Pre-script: This was co-written with the ridiculously talented Zenthisoror whose wit far surpasses mine (and you all should go read her stories). Also, thanks to Athrna who took the time to give me her honest opinions, and to NittyGritty who gave me valuable advice on how to structure the poem.


Fox, Hawk and Flower





Little fox, bitter, alone

No one waits for you at home.

But still, you wear a hollow grin

Do you think sadness a sin?


Little hawk, once bright and kind

'Til blooded streets then paved your mind.

Your family killed, your heart betrayed

A hate like yours will never fade.


Little flower, sweet and shy

Why do you so need to hide?

Your forehead covered, your hair grown

Just what is it that can't be shown?


Little fox and hawk and flower

Some day soon you'll take your power.

But your minds are clouded yet

Just don't do something you'll regret.


Strong young fox, it's been a while

And still you wear that same old smile.

Unlike before, this time it's real

A mask no more for what you feel.


Dear young flower, you have grown

You've worked so hard and it has shown.

A refined medic you've been made

Blooming woman, eyes of jade.


Angry young hawk, how far you fell

Straight into your own self-made hell.

Every day you train, and train

Trudging right through your searing pain.


Oh young fox, flower and hawk

Soon chaos will run amok.

You'll be right there and you will see

How terrible a war can be.


Brave young fox, now you're a sage

You've forged through fear and conquered rage.

But now a new threat is in sight;

Train hard, young fox. We'll need your might.


Sad young hawk, the truth is harsh

All that you knew was just a farce.

The Leaf used a scapegoat that day

And for that crime they all will pay.


Bright young flower, please be strong

For evil sings its wicked song.

A web of lies they try to weave

A world too perfect: don't believe.


Battle-scarred hawk, fox and flower

You stand firm as armies cower.

But beware, for demons rise

Chakra behemoths, monstrous size.


Golden fox, don't fight alone

Don't tire yourself with all your clones.

Your friends are true, your bonds are strong

Hold fast and you will do no wrong.


Soaring hawk, you've met the dead

Chosen the path that you will tread.

Have you come home? No, not quite

But still you're here to stand and fight.


Blossomed flower, hair so pink

No time to stop, no time to think.

So much bloodshed, so much pain

These men's fate your hands ordain.


Fighting fox and hawk and flower

Save us in our darkest hour.

The moon is lost, the Queen reborn

Tonight, you fight for freedom's dawn.





Post-script: I have been obsessed with poetry lately. Many thanks to my friends in the Awesome Author's Coalition who have indulged me.

Anyway, as you could probably tell, this poem details Team Seven's growth. What were your thoughts? Liked it? Hated it?

And don't forget to check out Zenthisoror's stories!