You awoke to the sound of rain slamming against the windows. Your hand searched the bed for a certain super solider. He wasn't there, but you weren't worried. He would go out on day missions, and he would usually leave before you woke up.

You pulled the blankets off of you and got up. It was cold and most your clothes were in the dryer. You quickly hopped out of bed, to get the fresh warm clothes out of the dryer.

You were only wearing a t shirt and panties so you were pretty cold. You hurriedly open the dryer door and search for some clothes. But you came up with an idea. You would wear some of Steve's clothes. You pulled out one of his t shirts, a zip up hoodie and a pair of his sweat pants. You immediately throw the clothes on and hugged them close to your body. You were instantly warm. The clothes hung on your body; you were practically swimming in them but you felt like he was hugging you. You just stood there for a minute, feeling the clothes warm your body. Then you snap back to reality.

You walked into the living room and sat on the couch. You looked out the window and saw the rain rapidly hitting the windows. Yep, you weren't leaving your apartment any time soon. So you booted up your laptop, and opened up word document.

You didn't consider yourself an author or a writer, but you did like to write and post fan fictions. You flipped on TV and waited for inspiration to strike. Then, you came up with an idea, and began to type. Your idea was based off of an experience you and Steve shared.

*Flash back*

You and Steve were sitting on the couch together, your back against his warm chest. He had his arms wrapped around your shoulders as you watched old movies. Right now, you were watching 'Singin' in the rain'. He peppered kisses on your cheek.

"Babe, c'mon. We should finish the movie..." You liked that he was kissing you but you liked to tease him a little.

"Oh c'mon...Can't we kiss a little?" He said into your neck as he kissed you more and more.

"No, no, no. You liked the movie so far, what made you stop?"

"Your neck looked so smooth, I just couldn't resist." He nuzzled your neck.

"As much as I enjoy this...we should finish the movie..."

"Oh well I guess I'll just have to make you stop the movie." His hands trailed to your sides and he began to tickle you. You burst out laughing.

"Bwahahahaha! S-steve...Steve stop! Ahahaha! Okay, okay I-I'll pause the movie!"

"Okay, good." He stopped tickling you and kissed you on the cheek again. You pause the movie and snuggle close to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and clutched you to his chest.

"I love you, Stevie."

"I love you too, (name)."

*End of flash back*

Before you realized it, it was 5:30 pm and your fan fiction was finished. You posted it and turned off your computer. Soon, you heard the sound of the front door being unlocked. You spring up to greet Steve.

"Hi Stevie!" You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his chest.

"Hey kitten! Ya miss me?"


"Well, I missed you too sweetheart." He held you close and rested his chin on top of your head. Once you guys pull away he looked at you.

"Are those my clothes, (name)?" He smirked.

"Yes. That's how much I missed you."

"Aw kitten, I should hold back on the morning missions."

"You would do that for me?" You cooed.

"Yes, because I love and care for you. I will do whatever you want that will make you happy." He kissed you.

"Anything?" Steve blushed.

"S-sure. Anything."

"Steve, I was hinting for you to sit on the couch, eat ice cream and watch TV with me." You chuckle.

"Oh! Well, I can do that."

"But if you want, we could do that too." You give him a sly smirk.