Chapter 1

Shinji Ikari. Third Child. Pilot 01. So what? Shinji thought to himself. He couldn't wrap his head around the countless titles he had been given. To him it wasn't THAT big of a deal.

NERV had made a public statements at the United Nation's press conferences. He was often told he was a hero, by his peers, for saving Tokyo-3. It's not that big of a deal. I'm just doing my job. It's not like I'm a REAL hero like Denjin Zaboger.

He sat quietly on the bench waiting for the subway to arrive. He had gotten up early by accident. Long story short, Asuka had set his alarm clock to go off 2 HOURS EARLY, waking him up at 4 AM. All because Asuka wanted to deal some payback for some stupid shit. He thought he should get to school early, avoid Asuka, and get some more sleep on the ride to and at school.

The subway finally arrived. He grabbed his stuff and shuffled onto the subway before the driver could decide to leave him.

The cart bumped often. Shinji tossed and turned a lot on the train before finally giving up. What's the point? By the time I get any rest, school's gonna start. He looked left and right, reassuring he was the only one on the train. He put his backpack on a seat and laid down, head on his backpack until...

CLANK! "Ouch! What the hell was that!" He blurted. He quickly covered his mouth and looked ready to apologize. He opened his backpack and found something unusual in there: a can of UCC™ coffee with a NERV logo on it. inspecting it carefully it said "NERV: a proud sponsor of UCC".

When the hell did NERV need to use product placement for funding!? he thought as he held the can in his hand.

2 Hours Later

He got to school at 5:30 am. But now it was 6:30am and he couldn't wait to get some sleep. He put his head against the wall and shut his eyes.

"Hey!" said two voices. Shinji's eyes shot open instantly and guess who was there? It was none other than the two stooges: Toji and Kensuke.

"What are you doin' here so early?" Toji asked has he gave Shinji a loud slap on the back. Shinji got up quickly, grabbing his stuff. "I could ask you two the same thing" Shinji responded. "We're trying to set up a sign that'll get Hika—I-I-I-I mean class rep's attention" Kensuke said, saving himself from a beating. "Think of it as a confession". "The whole school will see it too, you know" Shinji said.

A look of panic spread on Toji's and Kensuke's faces! "Crap! I didn't think of that!" Toji shrieked. He grabbed Kensuke and shook him voilently.

"Why didn't YOU think of this!?"

"It was YOUR idea!"

They began pushing each other. And then they started slapping each other, showing why they were 2 of three 3 stooges. Shinji, too tired to be bothered by them, walked away. He tried to stay to fall asleep and peace had finally been found. He started to get some sleep.


Shinji groaned as he got up and scrambled to get his cell phone out of his backpack. He picked it up. "He-He-Hello?"

"SHINJI, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Shinji pulled the phone away from his ear to see if his hearing and eardrum were still intact. It was Misato. I can't tell if she's angry, drunk, or both! Then again she might just be fine and loud.

"SHINJI! YOU BETTER ANSWER ME THIS MINUTE!" Why does she have to sound like a mom now!? He put the phone back on his ear and braced for fourth impact (in his ear).

"Yeah, I'm still here."

"I can't believe you left!"

"I always leave to go to school."

"But today we had plans Shinji; I told you last week."

"What Plans!?"

"You Have to do another sync test today! How could you for-BRAAAAAAAP!" Leave to Misato to drink at this hour. And I only forgot because goddamn Asuka reset my alarm!

"What am I Supposed to do? I'm at school and it starts in a half hour!"

"I'll get NERV to send an escort for you. Maybe your dad can pick you up" she evilly joked.



I hate it when she hangs up on me. But I hate it even more when she jokes about my dad like that. He walked outside the school gate and sulked against the fence, like be usually did.

Some Time Later

Shinji almost got some sleep but then a voice called him.

"Are you Shinji Ikari?" It was a soft, feminine voice. It sounded heavenly. He flustered his eyes open. He was met by a girl with Short, dark-brown hair, and a tan military uniform (from the waist up). She bended down to see his face. Shinji got up, and he was groggy. He stumbled around so much that he could be confused for a drunk.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Shinji couldn't even answer the question because he was too tired. I really hope he is okay. Especially since he has the sync test today. Shinji had to be helped by Maya to get in the car. I really hope he's not dying and NERV doesn't know it. I wish I could do something. All she did was hop in her car and drive off, leaving the school behind

I really hope you enjoyed this slow first chapter. I plaqn to have the romance start in chapter 3. So in the review box, please give feed back and suggestions.

Thanks for reading