Hi! So, I'm not dead if you're reading Make the Move. I will get to it eventually, but I've been working on two other stories and this short story.
On a different note, I got the idea for this at a family dinner which is kind of fucked up, but it's because I was watching a Christmas special where I was admiring a lovely looking human being in an over sized sweater. Anyway, I hope you like it and tell me what you think! :)

Robert tapped his silverware against his wine glass, rising from his seat. The dining hall in the institute was covered in gold and blue decorations, all of the tables covered in delicate white table cloths. "I would like to propose a toast," Robert said, his voice deep and booming. He sounded almost hesitant, an unusual feeling for him. "To my son. I know I wasn't completely on board with you from the beginning, I guess it's just my traditional up bringing, but I want you to know how happy I am for you. You not only exceeded my hopes that you would become a great shadowhunter, but you also found someone to accompany you in your journey to protect our world. I'm proud of you, Alexander," Robert said, a large smile on his aging face. He raised his glass of wine, "To my eldest, Alexander, and my son in law Magnus. May your lives have peace from here on."

Everyone held their glasses up and toasted, sipping the expensive wine that Maryse had been inclined to buy for the engagement party. Music started playing, and the entire hall was filling with chatter. Maryse and Robert were talking with the Patrick and Jia, Simon and Clary were admiring the chocolate syrup fountain, Isabelle was sitting with Helen while Aline was dancing with Julian, and Jace was in a deep conversation with Tessa about weapons of choice. Most of the individuals who Magnus had invited were sticking close to one another, still not so keen to the idea of being in the institute. Catarina, Malcolm, and a few other close acquaintances were chatting by the band.

"Cheers, love," Magnus said to his future husband.

Alec blushed, his hand entwined with Magnus' under the table. He sipped at the scarlet liquid, his lips so delicately drawing it into his mouth. "Cheers," Alec replied quietly. Magnus stared for a long moment at his four year boyfriend. He had not changed at all since he was eighteen years old. Of course, he had changed his hair style to not look so shaggy, and he made an effort to wear better clothes, but he still looked as beautiful, young, and radiant as the first day Magnus laid eyes on him.

Noticing that Magnus had been staring, Alec looked over with a goofy smile, "What?"

Magnus smiled, sighing softly, "I was merely admiring your stunning good looks, darling," he honestly replied. Alec's blush returned again, partially because of the compliment and partially because it was his fourth glass of wine. Magnus knew he was drinking in excess because it was stressful for him to be the center of attention, so he just kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand.

"Magnus," Jace said, having left Tessa with Brother Zachariah, "May I steal you from Alec for a moment?"

Typically, Magnus would have responded with something snarky, but he was trying to behave for Alec. Also, Jace looked quite serious. Magnus looked to Alec for approval, standing up from his chair and following Jace from the room when Alec nodded at him.

Jace led him to the far corner of the room by the angel fountain. He stood proper, but his tie was undone and his hair was mussed. Magnus on the other hand had his all black suit perfect down to the last button and his dark blue tie was even clipped to his black shirt. Alec had argued with him, making him wear his hair down because that's the way he like it. Magnus only allowed it because Alec wore a green tie and let Magnus style his hair.

"I want to give you something, Magnus," Jace said seriously, though he didn't make a move to give Magnus anything.

"And what would that be?" Magnus asked, slightly confused.

Jace took a long sip from his wine, enjoying Magnus' befuddlement a little too much, "I'm going to tell you a story."

Intrigued and slightly annoyed, Magnus unconsciously leaned a little closer. "Go on, then," he said a bit rudely.

Jace tsked him, "Manners." Jace didn't allow Magnus time to speak as he dove right into his story. "Once upon a time, Jace decided to let responsible Alec have one night to let go and do whatever he wanted," Jace said, speaking majestically. "It was kind Jace's seventeenth birthday gift to Alec. He asked young Alec what he wanted to do most in the world to which our fair princess replied that he wanted to get shitfaced," Jace said with a smile at his fond memory. Magnus was quite surprised. Alec often refused to drink any alcoholic drink unless it was a special occasion. "Jace thought there would be no harm in it, but kind Jace was quite wrong."

"Do you have to keep talking in that silly manner?" Magnus interrupted.

"Yes," Jace said dismissively before continuing his story. "That night, young Alec drank his heart out. He downed an entire bottle of vodka in ten minutes, topping it off with a fruity drink he ordered from the bar. Because of his large and lanky moose-like figure, he had a surprisingly high tolerance for alcohol."

"That's because he's a shadowhunter, not because of his figure," Magnus pointed out. "Which is most definitely not moose-like."

Jace waved of his comment, "Probably a little of both." Jace put his empty wine glass at the foot of the fountain. "However, with two more drinks in him, Alec was properly wasted. Kind Jace brought him back to the institute, depositing him in his room, but before Jace could leave, Alec grabbed his arm and stopped him." Jace paused for a long moment, and Magnus was scared that maybe something had happened that night that he didn't want to know about. "Apparently, young Alec had a lot of secrets that he wanted to share. He told Jace about being gay and having a crush on him. He told him of his concerns about Isabelle dating downworlders," Jace paused, laughing a little. "It's a bit ironic," he said before he continued. "And he happened to tell Jace a lot more embarrassing things that Jace refuses to ever repeat."

"Like what?" Magnus asked, wanting to know so bad that he gripped Jace's elbow in anticipation.

Jace brushed his hand aside, "Jace refuses to repeat them, because he doesn't want to think of his brother that way. Anyway, the point of the story is that Alec told Jace every secret he had while he was drunk. Down to the last 'it was me who ate Izzy's bagel' confession, but when Jace went to talk to young Alec in the morning about all of his secrets, young Alec did not recall telling him anything. In fact, young Alec could not remember past his fruity drink."

Magnus stared in awe, not able to mask his intrigue. "Did you tell him that he told you all of those things?"

Jace had a shit eating smirk on his face, "He still doesn't know. When he's drunk, he answers any question you want with one hundred percent honesty, but he never remembers you asking him or even him answering you. It's perfect, but it is almost impossible to get him drunk. After the first time, I only succeeded in getting him drunk one other time. He was barely drunk, though. It was more of a slight buzz, but he still didn't remember it in the morning."

Magnus smiled broadly, "Jace, this is the best gift I have ever received," he said, already making a mental list of questions he wanted to ask his fiancee.

"I only gave this to you because I know you will use it well and I know that I can trust you. You really make him happy, and I couldn't be more delighted to have you as a brother in law of sorts." Jace gave him an honest smile, one that Magnus reciprocated. "But don't worry, I'll still buy you a waffle iron as a wedding present."

Magnus rolled his eyes and laughed, "Thank you," he said sincerely, not referring to the waffle iron.

"You're welcome," Jace said, patting Magnus on the back as they started walking back towards Alec.

"What's his favorite drink?" Magnus asked, suddenly.

"Easily vodka. He likes all of his drinks unbearably bitter. Even his coffee."

"Excellent," Magnus said, having already snapped two bottles of Effen Vodka from the Netherlands into his apartment.

Jace tossed a wave at Alec and a wink at Magnus before going to find Clary. Magnus took his seat next to Alec again, watching him as he chatted with his mother. Maryse saw her future son in law and said a quick goodbye to her son. She told him they didn't have to stay around if they wanted to go celebrate on their own.

Alec turned to Magnus, "Do you want to leave?" he asked, his fingers looping into Magnus'.

"It's up to you darling. We could go home now, or we can stay until dawn. I don't care which."

Alec sighed heavily, finishing off his wine. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were a little hazy. Magnus knew it would only take a few sips of his Dutch vodka to get Alec completely drunk. "Let's go home," Alec said, standing on his shaky feet and pulling Magnus along with him. They quickly made their way around the room, saying their goodbyes and thanking all of their guests before they hailed a cab and headed toward the apartment.


Magnus was sitting on his favorite leather chair with Alec on his lap. They were watching a film about some mundie ship wrecking, but Magnus was barely paying any attention. He had a bigger agenda on his mind. And that bigger agenda was sitting next to him with glassy eyes and alcohol on his breath.

"Would you like a glass of vodka, darling? I imported it from the Netherlands." Magnus saw a spark in Alec's eye.

"I really shouldn't," he finally said, sounding defeated, "I've had a lot of wine tonight."

Magnus gently kissed Alec's neck, his arms wrapping tight around his waist. "Relax, darling, we aren't going anywhere. What would it hurt to have another drink?" Magnus snapped his fingers, a half full glass in his hand. He shifted so that he could take a drink, letting the bitter sweet smell tickle Alec's nose. Magnus personally hated vodka. He preferred to drink the more pleasant drinks; champagne, wine, and the occasional gin.

Alec's nostrils flared a little, and he leaned his head against Magnus' shoulder. "Maybe just a sip," he said, his cheeks holding splotches of red. Magnus handed Alec the glass, watching him with amusement as he drank almost half of the remaining liquid in one sip. Alec moaned quietly, tossing back the rest of the drink in a quick motion.

"Would you like another glass?" Magnus asked, snapping the bottle into his hand.

Alec seemed to have a battle with himself before nodding in agreement, "Please."

Magnus smiled, kissing his cheek as he pour the drink. "You're so well mannered," he said quietly.

Alec eagerly drank, "I used to not be," he said.

"What do you mean? I can't imagine an Alexander Lightwood that is not well mannered. I wouldn't think Maryse would allow it."

Alec snorted. "When I was thirteen, I went through a rebellious stage. I never said please or thank you."

Magnus chuckled, "Is that all you did in your rebellious stage?"

Alec looked at him, setting down his newly emptied glass on the coffee table. "It was a big deal," Alec said, seriously. "I felt guilty about it for a long time."

"You are too sweet," Magnus said, his arms around his fiancee again. He was glad he had decided to sit in the leather armchair, because if Alec wanted to sit anywhere near him, he had to sit on his lap or the terribly uncomfortable arm rest. Guess which he chose.

They stayed in comfortable silence for a moment, and Magnus almost thought Alec fell asleep before he heard his delicate voice.

"Magnus," Alec said softly, almost a whisper.

"Yes, Alexander?" Magnus replied in kind.

"I think I'm drunk," he said, his dazed blue eyes staring up into Magnus'.

Magnus internally jumped for joy, but he kept his face straight, "Why would you say that, darling?"

Alec licked his lips before capturing the bottom one between his teeth. "I feel fuzzy," he said, his eyebrows drawing together.

"Would you like to lie down?" Magnus asked, hoping that he could get in a few questions before Alec fell asleep. It was already nearing midnight.

Alec nodded and tried to stand up. He was swaying a little, trying to maintain his balance. Magnus stood as well, stretching a moment before he took Alec's hand and led him to the bedroom. Walking proved to be a little difficult for Alec to manage, but he only stumbled once.

Magnus made sure he was sitting on the bed before he went over to his dresser to find some nice pajamas. "What would you like to wear to bed tonight?" Magnus asked, figuring that Alec would ask for his flannel pajama pants like always.

"Nothing," Alec said, before blushing and covering his mouth. "I, uh, mean, I have nothing in particular in mind," he mended.

Magnus smirked. Alec's filter had been washed away with the alcohol. "I don't know, Alec," Magnus said as he removed his shirt, "I liked your first answer better." Magnus saw Alec blush a little, but he was unbuttoning his dress shirt anyway. His fingers were having a little trouble with the buttons, but once he got halfway down, he just pulled the shirt over his head.

Magnus continued until he was completely undressed. He slipped into the bed, watching as Alec stood and fumbled with his belt. "Goddamn it," he cursed.

"Allow me," Magnus said, gracefully sitting up and beckoning Alec over to him. He undid the belt and helped Alec remove his remaining clothes.

"Thanks," Alec muttered, climbing into the bed with Magnus. They both got underneath the covers, and Magnus snapped the lights out. "I will never get used to your magic," Alec said quietly. "It surprises me every time you use it."

Magnus smirked, his hand running over Alec's stomach, blue sparks electrifying his skin. "I suppose that's an advantage for me."

Alec's head fell back against the pillow with a moan, "That's not the only advantage you have."

"Oh?" Magnus said, knowing that he was about to hear things he had been patiently awaiting since his conversation with Jace. "What are some of the others?" Magnus' hand came to a gentle rest at Alec's hip, using his other hand to prop up his head and look at Alec in the dim moonlight.

Alec's eyes were closed, but he didn't look tired in the slightest. Magnus figured he was probably just thinking rather than trying to fall asleep. "Your experience," Alec said quietly, his ever present blush flaring.

"Care to explain?" Magnus asked, his fingers drawing small circles at his fiancee's waist.

Alec sighed, "You've done everything. I can never be as good as you, especially in bedroom stuff," Alec said, his eyes opening to stare up at Magnus. He looked embarrassed and a flash of his shyness blossomed.

"Experience doesn't mean quality," Magnus said. "You are more than incredible at bedroom stuff," he said, quoting Alec's earlier phrase. "Honestly, I was terrible in bed until I was near fifty. You've learned a lot faster than I did."

Alec's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Magnus said, chuckling a little bit.

"I used to be really scared," Alec said, a little abruptly. "I was scared that I wouldn't be any good and you would break up with me. That's why I waited nearly ten months before we did anything. I knew deep down you weren't that shallow, but I still felt like I would never be enough," Alec said, his insecurities making Magnus' heart swell.

"Oh darling," he kissed Alec for a long sweet moment, "I would never leave you over something so silly. Sex isn't everything, but it is a big plus."

Alec smiled, "Yes it is," he agreed.

Magnus suddenly got an idea. Alec was usually too shy and reserved to say what he liked and didn't like in bed. Magnus always asked, but Alec would just blush and change the subject or say that anything Magnus did was fine. Now, Magnus could find out exactly what Alec liked. "Do you have any fetishes?" he asked after their silent moment.

Despite his drunken state, Alec was still a little hesitant. "I have... a lot of fetishes."

Magnus nearly moaned, "I want to hear them all. Tell me what turns you on, Alexander." Magnus had shifted so that he was lying on top of Alec, peering deep into his eyes. Alec's hands came up around his waist, holding him in place.

"Killing demons is number one," Alec said immediately. "I love the adrenaline that it gives me, and all of the fighting makes me sweaty and so hot."

Magnus saw Alec's eyes dilating and his own breath was starting to leave him in small pants. "What else? Tell me more," he said eagerly. This was a dream come true.

Alec's hands tightened a little on Magnus' hips. "Your nails," Alec admitted. "I love when you scratch them down my back." Magnus could feel Alec start to harden a little beneath him. "Like the first time we had sex and you broke the skin on my back an made me bleed. That was one of the hottest things you've ever done," Alec said, his voice a little slurred, but not so much that Magnus couldn't understand what he was saying.

Magnus sat up on his knees, "Like this?" he asked, raking his nails down from Alec's neck to his chest and down to his stomach. He didn't break the skin, but it turned an angry red color. Alec moaned deeply, his hands falling from Magnus' hips and fisting into the sheets instead.

"Just like that," he gasped.

"Keep going," Magnus said. Though he was incredibly turned on at the moment, he wanted to know everything.

"I like it when you bite me," Alec said, unashamed as the alcohol coursed through his veins. "And when you abuse the bruises a day later with your tongue," Alec shivered. Magnus could see that he was most definitely turned on, but he continued anyway. "I love when you wear those leather pants with the six buttons on the front. The ones that are so tight on you," Alec said, his hands running up and down the front of Magnus' thighs.

"But you tell me not to wear them when we go out on dates," Magnus protested, a little confused. If Alec liked them so much, why wouldn't he want him to wear them?

Alec laughed, "Yeah, because I don't want to be super horny while we are in public." Magnus snorted. "I'm not kidding," Alec said, a little more serious. "Before we started having sex, and you wore those pants, I would make up some lame excuse to leave so I could go home and finger myself for an hour."

Magnus gasped quietly, still sitting on Alec's thighs, his knees on either side of him. "You finger yourself?" he asked in a whisper, afraid if he said it too loud it wouldn't be true.

Alec nodded, "I would use a... you know, but I've always been too embarrassed to buy one."

Magnus' eyes rolled back in his head. Even when Alec was talking about using a dildo, he was still shy. "Is there anything else that gets you that hot?"

Alec's cheeks flooded with dark color. Magnus didn't know if it was the question, or the answer he was thinking about. "You in a sweater."

Surprised, Magnus laughed, "What?"

Alec nodded matter of factly, "You wore one to our Christmas party. That's the only time I've ever seen you in one, but I still look at the pictures when you're gone to help a client." Alec sighed, his face conveying pleasure. "It's a little odd that for some reason you in a sweater gets me hot. You'd think I would want you in no clothes, and I really prefer you that way most of the time, but sweaters on you are just so sexy."

Magnus moaned, leaning down over Alec again and pulling him into a kiss. It was a kiss that was full of passion and lust. "I'm going to fuck you into this mattress," Magnus said as he broke from the kiss to bite at Alec's jaw.

"That too," Alec said, his hands running up and down Magnus' back.

"What?" Magnus said, not really paying attention to Alec's voice anymore.

"I like it when you talk like that to me. Especially when we are- oh God - in p-public and you whisper it in my ear."

Magnus pulled back from a series of hickeys he was trailing down Alec's neck. He pressed his lips against Alec's ear, "Spread your legs, darling, I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk."

Alec moaned so loud that it vibrated through Magnus' chest. His legs fell open, Magnus quickly finding his spot between them. Magnus wasted no time, snapping a bottle of lubrication into his hand. He spread the gel like liquid onto his fingers, teasing Alec's entrance for a moment before sliding his middle finger into him. Alec's moaning returned, his hands holding onto Magnus' shoulders. Magnus began kissing his neck again, letting his teeth drag from behind his ear down to his collarbone. He inserted his ring finger, scissoring Alec in a way that made the boy bite his lip and drop his hips against the digits. His breathing was already rapid and erratic.

"Oh, God, Alexander, you get me so hard," Magnus said, trying to talk dirty to Alec. It had been a long while since he had been with someone who like to be talked to like that.

Alec moaned again, his hands going behind Magnus' neck, pulling him down for a sloppy kiss as Magnus slid in his index finger. He reached as far as he could, stroking Alec's prostate.

Alec's head slammed back against the pillows as his hips moved wantonly against Magnus' fingers. "M-Magnus," he moaned, his eye shut tight in pleasure.

"Yes, darling?" Magnus said, enjoying Alec's moans.

Alec was flushed, from the alcohol, the sex, and his own embarrasement even in his drunken state. "I-I want you inside me. Please," Alec begged, his eyes opening and staring up at his fiancee with lust.

Magnus removed his fingers, snapping an already lubricated condom on. He grabbed the inside of Alec's thighs, spreading his legs a little more. He positioned himself, teasing Alec briefly before finally pushing in. Alec screamed in both pleasure and pain, though is was more pleasant than hurt. The heat was incredible, and it made him bite into Alec's neck while he waited for Alec to get adjusted.

"Please move," Alec said, his hands moving to hold onto Magnus' hips and move him. Magnus followed his command, pressing himself in and out of Alec's heat. His lips connected with Alec's again, the kiss sloppy. Magnus grabbed the backs of Alec's knees, pushing them towards his chest. Alec whimpered at the change of position, his neck arching and his chest rising off the bed. Magnus' pace quickened and he bit down on Alec's lip, making him gasp.

"Magnus," the bend in Alec's knee being hooked over Magnus' shoulders. He had slowed his pace at this, being more gentle. They had never tried this position before, but Alec seemed to be enjoying it. "Ugh," he groaned, his hands moving to grip the sheets.

Magnus' hips were grinding into Alec painfully slow, "Tell me what you want," Magnus demanded into Alec's ear.

Alec was getting frustrated, "Bite my neck and fuck me harder," he said, sighing in relief when Magnus obeyed him. Magnus' hands grasped Alec's shoulders to keep him still, his nails digging into the skin as he felt tension in his stomach increasing. His teeth moved to the other side of Alec's neck, biting, sucking, and tugging on the skin there. As he leaned further down, Magnus thanked every shadowhunter training class that Alec was this flexible.

Magnus could feel his climax building up, so he tried to bring Alec just as close. He lifted off of Alec, going up on his knees to get better leverage. Alec's legs, still bent at the knee, fell off of Magnus' shoulder back onto the bed. Magnus' hand came up to grasp Alec's cock, giving him long over due friction. He shifted just a little more, hitting his prostate causing him to scream.

"Holy fuck!" Alec screamed, biting down on his lip afterward, causing it to bleed. Magnus leaned down to kiss away the blood as Alec was dangerously close. He rested his forehead against Alec's and drug his nails down his side all the way to his ass, staring him in the eyes the whole time. Alec's eyes rolled back and he gasped as he came, more than usual, all over his chest. His body spasmed around Magnus, making his orgasm come immediately after. He dug his nails into Alec and bit down harshly on his neck while he thrust into him a final time, lingering a moment before pulling out.

"That was amazing," Alec said, his chest heaving from his overstimulation. His eyes were halfway closed, still hazy.

"Yeah," Magnus said, rolling over so that he was flat on his back next to Alec. He snapped away the condom and the mess on Alec's chest. Magnus heard Alec's soft intake of breath from the surprise of his magic. "It's too bad you won't remember it in the morning," he said, kissing Alec on the cheek.

The younger boy looked confused, "What?"

"Nevermind, darling, let's get some sleep. I have a lot of planning to do."

(Line Break)

Hello! Tell me what you think! This is a two shot, and the next chapter is Magnus using all of his new information to give Alec exactly what he needs! It will be in Alec's POV, so review to make me write it faster! :)