AN: I can't apologize enough for taking so long in between chapters. I underestimated how difficult college would be...nonetheless, here it is. Thank you for reading:)...

Warning: This story is now RATED M. Slightly graphic and disturbing, suggestive themes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Terrace was there. They were in the same dark, damp room with concrete walls and floors. He was lying flat and his hands were bound by thick, leather straps. Alec's heart stuttered and his entire being filled with dread as he looked down at his body. His eyes cast around the room, looking for his enemy. Watching. It was too dark to make out his face, but he spotted the Fay across the room in the deepest corner.

A wicked thought formed in the back of his mind, but Alec didn't want to believe it. He knew now that this surely was real. This was not a dream, yet he couldn't fight back. What could he do to defend himself?

Terrace came forward slowly. He was already shirtless and his broad, muscular chest with all of his creamy skin caused bile to rise in Alec's mouth. He gagged and true horror set in as the Fay unbuttoned and dropped his pants to the floor. Alec had a metallic taste in his mouth as he growled, "No."

Terrace's smile was silent and grim as he stepped forward. Alec jerked his body with all of his might. His wrists stung with dull pain as he continued to bruise his body in violently sudden panic. He thrashed from side to side and slammed his ribs into the unmovable wall in an attempt to wake himself up. Pain was cropping up from several areas of his body, but he aggressively pushed it aside. Terrace was chuckling as if Alec was a small child throwing a fit.

"Let go of me!" Alec's voice was rough and his fear came out sounding like an animalistic snarl, "Get the hell off of me, you bastard!"

Terrace reached forward and forced a thick fabric inside of Alec's mouth. Alec choked and gagged and spit in a desperate attempt to speak, but it was purposeless. Sobs wanted to rip up his throat, but they stuck deep within his chest. He squeezed his eyes tightly as hot, razor-sharp tears burned their way down his cheeks. He put his mind somewhere else. Anywhere else.

He pictured the first time he met Magnus.

Pictured their first kiss. Their first date.

Dozens and hundreds of their late-night conversations.

Agony slammed viciously into his lower body and jolted upward to spread throughout his entire being like Lucifer's personal form of fire. He screamed. A long and shattering sound that was so fierce, he broke blood vessels in his throat. A small part of himself refused to believe this was happening, but the majority of him knew this was real. There was no way gut-wrenching pain like this could be created falsely.

The cries did not stop.

Alec screamed even as blood coated his throat. He screamed as Terrace violated him. Screamed as the Fay's massive body moved against his own. Screamed at the sickening, unfathomable feeling welling up inside of him. He screamed even as the dream faded away. Screamed even as Terrace's revolting body disappeared and Magnus's scent filled his nose.

"Alec, Alexander!" Magnus called out determinedly and loudly, but the tremble in the warlock's voice couldn't be hidden. Isabelle and Jace were there. They had come running the moment they walked through the front door of the Institute and heard the stomach-turning screams.

"What's going on?" Isabelle shrieked as she threw herself onto the bed and touched Alec's bare back. He was on his knees with his hands ripping and tearing at his hair as he bent over with his torso touching his thighs. He made sounds that Isabelle did not have words for. Sounds of a tortured being that was drowning. Dying in a bloody bath of fire. An uncontrollable sob left her throat as Alec's screams continued. He rocked his body back and forth- his face was streaked with tears of sorrow and his normally handsome face was a deep, disturbing red color.

His lips were bloody and fat drops of blood were dripping from his mouth to cover the snow-white bed sheets. Deep purple bruises were coating Alec's pale ribcage and his bare back was covered in elongated scratches, both shallow and deep. He was hyperventilating and the screams were piercing like the echoes of shattering glass.

Magnus's heart was hammering in his chest as he wrapped his thin arms around Alec's trembling body and just yanked the body nearly on top of his lap. Alec curled up in a protective position as Magnus spoke over the broken screams. "Alec," He spoke softly against the shell of his shadow-hunter's ear, "Baby, listen to me. I'm here. You're awake now. Do you hear me?"

His screams lessened until he was gasping and choking and sobbing uncontrollably as Magnus murmured, "You're awake now and he can't touch you. You're awake now, Alexander."

He continued to sob and shake in Magnus's arms. He was completely unaware of his surroundings. Magnus held tightly his Shadow-hunter tightly as he finally let the reluctant thought enter his mind: Terrible, unforgivable actions occurred in Alexander's dream with the Fay. Magnus knew Alec wouldn't have reacted this way otherwise. He rocked both of them in a soothing way while murmuring softly, "I'll remove him from your mind, Alexander. All the supplies I need are on the way. Just hold on a bit longer, sweetheart."

The sobs didn't halt, but they lessened for the next several tensed minutes. Alec had a death-grip on Magnus's shirt and he had his face buried against the fabric against Magnus's torso. Slowly, Magnus continued to rock them both in a rhythmic motion. His mind was attempting to go into a state of denial, but Magnus wouldn't himself to deny anything.

A frantic ocean of murdering emotions slaughtered his insides as he held the boy he was in love with. He could smell the rustic, nauseating odor of blood. He had seen the droplets of blood dripping from Alec's lips, but the mental image only caused more horrendous emotions to attack Magnus's heart. His thin body leaned protectively over Alec's trembling one and he murmured, "Shhh, I promise this will stop soon. Randolph will be here with my supplies, Alexander."

The choking, gasping struggles had not halted. Alec let out a steady, never-ending stream of appalling noises. A fragmented whimper left his throat, but he kept his head firmly pressed against Magnus's stomach. Magnus continued to rock Alec like a small child. He could feel Isabelle and Jace standing horrified and motionless directly behind him; he felt irritation at them both for not attempting to do a thing for their eldest brother. Magnus ignored the damn children behind him and ran his hand from Alec's neck to the small of his back. Then, just as he ran his fingertips softly over Alec's backside, Alec threw his head backward, and let out a deeply agonizing scream. Simultaneously, his hand flew to shackle Magnus's wrists roughly. He hung on so tightly and let out a gurgling noise as if he was drowning underwater.

Jace let out a low, shaky stream of curse words that were drowned out by Alec's hysterical sobbing moans, "Oh, gods, stop. Stop, stop, stop. It hurts. Magnus, Jesus Christ. I can't…I can't…" He panted unevenly and strained to say, "It fucking hurts."

Magnus pulled his hand gently from Alec's grip and stared in detachment at the blood now coating his palm. He felt as if he were floating without an anchor to the ground. He was without gravitation. Without emotions. He was numb for a singular moment in time before all of those slaughtering emotions came raining back down in a wave of heated fire.

His heart skipped two beats before he urgently demanded, "I need cool water, Isabelle. Go find it right now. Jace, I need you to wait for Randolph at the front entrance. The very second he's here, you get my damn casting stones to me. Do you understand me?"

He quickly, but gently removed Alec's tight hold on his t-shirt and set the boy on the bed. He curled in on himself and continued to sob brokenly. Magnus could see the baseball-sized bloodstain on the back of Alexander's pants, which caused his personal demonic emotions to swirl and dance furiously within his chest. He swallowed heavily and brought forth hundreds of years' worth of control to contain his emotions.

He knelt beside the bed and combed so tenderly at Alec's sweaty hair. His lips were a breath away from the boy's forehead as he whispered, "Isabelle is bringing cool water. I'm going to heal you. Can you hear me, Alec? I realize what he…" Magnus trailed off, swallowed the lump within his throat and repeated, "I realize what he did, and I'm going to heal you. Just hang on a few minutes more, sweetheart."

He wanted to shout. To kill. To rip Terrace apart with his teeth and hands. He wanted to feel the rush of hot blood running down his face. He wanted to watch the life leave this Fay's eyes. He wanted to barrel his bare fist through the Fay's chest and yank his heart out. He wished to gut the unfathomable sonofabitch wide open with nothing more than his sharp claws, tear out his innards, and watch the bloody mess fall apart.

Isabelle came running hastily into the room with several wet clothes and a large bucket filled with cold water. She came to a skidding halt when she saw Magnus. Her heart beat in terror and her eyes widened. She shrieked, "What in the hell are you doing, Magnus?!"

Magnus blinked rapidly and stood up. He felt his teeth return to a normal length. He waited a moment more until he was sure they were no longer razor-sharp before saying, "Hand me the water, Isabelle. And then leave. I need to concentrate."

"Like hell." She retorted, "Why do you look so much like a demon? Your eyes, your teeth, your hands."

"Because I am a demon, Isabelle." He snapped angrily, "I'm a demon and I'm angry. When I get angry, the other half of my nonhuman heritage tends to show."

He lashed out and yanked the bucket and clothes from her before demanding, "Get out now. I can't have you or Jace in here. I need to focus on Alexander."

She hesitated for a second before slipping out of the room. Magnus barely heard the echoing of her high-heeled boots as he knelt beside Alec's body. He was attempting to curl himself into the tightest ball possible when Magnus kissed his forehead and murmured, "I need you to roll onto your stomach, Alexander."

A soft whimper left his throat.

Magnus whispered, "Come on, love. I need you to do this. I need to wipe some of this blood away, so I can see the extent of your wounds."

Alec shook his head in a jerky motion before letting out a gut-wrenching sob. Magnus felt his heartstrings rip in half as he dropped his forehead to Alec's and said, "You can't stay like this, Alexander. You're bleeding. You're in pain. Please, I'm begging you to let me heal you. My God, Alexander, please."

It took several moments, but, with laborious breaths, Alec uncurled his body and flipped himself onto his stomach. He let out a raw groan of agony as he collapsed with his hands trembling and spasming at his sides. Magnus watched the young Shadow-hunter's utterly pained facial expression as he slowly, carefully snapped his fingers. He heard a slight hiccupping gasp as Alec's bruised and bleeding body now lied before him completely naked.

The army of murdering emotions began to gouge out long slivers of his heart as he shakily said, "It'll hurt, but I have to touch you. I have to stop the bleeding. Alexander, I'm going to clean you as best as I can, okay?"

The earth-shattering cries started up once more and Alec turned his face in the opposite direction of Magnus as if he couldn't stand the sight of the warlock any longer.

AN: Reviews are always appreciated. Feedback helps me...thank you.