.'' said Ben.
"You are the one who sealed me in that vile sword.'' Said Diagon full of rage remembering Ben and what he did to him.
"Yeah and I'm also the one who is gonna put you back in.'' Said Ben as he activated the omnitrix and went Alien X.
Who after staying still for a while then flew up to battle Diagon.
"You will not defeat me so easily.'' Said Diagon as he swatted Alien X aside.
"That is what everyone who's ass I kicked say.'' Said Alien X as he flew at Diagon and sent him flying with a punch to the face.
"We gonna let him have all the fun.'' Asked Malex as he hopped on Orin's back and sprouted his wings and flew them up to Diagon and landed on one of his tentacles.
"Time for lunch.'' Said Malex as he and Orin each bit into and bit off some of Diago's flesh.
"Vile creatures.'' Said Diagon as he tried to get them off but them avoided his attack and took to the sky.
"I don't get why but I suddenly feel a lot stronger.'' Said Orin as he swallowed the flesh he ate.
"Same with me.'' said Malex.
"Black Dragon Roar.'' Said Orin as he unleashed his attack that injured Diagon bit.
"Save some for us.'' Said Mephiles as he flew up with aid from wolf.'' "Water Dragon Roar.'' Yelled Mephiles as he unleashed his attack but it did nothing.
"Man I need something good.'' said Jase as he activated the Nemetrix and in a bright flash of read there in his place stood A giant bulky humanoid dinosaur with navy-blue skin as well as being taller then Diagon slightly. He had two massive white crystals that jut-out on either shoulder, and small crystals running down his back and very long tail. his tail is much longer. He had red eyes five fingered clawed hands, three toed feet. Big wings. Sharp teeth and tusks on the sides of his mouth. And a crystal like growth on his forehead that resembled the horns Alien X had. And the Nemetrix around his neck.
"Wow I turned into a celestialsaur Alien X's predator.'' Said Jase.
"Hey a little help here.'' Asked Alien X.
"OH right sorry dude.'' said Jase as he fired a beam from the growth on his forehead that greatly injured Diagon.
"AAaaaahhhhuuugggg.'' Screamed Diagon in pain.
"What you call that form.'' Asked Malex.
"I was thinking Titanasaurus.'' Said Titanasaurus.
"Nice.'' Said Alien X.
"Hey fight still going on here.'' Said Malex.
"Black Dragon Roar.'' Yelled Orin as he unleashed another attack that tor through Diagon.'' Flesh.
"OK when did he he get the power boost.'' Asked Titanasaurus.
"Must be when they ate part of Diagon's body.'' Said Alien X.
"Malex let me go so I can fight better asked Orin as Malex let him go and Orin went and activated his Dragon Force.
''DRAGON FORCE.'' Orin yelled he started transforming. blue and black energy surrounded him and grew stronger as Orin grew more powerful. Orin's jacket fell off as black dragon wings grew out of his back. His skin became covered in black scales and his hair turned from white to silver and grew longer. His hands turned into claws, and his teeth into fangs as a black dragon tail came out his back between his wings. His claws turned silver as silver horns formed on his head.
Malex went into his larger form.
Orin then took out both of his guns again.
''Black Flame Triple Dragon's Roar.'' Orin Yelled as he fired a white energy beam mixed with flames and black and blue energy from his mouth and both of his guns at Diagon who was greatly injured .
"Claw blast.'' Yelled both Malex as he unleashed a powerful energy blasts at Diagon injuring him.
"Now let me try.'' Said Titanasaurus who fired a red beam from his mouth that blasted a huge hole in Diagon.
"Water Dragon slash.'' Yelled Mephiles as he charged his sword with energy and sent a energy blast from it at Diagon's injuries making them worse.
"Lets see what else I can do.'' Said Titanasaurus as he crated several rings of energy around Daigon restraining him.
"I think it is time to end it.'' Said Alien X as he held out his hand. "Ascalon come to me.'' Said Alien X using his powers to make the sword come to him.
Once he had it he used his powers to repair it. "Now Diagon return to the sword.'' Said Alien X as he combined his powers with the sword and flew at Daigon and stabbed him in the head as Titanasaurus used his powers to restrain Daigon.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO.'' Yelled Daigon as he was reabsorbed back into the sword.
Alien X then undid the damage the fight with Daigon did to the planet as he and Titanasaurus changed back to Ben and Jase.
"Now it is finished.'' Said Ben.
"Yeah now let's get the sword and malware to Azmuth so he can deal with them.'' Said Jase as they all went and did just that.
"Thank you for not for destroying my home planet.'' Said Azmuth as they gave him the cube Malware was in along with Ascalon.
"You can thank us by helping Malware he is not well he needs help not being locked away.'' Jase who knew Malware's story and felt sorry for him.
"Yes I know and I will try I owe him that much.'' Said Azmuth looking at the cube Malware was in with a sympathetic look on his face.
"Hey where did Mephiles and wolf go.'' Asked Ben.
"They decided it was time to go and get back to patrol you know them always wanna see the universe.'' Said Jase.
"Also before you go Paradox arrived after you did and told me while you were gone that you needed to go to your grandfathers shop and bring those keys he gave you.'' Said Azmuth.
"Keys you mean these.'' Asked Ben as he and Jase brought out the keys they were given.
"Any chance you could send us there.'' Asked Jase.
"Alright if just so you don't destroy anything else.'' Said Azmuth as he teleported Ben, Jase, Orin and Malex to earth just outside of Ben's Grandpa Max's store.
"K let's go.'' Said Ben. As they went inside they saw a strange door that was not there before and on the handle were 2 keyholes. One each for the keys Ben and Jase had.
"Just turn the keys already.'' Said Orin.
Ben and Jase did as they were told.
Meanwhile In Earthland.
At the guild everyone was still a bit upset about their friends still not being there they Missed Ben, Jase and also Orin and Malex.
Natsu was trying to open the strange door again and failed.
"Why won't this Door open.'' Yelled natsu as he really wanted to see what was on the other side of it as the door suddenly swung open shocking everyone as for Natsu he was hit right in the face by the door.
"That looked like it hurt.'' Said Gajeel who was watching the whole thing. There was a bright light from the door and when it faded there was a familiar face.
"What the what.'' Said Ben who found himself back in Fairy tail.
"Jase, Orin, Malex you are not gonna believe this.'' Said Ben as he went through into the guild.
"What the hell is this.'' Asked Malex not believing what was happening.
"Looks like this doors is some kind of gateway to the dimension and the one we were already in.'' Said Orin.
"Yeah looks like it.'' Said Jase.
"Hey Natsu what are you doing on the floor.'' Asked Ben.
Natsu and the others just rushed at them all happy and hugging them.
"Orin your back.'' Came Lisanna's voice as she jumped at Orin and hugged him and kissed him as he kissed back.
"Great now he has his girlfriend back.'' Said Malex.
"Jase your back.'' Came Cana and Erza's voices as they grabbed Jase in a hug.
"Yeah I'm back.'' said Jase.
"That is not gonna stop being funny.'' Said Ben.
"How is this possible.'' Asked Makarov as he looked in the door and saw where it lead.
"Paradox.'' Said Malex. "I don't get how he dose this stuff.''
"That is Paradox for you he works in mysterious ways.'' Said Jase.
"It is good to have you all back.'' Said Erza.
"But where dose this door lead.'' Asked Lucy.
"To the world I came from said Ben.
"And it looks like we can come and go as we please between the 2 worlds now.'' Said Jase.
"But how.'' Asked Makarov as the door glowed and there was a holographic image of Professor Paradox.
"Hey isn't that that guy who said he was a time traveler.'' Asked Gajeel.
"Yeah it is.'' Said Lucy.
"Hello Ben this is a recording I left behind as you have figured out this door is a dimensional gate way that links your universe and this one together allowing travel between the 2 tho only you, Jase, Orin, Malex, Mephiles and wolf and also your grandfather cam go through it without problems everyone else must ask one of you first for permission.'' Said Paradox.
"That answers one question by why do this and how.'' Asked Ben.
"I can not tell you everything now but believe me this was needed to be done. As for the keys I got them while in the future and with some help arranged this.'' Said Paradox message as it faded.
"OK what was that.'' Asked Lucy who's mind was blown by what she just herd.
"I only got some of it but the impotent part is we can visit each other when we want and I can also still see home.'' Said Ben.
"Yeah what ever enough with that let's fight.'' Said Natsu as the others sweat dropped.
"Natsu charged but was knocked out buy a punch from Orin.
"Sleep tight pinky.'' Said Malex.
"Still making those jokes.'' Came Carla's voice.
"Oh hey Carla.'' Said Malex.
"Don't you hey Carla me you.'' Said Carla. "You just take off without a word and then show up like it's nothing.''
"Yeah who do you think you are.'' Said Happy who was sent into a wall By Malex who kicked him.
"Will you 2 just kiss and make up.'' Said Pantherlily.
Both just looked at each other shrugged and Malex took Carla in his arms and the two locked lips lucky Happy was out cold so he did not see.
"Now that they are back let's party.'' Said Cana.
"Now that sounds like a hood idea.'' Said Gajeel.
"Now you are all talking.'' Said Gray as everyone was back to their old selves.
"Yeah and afterwords let's go check out Ben and Jase's world.'' Said Gildarts as both Ben and Jase got worried looks on their faces at the thought of the trouble their friends would cause.
"Maybe it won't be that bad.'' Said Ben hoping it would not be.
Well that's it sorry if it is not much and a bit rushed and Random just wanted to end it when I could and so I could work on other stories hope you all enjoyed thanks for reading anyway please review and if I get enough Reviews I might do a extra special chapter. until next time this is Myzor King of War signing out.