Panda: Hey, we're back! Sorry for the wait, but it just took sooooo long for inspiration to come ...

Krazy Kitty: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fiona_da_fox: KayKay, I don't think that you can wish a Merry Christmas EVE. I think you only wish a Merry Christmas.

Krazy Kitty: Oh well. Have a nice Christmas, I suppose.

Panda & Fiona_da_fox: DITTO!!

The dazed starling opened his weary eyes and gazed about. His vision was momentarily blurred, so he could only make out the outlines of the moving figures.

"Where am I?" he thought wearily. The last thing he could recall was a bony hand with a…golden ring reaching towards him. He tried to work all this out a little more, but his poor head was beginning to ache from thinking, so he lay still and pretended to still be conked out. It was a smart thing to do, the starling realized. Whenever you wake up in a place you don't know, just "stay asleep" for a while longer and take in as much information as possible. This is exactly what he did.

"Master," squeaked a strange voice, "Those odd-looking creatures are headed our way."

"Already?" boomed another. "Then we must do all we can to ... dispose ... of them."

There was a short pause before the other spoke again, but when it did speak, goose bumps broke over the starling's body. It said: "Shall I bring back their heads?"

"Do what you want."

Slightly curious, and shaking in fear, the terrified starling lifted his head ever so slightly and TRIED to chirp a hello.


He almost jumped with shock. Instead of chirping or squawking like a normal bird, he had just spoken English! How could this have happened?! He was a mere bird! Just a starling!

Everyone turned and stared at him like he was some sort of alien. The bird's vision cleared up just then--But he wished it hadn't.

He was in an iron cage in the middle of a vast, wooden chamber. Surrounding him was a band of demon-like birds. Their feathers were jet-black and their eyes were the colour of blood. Dim candles cast a sinister shadow over everything, intensifying the already-deadly scene. Darkness pulsed from this place, giving off a feeling of doom and chaos.

The horrified bird backed away and cowered in the corner of his cage, but the demons only closed in on him more. Then, his prison doors swung open and he was dragged out by his tail-feathers. He was then thrust at the talons of a dark falcon.

"Darling, what is your name?" she drawled bitter-sweetly. She seemed to be the leader of this clan. Battle-scars riddled her figure; she was blind in one eye.

"S-Shriek," croaked the starling.

"My feet ache horribly," complained Tris.

"Oh, be quiet," snapped Daja. "We're nearly there."

"NEARLY WHERE?!" Tris cried.

Daja fell silent at her friend's last remark. She was right. When they mysteriously arrived about two or three hours ago, Evvy suggested that they move to a safer spot. But where would that spot be?



"Is everyone alright?" asked Sandry.

"Of course not!" grumbled Tris. "It's like we just fell from the sky!"

Daja and the others looked around in complete astonishment. They were in a glamorous flowery meadow. The suns—Yes, there were two suns—shone brightly overhead, warming them physically and even mentally. To the far north were dozens of snowy mountain-peaks. To the east and the west, they could see lush green forests. And in the south, a treacherous ocean churned angrily. They were heading southwest, because that direction gave off a safe, friendly feeling.

"Are we there yet?" That was Evvy.

"Not yet," replied Briar.

"Are we there yeeeeeeeeeeeet?" Evvy again.

"Nope," said a distracted Briar, who was stealing glances at Sandry.

"How 'bout now? Are we there NOW?"

"How 'bout you shut up? This was your idea. Why don't you ask the rocks (or something) where we should be going?"

"...Pahan Briar?"


"We're there?"

"Talk to the rocks."

Evvumeimei stared suspiciously at Briar, who went back to glancing at Sandry. Neither of them said anything for a while, until Evvy broke the silence with:

"Are we there YET?!?!?!"


As Tris' wool skirt snagged another bramble, Daja thanked the Gods again for her breeches.

"Oh, this hideous rag!" screeched Trisana.

With a flick of a finger, Sandry fixed the dress so that it was up to Tris' knees, which was a great relief to EVERYONE.

After another long period of walking aimlessly, Pasco spotted a pond up ahead.

"Oh, good. It was about time I aired out my toesies," said Evvy.

Everyone grimaced at this comment.

Pasco sighed. His feet tingled irritatingly. He needed to dance.

His eyes shifted casually to Evvy. Besides Lady Sandry, Evvumeimei was the most mysterious and stunning girl he had ever seen.

She'd make a wonderful dancing partner, thought Pasco Acalon dreamily, but was too bashful to ask her to, half-fearing she'd hurl a rock at him or something.

Exhausted, Pasco collapsed by the pond. He was glad they got transported here and not Yazmin's dance-studio or anywhere like that. It was like taking a break from reality. It felt goooood.

He leaned his head back lazily, only to sit back up quickly when he felt something warm and soft touch his neck. He whirled around to lock eyes with and amused Evvy. He had just lain on Evvy's lap!

"I-I'm so sorry!" he gasped frantically. He turned magenta when Evvy winked slyly at him. He stared at her intently, ignoring what she said in return. His eyes were still on her when she got up and walked away.

"Oh, boy!" Pasco groaned, and dunked his head into the water.

Niko, Rosethorn, Lark, Frostpine, and Little Bear were back at Discipline Cottage, oblivious of what was happening to Sandry, Daja, Tris, Briar, Pasco and Evvy.

"Where could they be?!" cried Niko.

"I can't believe it…" mumbled Frostpine.


A blinding light filled the room…and they were gone.

Niko tried to recover from the shock as Lark, Rosethorn, and Frostpine ran in to investigate.

"Where are the children?!" demanded Rosethorn.

Then for the next hour, Niko explained to the other three as they all tried to draw conclusions from this mess.

"This has never happened before," speculated Lark. "Six young mages don't—can't—just disappear before our very eyes!"

"Well, Dedicate, as you can see, they just have!" spat Frostpine.

"Niko! We trusted you with them, and look what happened! They are dead, for all we know!" cried a panicked Rosethorn.

While the four continued to bicker like anxious mothers, Little Bear crept off, wanting to do a little bit of investigating of his own. He scampered into the living room and spied a dish of water. Little Bear rushed to it and peered into its depths. He wasn't sure, but a vision of Tris flickered onto the surface of the water. Little Bear reeled back in surprise, but then looked closer.

Suddenly, the water shot up and dragged him in.

In the distance just then, if you truly listened for it, you could hear a faint, eerie cackling…

Krazy Kitty: Cackling, eh? Not bad for 'no inspiration', Pandy.

Panda: Pandy????

Krazy Kitty: Yep. New nicky for ya.

Panda: *rolls eyes* Ohhhh, NOW I get it ...

Fiona_da_fox: And now, to completely ignore those wierdos, its time for the ...

THANK YOU'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayden's Super Hobbit: Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!! You reviewed!! ... Again!! Umm, wut're cheezits?

Lady Sandrilene: Ahh, now we understand! Or, as KayKay's dad says, "Now we unkterstaaaaaaaaand!!!" anyways, that only came up 'coz it was his birthday yesterday--or as he dubbed it: his beat-day! Sorry, and it will be s/b .... most definitely NOT t/b ... *shudders*

Sujitaka: Ex-ca-uuuuse eh-moi, but we are most definitely girlz, thankyouverymuch. Thanks so, so, so, so, so much for your wonderful reviews! We'll think about the panicky thing ... probly next chappie!

Storm Mage: We agree, all the way! And we're glad the antics cracked you up ... review again please!

Melz: It will definitely be s/b. Can't even think of anything else.

Kristen: Why thank you! We most certainly will!

Kitty: We did, we did! And you say it N-M-ALL-DAY. Interesting, eh?

Twist: KayKay totally agrees with you, as you could tell from the other chapter. Thanks!

Meliara-Countess-Of-Tlant: We totally think you're right!

Hollie: .... OMG. Know what? We think that it was your reviews that 'inspired' Panda. Good going!