More chaos erupted when they learned what happened to Spain. That took the combined efforts of China, Germany, and England to calm everyone down. When everyone settled down the three demanded to know what happened.

"How could you turn Spain into a child!" exclaimed China looking at the two nations in disbelief.

"I have nothing to do with this, Romano found him like this." huffed France, not appreciating being accused.

"Hey just wait a minute this isn't my fault!" said Romano not believing that France tried to push the blame on him. Now he doesn't feel bad for using all of the money on France's iTunes account.

"If it's not your fault then, who fault is it." demanded Germany glaring down at the Italian nation.

"It is either Prussia, America, or my own stupid fratello."

"What!?" exclaimed the three in unison.

"This has those bumbling idiots written all over it." said Romano pointing at the three accusers.

"Oh please." said England not buying a single word. "This obviously is dealing with some sort of magic and I doubt those three could even conjure up dust mite."

"Opium has a point." said China, now looking at the Brit more closely. "This does breathe of witchcraft, wouldn't you agree England?"

"Most certainly look like someone did a shoddy job with the spell too, well I for one would never do that."

"Is that so?"

"Most certainly."

"Not even a drunken mistake by any chance?" asked China. England somewhat blanched, but quickly gained composer.

"Of course not." chuckled England nervously. "I don't get drunk."

Immediate laughter filled the room and some nations even fell over with tears in their eyes from laughing to hard. It was clear to any nation the day England didn't get drunk was the day when Prussia stopped being a narcissi, and they all knew that wasn't going to happen.

"That was a good one!" laughed China patting a very upset England on the back. The Asian nation with his best abilities regained his composure. "Now England we all know this is your doing."

"How dare you!" exclaimed England looking insulted. "You have no proof I did this!"

"Oh really?" questioned China. "I was informed this morning by Japan that you was not only heavily intoxicated, but also was going off on how much you loathe Spain."

England turns to glare at Japan who looks away innocently and even had the gall to ask Turkey how's the weather. Traitor thought England bitterly.

"Okay so I was drunk big whoop, but that doesn't mean this is my fault!"

"You are delusional Opium, it's clear to all of us that this is your doing!"

"I did see green lighting from the direction of your house." said Canada thoughtfully.

England turned Canada and made the zip it sign across his lips. When he turned back around he was greeted with the China's smug expression.

"Well Opium you have caused an international disaster, and all this time I thought it would be that boy of yours." said China, ignoring the displeased noise coming from said boy. "This is like '92 all over again."

"You enjoy seeing in me pain, don't you?" asked England.

China leaned in close to England and whispered, "Yes."

Enjoying the shock expression from the Brit, China turned his attention back on the matter on hand. "Until Opium makes a antidote someone has to watch the child."

"Ooh China let me do it!" exclaimed Mexico, as she got up from her seat and ran to the front. "Please I always wanted my revenge- I mean care for the nation who cared for me."

"Nice try Mexico." said Romano backing away with still sleeping child.

"Oh come on Romano don't you want to get revenge on the rulacho too?"

"Not when he is small and defenseless!"

"I think I should take care of Spain." said Netherlands despite his neutral expression his eyes held the same vengeful gleam as Mexico's. "Since we are neighbors."

"No way it should be me!" proclaimed Hungary. "I got plenty of cute clothes back when Italy was little."

"Weren't those girl clothes?" questioned Prussia.

"Your point?"

"Okay I think we all know the hero should-"

"Shut the fuck up!" exclaimed Romano making sure to cover the kids ears. There was no way in hell he was giving Spain to that idiot. He would learn how to be obnoxious and have bad taste in food.

"Oh my gosh he should come with me, since he is my irmão!" exclaimed Portugal.

"I volunteer Japan as tribute!" said Italy, shocking the Japanese nation.

"This isn't the Hunger Games Italy!"

Soon nearly everyone in the room was proclaiming they were fit to take care of the child Spain. Nations who didn't even know the nation personally thought they were deemed fit to take care of the nation. It got to the point when people were even talking about declaring war on each other!

"That is enough!" yelled Germany silencing the room. "Since, we all can't come to a agreement who should take care of Spain I'm picking for us all!"

"You can't do that!" shouted one nation.

Germany looked at him coldly until sunk the other sunk into their seat. Germany carefully took the sleeping child from Romano and gave him to China. "I think we can all agree that China with his age and wisdom he's the best out of all of us to take care of a child."

Many nations nodded in agreement and some grumbled saying that they would have made a good choice as well.

"Thank you Germany." said China. "Since we have a new agenda to take care of and we still have to discuss some more points that weren't addressed today. We should all meet up in my home in a couple of weeks, agreed?"

Everyone agreed and the meeting was dismissed. China left with the sleeping child with Hong Kong and Taiwan close behind him. Romano couldn't help, but feel a little upset for the now gone child. Despite everything he grew to sort of kind of like the kid.

"Ugh I can't believe I wasn't given Spain!" complained Mexico, as she walked out with America and Canada.

"I can't believe Romano told me to shut the fuck up!" said America shocked. "I would have made a wonderful care taker."

"You would have made a mother fucking bigger mess than it already was you bumbling buffoon!" exclaimed Romano, causing America to seek comfort in Mexico's arms while his brother pat him on the back. Mexico gave the Italian nation a thumbs up, as she walked the upset super power out the room.

Romano sighed and left the meeting hall and already planning on how to get his new mini fridge in his suitcase.